The Thermal Stability of 1,4-Dioxane at Sub- and Supercritical Temperatures


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The thermal stability of 1,4-dioxane below and above its critical temperature (300–500°C) and at different fluid densities was studied. It was established that at 300–350°C dioxane is thermally stable during 80–100 min; at higher temperatures during this time, uncontrolled growth of pressure begins in the system due to the thermal cracking of dioxane. The analysis of he liquid and gas phases that remained in the reactor after heat treatment of dioxane showed the presence of a wide range of products.

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Об авторах

T. Skrebets

Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Arkhangelsk

R. Paltser

Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Россия, Arkhangelsk

A. Ivahnov

Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Россия, Arkhangelsk

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018

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