


Aim. The objective of the present work was to describe the surgical strategy used for the correction of congenital cataract in the children presenting with the anomalies in the posterior capsule of the lens making possible intracapsular implantation of the IOL. Material and methods. The analysis of the surgical strategy for the removal of congenital cataract in the children presenting with the anomalies in the posterior capsule of the lens was performed based on the results of objective examination of its clinical and anatomical features in 40 patients (71 eyes) with the use of biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, and ultrasound study. Results. The intact transparent posterior capsule of the lens was found in 28% of the examined children while 72% of them exhibited changes in the capsule in the form of thinning (33%), lenticone (25%), fibrous degeneration with the presence of calcificates (14%). The choice of the differential surgical treatment of the above anomalies was made on an individual basis. Implantation into the capsular bag proved successful in 81% of all the cases and into the ciliary furrow in 15%. Implantation of IOL was found impossible in $% of the patients. Due to a major defect of the capsular bag. Conclusion. The surgical treatment of congenital cataract with concomitant changes in the shape and transparency of the posterior capsule of the lens requires a differential approach in order to carry out intracapsular implantation of IOL even in the case of manifest posterior lenticone and avoid the development of intra- and postoperative complications.


Lola Babadzhanova

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan

associate professor, Departjment of Ophthalmology, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100140, Republic of Uzbekistan Tashkent, 100140, Republic of Uzbekistan

D. Turakulova

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, 100140, Republic of Uzbekistan

A. Kariev

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, 100140, Republic of Uzbekistan

A. Berdaliev

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, 100140, Republic of Uzbekistan


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