Vol 26, No 3 (2024)

System analysis, management and information processing

Prediction the yield of green crops based on monitoring morphometric parameters using machine vision and neural networks

Astapova M.A., Uzdiaev M.Y., Kondratyev V.M.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision tools play an important role in automatically determining plant growth stages. The study aims to analyze modern technologies for automatic analysis and measurement of plant characteristics such as height, leaf area and other morphometric parameters. This article discusses the use of computer vision and neural networks for monitoring morphometric parameters and predicting the yield of green crops. An algorithm has been developed for determining the growth stage, which collects data about plants using a multispectral camera and then analyzes the obtained information using neural networks. Training for growth stage classification was performed on a subsample of the original dataset, consisting of 273 randomly selected images maintaining class balance (91 images in each class). The training sample size for each class is 45 images, and the test sample size is 46 images for each class. Classification of growth stage showed high results: more than 95% of correctly recognized specimens; more than 93% correct recognition of individual growth stages. In terms of individual metrics (Precision, Recall, F1-score), the ResNet34 architecture performed best.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):11-20
pages 11-20 views

Development of a short bilingual translation service based on a distributed annotated information processing system

Krai K.F., Enes A.Z.


The development of a service for short bilingual translations is an urgent task of the creation of automatic text translation systems for medium and small languages, for which there are no annotated databases necessary for training. As part of this work, a system is being implemented for automatically translating short texts from one language to another, the feature of which is the use of a distributed architecture for collecting, processing, storing and using information provided by system users based on the original motivation model, which allows you to significantly increase the speed of creating a training sample and the quality of translation processing.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):21-31
pages 21-31 views

Automation and control of technological processes and productions

Automatic calibration of the laser-scanner system using an external camera

Shmelev Y.D.


In Selective Laser Melting (SLM) technology a high-energy laser deposits metal powder layer-by-layer onto a building platform. High geometric accuracy in SLP is critical to producing high-quality parts. Modern calibration methods require significant manual labor, major equipment modification, or the use of expensive auxiliary equipment. This paper presents a new technique for calibrating galvanometer mirrors for SLP technology using an external camera. The proposed approach allows to simplify, cheapen and automate the calibration process.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):32-41
pages 32-41 views

Effectiveness of the “Architecture as code” approach in management of IT-architecture of an enterprise

Shmonin M.A.


The need for enterprise architecture increases as business scales, and with the current interest in ecosystems, it is one of the most in-demand issues for study. The article provides a comparative analysis of existing approaches to management of IT-architecture of an enterprise. As a result of the study, several problems specific for the approaches under consideration were synthesized, one of which is the isolation of the IT-architecture from the corporate one. As part of the goal of mitigating the identified risks, the author proposes to use an innovative “Architecture as a Code” approach, which is devoid of identified vulnerabilities. The article pays special attention to exploring the capabilities of this principle, and how it makes the process of managing IT architecture more efficient. The author has developed a set of criteria that clearly define the “Architecture as a Code” approach. For this purpose, a study of the “Diagram as a Code” concept was conducted, which showed the fundamental difference between the concepts. The features of virtualization and reuse of program code, which are the fundamental principles of the approach, were studied in detail. Based on the principles and criteria, the author formulated and classified the requirements for the successful integration of a new process into the organizational structure of the enterprise.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):42-54
pages 42-54 views

Informatics and information processes

Development of a student employment forecasting service

Bzhikhatlov K.C., Mutlu A.D., Mangusheva L.S.


The article presents the architecture and software implementation of a service for collecting data and predicting student employment based on a fully connected neural network using the example of graduates of Kabardino-Balkarian State University in areas related to information technology. The service operates as a website and allows to collect, store and analyse data on academic performance, activity, employment and learning conditions of graduates. The presented neural network model predicts the main parameters associated with employment based on the results of a student survey, including the expected level of remuneration, job search time and employee workload. At the same time, the set of input parameters used makes it possible to take into account not only data on academic performance, but also demographic indicators and conditions in the region of the student’s studies. Forecasting employment conditions can be used not only to select the direction of training for applicants and build educational trajectories for students, but also to plan changes to the university curriculum. The work provides the structure of the site, the architecture of the neural network and a description of the software implementation of the service.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):55-67
pages 55-67 views

The concept of an intelligent system for modeling economic development of the region

Bliev I.A., Bzhikhatlov K.C.


The study is devoted to the concept of an intelligent system for modeling the economic development of a region, and especially to the interaction of individual economic agents with each other. The article presents the structure of an intelligent modeling system and the architecture of multi-agent models of economic agents. The result of the research is planned to be methods and algorithms for an intelligent decision support system for managing regional innovative development. The overall goal of the project is to create a complex system that facilitates the strategies development and the activities implementation aimed at enhancing and effectively managing of innovation in the regional context.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):68-81
pages 68-81 views

A review of food allergy and information systems for menu analysis as a tool for food allergen control

Korshikov S.V.


The article presents a brief review of publication activity on food allergy and information systems in the organization of a balanced and safe diet, using food allergy as an example. The study was conducted on the materials in the databases “eLIBRARY”, “PubMED” with the use of “Bibliometrix” and programming language R. The distribution of publications and a review of scientific achievements in the field of food allergies are provided. Measurement and comparison are used as empirical research methods. For a more detailed technological analysis of food allergens in menus, a methodology based on the dose-effect relationship is proposed.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):82-91
pages 82-91 views

Information support of data processing operations of Internet of things devices in automated information eco-monitoring system

Smirnov N.N., Kuznetsov A.S.


This scientific article examines in detail the main approaches to creating an information description of the processing operations and intelligent analysis of data obtained from digital sensors – Internet of things devices in an automated environmental monitoring information system. A brief classification of data mining is given. A general description of the data obtained from Internet of things devices in an automated environmental monitoring information system is given. Based on structural analysis and a systematic approach, a formalized description of data processing operations in the environmental monitoring information system has been created. Based on the methodological principles of the structural description of systems, an analysis of information flows in an automated environmental monitoring system was carried out. A generalized visual information model of the process of environmental monitoring has been constructed. A functional decomposition of the generalized model has been carried out, and the constituent subprocesses have been identified. Based on the IDEF0 functional modeling methodology, visual functional models of data processing and analysis processes in an automated environmental monitoring information system were built in the form of structured diagrams necessary for detailing all stages and operations. During the decomposition, five functional blocks were identified. The development of information support for data processing and analysis processes in automated information systems for environmental monitoring was carried out using the example of processing data received from an Internet of things devices.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):92-102
pages 92-102 views

General farming and crop production

Correlation between economically useful traits in sugar corn lines

Sotchenko E.F., Konareva E.A.


To create highly productive corn hybrids, it is necessary to have high-quality linear material of inbred lines, which must have a number of economically useful traits, as well as be adapted to agroclimatic conditions. This article presents the result of a study of economically useful traits of sweet corn lines and their interrelationship, as well as the influence of weather conditions on the formation of these traits for the period from 2020 to 2022 research. All selected lines are presented from the available material in the collection of the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Corn, which is located in the Foothill zone of the Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk. The object of the research was 10 lines of sweet corn created by breeders of our institute. The study revealed a direct correlation between such economically useful traits as plant height and height of attachment of the cob (r = 0.92), the number of days before flowering of the cob and plant height (r = 0.99), the weight of 1000 seeds and the number rows (r = 0.78), and other characteristics that are in direct relationship with each other, as well as economically useful characteristics that do not bear any relationship between variations, for example: the duration of the germination period – flowering of the cob and the length of the cob (r = –0.68), grain weight per cob and weight of 1000 grains (r = –0.63), grain weight per cob and plant height (r = –0.80), etc. Based on the research results, recommendations for practical selection are given, which will be useful for creating new generation hybrids.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):103-111
pages 103-111 views

Regional and sectoral economics

Domestic and foreign experience of agro-industrial integration

Mazloev V.Z., Bideeva E.V.


The article examines issues of integration processes that have affected virtually all areas of agricultural business. Foreign and domestic experience confirms that large food companies achieve increased production efficiency and high competitiveness. Along with the fact that they hold the product market, they also have the opportunity to motivate producers of raw materials, using various areas of integration and cooperation. The history of integration processes development both in Russia and abroad confirms their effectiveness by combining all the resources of the integrating structures, while maintaining legal independence. An analysis of the development of integration processes in Russia has revealed the high efficiency and effectiveness of the integration of various forms and types of agro-industrial formations. The conducted research made it possible to substantiate the need for further development and intensification of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex, allowing to unite various forms and types of economic entities, and to form a powerful potential for the further breakthrough development of the country’s agro-industrial complex in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):112-126
pages 112-126 views

Historical Sciences

Reports of the head of the Terek region as sources for studying issues of providing the population of the Nalchik district with food in 1889-1905

Anishchenko E.A.


The article examines the most comprehensive reports of the head of the Terek region as historical sources for the study of various aspects of the socio-economic life of both the region and the Nalchik district that is part of it. The annual reports of the head of the region from 1889 to 1905 were analyzed, namely the period when Small Kabarda was not part of the Nalchik district. The structure and content of reports, as well as their dynamics, have been studied in detail. It is concluded that the information presented in the reports of the head of the region allows not only to substantively study the issues of organizing a food supply system for residents of the Nalchik district.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):127-134
pages 127-134 views

Traditional institutions of regulation of land and some property relations among the balkarian population of the Nalchik district in the last third of the XIX – early XX century: a historiographical review

Baichekueva A.Z.


The article offers a historiographical overview of the functioning of “begenda” and “ortak” as traditional institutions for regulating land and some property relations among the Balkarian population of the Nalchik district in the last third of the XIX – early XX century. The works of G.A. Vertepov, N.P. Tulchinsky, M.K. Abaev, N.M. Reinke, E.N. Studenetskaya, T.H. Kumykov, T.A. Zhekomikhov, M.Ch. Kuchmezova, G.K. Azamatov, E.G. Muratova and some generalizing works on the history and ethnography of the peoples of the Caucasus were considered. It has been established that researchers, when defining the definition of “begend”, identified such general characteristics as: a peculiar form of land relations, extracting profit from the use of a land plot as a security measure for debt obligations (collateral), rent in return for partial or full repayment of interest, retention of ownership by the owner of the mortgaged property, conclusion of an agreement for an indefinite period (before repayment of the debt). For “ortak” it is a form of exploitation of representatives of some social groups by others, identification with the Russian community, receiving part of the profit or offspring for using someone else's land or cattle, etc.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):135-141
pages 135-141 views


Sports terminology of modern the Karachay-Balkar language

Ulakov M.Z., Makhieva L.K.


The article uses the material of dictionaries of the modern Karachay-Balkar language for the first time to study the sports terminological system. It identifies and systematically describes frequently used terms in sports and physical culture, as well as referee words (terms) used by sports judges. At the same time, the problems of their lexicography are recorded. The work draws attention to the main sources of its replenishment and development, and notes changes and terms adaptation. Some sports terms of foreign language origin are systematically identified. When determining borrowed and traced sports lexemes, data from various lexicographic sources were used. The materials and conclusions of this work will contribute to the streamlining and standardization of sports terms and will assist media representatives in preparing information on sports topics. They can also be used in the process of creating translated bilingual dictionaries, and will become the basis for compiling a dictionary and a translating dictionary of sports terms in Karachay-Balkar language, the publication of which has been in need for media workers.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):142-149
pages 142-149 views


Kh.Sh. Tarchokov

Editorial B.
News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(3):150-151
pages 150-151 views

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