Integration of Education

ISSN (print): 1991-9468ISSN (online): 2308-1058

Founder: National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University

Editor-in-Chief: Dmitriy E. Glushko, Cand.Sci. (Ped.)

Frequency / Access: 4 issues per year / Open

Included in: White list (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission List, RISC, Scopus

Integration of Education – a peer-reviewed open-access scholarly journal. The journal Integration of Education publishes original scientific articles (Full Articles) in Russian and English, previously not published in other editions. The aim of the journal is an objective presentation of results of original scientific research of current leading tendencies of educational processes, analysis of pedagogical, psychological and sociological problems of education development in Russia and the international scientific community.

The journal’s mission is to maintain and develop a unified research space in the field of education integration, as well as to foster interuniversity cooperation of academic staff.

The journal is addressed to researchers, analysts and practitioners in the field of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of education, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in the problems of integrating education in modern society.

The Editorial Board reviews (double-blind review) all incoming papers. The manuscript of the article is sent for review to several leading specialists of the corresponding profile, who have scientific specialization closest to the subject of the article, to evaluate the scientific content.

The Editorial Board follows the principle of zero tolerance to plagiarism. Plagiarism сhecking is carried out by using Anti-Plagiarism and iThenticate software.

The journal adheres to editorial ethics standards following international practice of editing, reviewing, publishing and authorship of scientific publications and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The journal is distributed in Russia and other countries of the world.

The journal offers direct open access to full-text issues based on the following principle: open access to research results contributes to the increase of global knowledge sharing.

The Journal is included in the List of peer reviewed scientific journals published by the Higher Attestation Commission in which major research results from the dissertations of Candidates of Sciences (Cand.Sci.) and Doctor of Science (Dr.Sci.) degrees are to be published. Scientific specialties of dissertations and their respective branches of science are as follows:

  • Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences),
  • Social structure, social institutions and processes (sociological sciences),
  • Sociology of culture (sociological sciences),
  • Sociology of management (sociological sciences),
  • General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences),
  • Theory and methods of training and education (by fields and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences),
  • Correctional pedagogy (surdopedagogy and typopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy) (pedagogical sciences),
  • Methodology and technology of professional education (pedagogical sciences).

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