


Features of tactics of maintaining children with a rare ophthalmopathology - posterior lenticonus (PL) are presented. Clinical picture PL depends on a stage of its development. Options of a clinical course of this pathology are shown. The cataract surgery in the presence of PL has certain difficulties. Features of surgical tactics are considered. It is revealed that functional results at children with an artiphakia, operated concerning PL, above, than at children with an aphakia. Need of careful preoperative inspection that allows to define the correct tactics of carrying out operation, to reduce risk of operational complications, to provide the most optimum intrakapsul-yarny fixing of IOL is shown.


L. Zubareva

State budgetary healthcare facility «Clinical hospital of Russian Federation President Administration»

A. Ovchinnikova

State budgetary healthcare facility «Morozovsky Child Hospital», Moscow Health Department


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