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Purpose. To determine the indications for eye prosthetics in subatrophy and a comparative assessment of its results with anophthalmos after enucleation and evisceration. Material and methods. The article deals with the idea of the possibility of increasing cosmetic indicators when using ocular prosthetics and contact lenses after severe trauma and subatrophy. Results. The results of ocular prothetics in post-traumatic subatrophy (with 210 patients taking part in the experiment) are presented; prescriptions for applying such methods of rehabilitation are given. It was proved that the use of an eye prosthesis without following strict rules and medical prescriptions in the period of post-traumatic pathology could lead to an aggravation of uveitis, progression of the process, worsening of its prognosis and outcome. A comparative characterization of two groups of patients was carried out to estimate the cosmetic parameters of prosthetics: I - anophthalmos (150 cases) after enucleation with the formation of a musculoskeletal stump by orbital implants (carbotextim or polytetrafluoroethylene); II - anophthalmos (200 cases) after evisceration with resection of the posterior pole, nevrectomy and plastic stump with the same implants. Summary. During the evisceration the achieved results were close to the main experimental group when instrumental and subjective indicators were estimated. This fact gives proof to the fact that this surgical procedure is far more efficient in comparison with enucleation.

About the authors

I. A Filatova

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Email: filatova13@yandex.ru
The chief of a department of plastic surgery and eye prosthetic repair. The Helmholtz Moscow research Institute of Eye Diseases Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

E. N Verigo

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

I. M Mohammad

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

V. O Denisjuk

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation


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