Immune response mediators role and lacrimal fluid coagulation activity in allergic eye diseases in children




This review presents the study of immunological factors level, hematological indices, as well as fibrinogen and coagulation activity in the lacrimal fluid of 76 children with allergic eye diseases. In 34 children pathology associated with allergic disease changes, in 42 children - with infectious changes. Sensibilization index and IgE elevation in the setting of C - reactive protein level lowering in the lacrimal fluid were the differential ethiopatho-genetic characteristics in children with allergic changes. Whereas allergic eye diseases of delayed skin reaction with leukocyte index of intoxication and C - reactive protein elevation revealed in children with infectious changes. The analysis of lacrimal fluid coagulation activity factors and fibrinogen concentration in children with allergic eye diseases indicates retina and choroid blood vessels disorders.


Z. Nazirova

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan


A. Khadzhimetov

Tashkent Medical Academy, the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan

D. Turakulova

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan


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