The specific clinical features of the changes in the organ of sight of the children presenting with the perinatal lesion of the central nervous system




The results of the study of 50 patients at the age varying from 10 days to 8 years presenting with perinatal pathology of the central nervous system are presented. All the patients underwent ophthalmological, clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examinations with the participation of the highly specialized doctors. The clinical peculiarities of the following conditions in the organ of sight associated with perinatal pathology of the central nervous system were investigated: glaucoma in 17 (34%) children, cataract in 15 (30%) children, optic disk atrophy in 8 (16%) children, pathology of the accessory visual structures (primary strabismus) in 4 (8%) children, hypoplasia of the optic disk in 3 (6%) children, and retinal angiopathy in 3 (6%) children. Moreover, nystagmus and secondary strabismus were diagnosed in 11 (22%) children in combination with some of the aforementioned conditions. The analysis of the results of neurosonography (NSG) revealed hypoxic-ischemic disorders with the enhanced pulsation in the cerebral blood vessels and dilatation of the ventricles in 10 (72%) children presenting with congenital glaucoma, in 3 (21%) children with congenital cataract, and in 1 (7%) patient with nasolacrimal canal stenosis. The electroencephalographic study has demonstrated the hyperactivity of the subcortical brain structures in 6 (12%) children with pathology of the fundus of the eye and strabismus associated with juvenile cerebral palsy and the consequences of the birth trauma. The following perinatal risk factors of the development of the above ophthalmological pathologies were identified: iron deficiency anemia in 23 (46%) cases, early toxicosis of pregnancy in 17 (34%) cases, and acute respiratory infections in 13 (26%) cases.


Lola Khamraeva

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

100140 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

E. Usmanova

Republican Perinatal Centre

100140 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

L. Bobokha

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

100140 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan


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