The strategy of an ophthalmologist choosing the combined treatment modality for the management of habitual accommodation overstrain based on the analysis of the dynamic colour perception




The analysis of colour perception is one of the most informative functional tests for the evaluation of the quality of the treatment. It has demonstrated the improvement of the general clinical and ophthalmological characteristics as well as colour perception in 36 patients of the clinical group 1A. The improvement of the general clinical characteristics after the combined treatment was documented in 32 patients comprising the clinical group 1B. However, the results of the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue (FM-100) test suggest the impairment of colour vision in the latter group, probably due to the application of colour light stimulation in the patients making up this group. Our studies show that the use of colour- and photostimulation may adversely affect the binocular accommodation response and the habitual accommodation tone which exerts the negative effect on dynamics of colour perception as a result of habitual accommodation overstrain. To-day, the problem of refractive errors is at the forefront of pediatric ophthalmology. However, it is not always possible to adequately estimate the functional reserves of the visual analyzer in such patients. The functional tests based on self-analysis, such as FM-100, make it possible to follow up dynamics of the loss of the functional reserves of the retina and the optic nerve associated with different forms of refraction abnormalities and thereby to forecast the possible loss of the visual functions.


Mariya Kovalevskaya

N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health

394000 Voronezh, Russia

E. Bogatyreva

N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy, Russian Ministry of Health; City Polyclinic No 11; MEDINVEST Centre of Clinical Ophthalmology Ltd

City Polyclinic No 11, The Centre for Eyesight Protection in Children 394000 Voronezh, Russia


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