Central hemodynamics and autonomic nervous system functions during spinal anesthesia in younger children

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Comparative assessment of central hemodynamics and autonomic functions was conducted in two groups of younger children undergoing surgical treatment of talipes under spinal anesthesia combined with sedation by midazolam (one group) and under general anesthesia with halothane and fentanyl (other group). Significant differences between the two groups in terms of central hemodynamics parameters and autonomic functions were found. The results of our work suggest that combined spinal anesthesia is a method of choice for surgical treatment of congenital foot abnormalities as it produces effective nociceptive block.

About the authors

E. V. Devaykin

Ural State Medical Academy; Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital №1, Yekaterinburg

A. I. Svalov

Ural State Medical Academy; Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital №1, Yekaterinburg


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