Method of non-invasive treatment for terminal glaucoma in children with congenital aniridia and buphthalmos




A new method of non-invasive palliative treatment in terminal glaucoma stages in children taking into account the peculiarities of the eyes with congenital aniridia and buphthalmos (patent of the Russian Federation for invention ь2220691) was suggested. The method constitutes a diode laser trans-scleral cyclocoagulation (device OcuLight SLx; infrared spectrum, 810 ?m) with circulatory applications made at the ciliary body projection zone determined by means of diaphanoscopy except the zones of staphylomas and preceding surgery. Laser power mode depended on thickness of the sclera and the adherent tunics in the zone of future impact determined by ultrasonic B-scanning. Hypotensive effect was obtained in 84.6% of operations and remained in the long-term periods (3.9+0.4 years) in 61.5% of cases. The application of the aforesaid method allowed salvaging the eye as an organ without eyeball lancing with good cosmetic effect, at that in 84.6% of cases without anesthesia.


A Khvatova

ФГУ "Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца" Росмедтехнологий

д-р мед. наук, проф. отд. патологии глаз у детей; ФГУ "Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца" Росмедтехнологий

M Kodzov

ФГУ "Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца" Росмедтехнологий

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. отд. ультразвука; ФГУ "Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца" Росмедтехнологий

Dmitriy Arestov

ФГУ "Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца" Росмедтехнологий

вед. спец., и. о. рук. отд. оргработы и информационного обеспечения. Тел./факс: 623-73-53; ФГУ "Московский НИИ глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца" Росмедтехнологий

A Khvatova

M Kodzov

D Arestov


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