Disposable infusion pumps make wide application of postpartum epidural analgesia real (5 year experience)

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Results of 247 observations of postoperative epidural analgesia in oncoproctology and liver and pancreas oncosurgery departments are presented. All patients received continuous thoracic epidural ropivacaine 2 mg/ml, fentanyl 2 μg/ml and adrenalin 2 μg/ml from the beginning of the operation and during 3-4 days postoperative period. Results of the investigation showed that continuous three-component thoracic epidural analgesia provides effective pain relief after major traumatic operations. In addition, this method promotes early activation of intestinal peristalsis

About the authors

E. S. Gorobets

The Russian oncological scientific center of a name of Blohin N. N. of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

R. V. Garjaev

The Russian oncological scientific center of a name of Blohin N. N. of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

A. R. Sheen

The Russian oncological scientific center of a name of Blohin N. N. of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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