


The objective of this study was to estimate the diagnostic potential of the highly informative and objective method for visualizing and obtaining images of the structures of the anterior chamber of the eye with the use of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) for the detection of morphological changes in eyes of 47 children with various forms of congenital corneal opacities. Proposed method allowed to examine children of different ages even under anesthesia. Results of the study provided the objective UBM criteria for anatomical changes in eyes associated with congenital corneal opacities and thereby made it possible to determine the extent of the necessary surgical intervention, estimate the degree of risk of the development of glaucoma and choose adequate postoperative therapy.


A. Pleskova

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

L. Katargina

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

E. Mazanova

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


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