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Том 11, № 3 (2017)


Extracellular vesicles of blood plasma: content, origin, and properties

Panteleev M., Abaeva A., Balandina A., Belyaev A., Nechipurenko D., Obydennyi S., Sveshnikova A., Shibeko A., Ataullakhanov F.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are bilayer membrane fragments that are released by different cell types upon activation or death. The most well studied EVs are those of blood plasma. Two types of EVs are usually distinguished: exosomes (formed by the membranes of intracellular compartments, 50–100 nm in diameter) and ectosomes (also called microparticles or microvesicles, formed from plasma membrane, 100–1000 nm in diameter). The real picture is much more complicated and is still poorly understood. EVs are enriched by various proteins, mRNA and miRNA, and the EV lipid and protein composition can substantially differ from that of the parental cells, from which EV originate. The blood concentration of EVs greatly increases in many diseases and conditions. EVs have a wide spectrum of biological activities, from pro-coagulant to immunomodulating ones. This activity can be physiologically important and is believed to be absolutely important pathophysiologically. In recent studies, EVs are considered to be important not only as objects of basic research, but also as potential biomarkers, drug candidates, drug carriers, or therapeutic targets.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):187-192
pages 187-192 views


Mechanism of pore formation in stearoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine membranes subjected to lateral tension

Akimov S., Aleksandrova V., Galimzyanov T., Bashkirov P., Batishchev O.


Theoretical model of a through pore formation in lipid bilayer membrane under applied lateral tension was developed. In the framework of elastic theory of liquid crystals adapted to lipid membranes, we calculated a continuous trajectory from intact bilayer through a hydrophobic defect to a through pore. It was shown that the major energetic characteristic of membrane stability with respect to the pore formation, i. e., line tension, depends both on the pore radius and on the value of the applied lateral tension. This leads to a non-monotonous dependence of the average waiting time of the pore formation on the lateral tension: at low tensions the waiting time was large, then there was a local minimum, after which the average waiting time was increasing again. For membranes formed from stearoyl oleoyl phosphatidylcholine, the local minimum corresponded to the lateral tension of 7 mN/m; the calculated value of the edge line tension of a large pore was 16.5 pN. These results are consistent with available experimental data.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):193-205
pages 193-205 views

Interaction of amphipathic peptides mediated by elastic membrane deformations

Akimov S., Aleksandrova V., Galimzyanov T., Bashkirov P., Batishchev O.


Amphipathic alpha-helical peptides are perspective antimicrobial drugs. These peptides are partially embedded into the membrane to a shallow depth so that the longitudinal axis of the helix is parallel to the plane of the membrane or deviates from it by a small angle. In the framework of theory of elasticity of liquid crystals, adapted to lipid membranes, we calculated the energy of deformations occurring near the peptides partially embedded into the membrane. The energy of deformations is minimal when two peptides are parallel to each other and stay at a distance of about 5 nm. This configuration is stable with respect to small parallel displacements of the peptides and with respect to small variation of the angle between their axes both in the plane of the membrane and in the perpendicular direction. As a result of deformation the average thickness of the membrane decreases. The distribution of the elastic energy density has a maximum in the middle between the peptides. This region is the most likely place for formation of the through pores in the membrane. Since the equilibrium distance between the peptides is relatively large, it is assumed that the originally appearing pore should be purely lipidic.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):206-216
pages 206-216 views

Detection of DNA molecules in a lipid nanotube channel in the low ion strength conditions

Chekashkina K., Galimzyanov T., Kuzmin P., Akimov S., Romanov S., Pozmogova G., Klinov D., Bashkirov P.


Investigation of the transport phenomena in the nanoscopic channels/pores with the diameter smaller than 100 nm is of utmost importance for various biological, medical, and technical applications. Presently, the main line of development of nanofluidics is creation of biosensors capable of detecting single molecules and manipulating them. Detection of molecules is based on the measurement of electric current through a channel of appropriate size: when the molecule enters the channel, which diameter is comparable with the molecule size, the ion current reduces. In order to improve transport properties of such channels, their walls are often coated with a lipid bilayer, which behaves as two-dimensional liquid and thus is capable of supporting transport phenomena. In the present work, we utilized this property of lipid membranes for the development of a method for detecting and controlling transport of single-stranded DNA through channels formed by membrane cylinders with the luminal radii of 5–7 nm. We have demonstrated that in the conditions of small ion strength, the appearance of a DNA molecule inside such channel is accompanied by an increase of its ion conductivity and can be controlled by the polarity of the applied voltage. The amplitude of the ion current increase allows evaluating the amount of DNA molecules inside the channels. It was also demonstrated that upon adsorption of DNA molecules on the lipid bilayer surface, the membrane cylinder behaves as a voltage-sensitive selective ion channel.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):217-224
pages 217-224 views

Study of adsorption of Influenza virus matrix protein M1 on lipid membranes by the technique of fluorescent probes

Shilova L., Knyazev D., Fedorova N., Shtykova E., Batishchev O.


Matrix protein M1 of Influenza virus, which forms its inner scaffold, is the most abundant amongst viral proteins. Functions of M1 protein are highly diverse, as it has to ensure both the entry of the viral genetic material into the cytoplasm of the infected cell and the assembly of new viral particles for multiplication of infection. In all these processes matrix protein interacts with lipid membranes–either viral external lipid envelope or plasma membrane of a virus-infected cell. However, molecular mechanisms of such interactions are still unclear. In this work, we used the method of fluorescent probes on the example of 1-anilinonaphthalene- 8-sulfonate to determine components of the lipid bilayer required for binding of the M1 protein to the membrane, as well as possible orientations of the protein relative to the lipid membrane. We found that for the adsorption of matrix protein M1 lipid bilayer had to contain phosphatidylserines, while neither phosphatidylethanolamine nor cholesterol promoted protein binding to the membrane. Furthermore, our data suggest that M1 protein binds negatively charged lipid bilayer by positively charged amino acids exhibiting outward anionic sites.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):225-230
pages 225-230 views

Lithocholic acid induces two different calcium-dependent inner membrane permeability systems in liver mitochondria

Dubinin M., Khoroshavina E., Samartsev V.


The effect of the most hydrophobic bile acid–lithocholic–as an inducer of two different Ca2+-dependent inner membrane permeability systems was studied on isolated rat liver mitochondria. It is shown that the addition of lithocholic acid at a concentration of 20 μM to the Ca2+-loaded mitochondria leads to swelling of the organelles, rapid release of Ca2+ from the matrix and almost complete collapse of Δψ. Mitochondrial pore blocker cyclosporin A (CsA) eliminates mitochondrial swelling but has no effect on the process of Ca2+ release and Δψ collapse. In the absence of Ca2+ lithocholic acid causes only a transient decrease of Δψ with subsequent complete recovery. Ruthenium red, inhibitor of mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter, which blocks Ca2+ influx into the matrix, prevents mitochondrial swelling induced by lithocholic acid. At the same time, ruthenium red, which is added before lithocholic acid to the Ca2+-preloaded mitochondria, does not affect the swelling of the organelles but reduces the CsA-insensitive drop in Δψ. It is concluded that lithocholic acid is able to induce two Ca2+-dependent energy dissipation systems in the inner membrane of liver mitochondria: CsA-sensitive mitochondrial pore and CsA-insensitive permeability, which exhibits sensitivity to ruthenium red. It is found that the effect of this bile acid as an inductor of CsA-sensitive mitochondrial pore is not associated with the modulation of Pi effects. It is assumed that CsA-insensitive action of lithocholic acid is associated with the induction of Ca2+ efflux from the matrix in exchange for protons. In this case, the energy-dependent Ca2+ transport in the opposite direction with the participation of mitochondrial calcium uniporter sensitive to ruthenium red leads to the formation of calcium cycle and thereby to energy dissipation.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):231-236
pages 231-236 views

Decrease of mesophyll conductance to CO2 is a possible mechanism of abscisic acid influence on photosynthesis in seedlings of pea and wheat

Sukhov V., Gaspirovich V., Gromova E., Ladeynova M., Sinitsyna Y., Berezina E., Akinchits E., Vodeneev V.


Treatment of plants by phytohormones is a perspective method of regulation of the plant stress resistance and productivity. However, the mechanisms of phytohormone effects on physiological processes require investigations. The aim of this work was the analysis of the influence of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) on photosynthesis in seedlings of pea and wheat, and in particular, an estimation of the involvement of the mesophyll conductance to CO2 in the realization of the ABA effects. A standard system for recording of photosynthetic parameters and a system for intracellular measurements of electrical activity were used in the experiments. It was shown that the effect of exogenous ABA on photosynthesis was most prominent 1 day after spraying of a plant. A detailed analysis of photosynthetic processes showed that ABA decreased photosynthetic assimilation of CO2 and increased cyclic electron flow in plants under study; these processes were interconnected. A decrease of the mesophyll conductance to CO2 was probably a mechanism of the decrease in the photosynthetic assimilation of CO2, because ABA did not significantly influence water conductance of a leaf and parameters of the CO2 fixation in Calvin–Benson cycle. It is likely that the decrease of the mesophyll conductance to CO2 was related with a decrease of the plasma membrane conductance to carbon dioxide. Inactivation of H+-ATP-ase and changes in extracellular pH can be a mechanism of this decrease. A decrease of the metabolic component of the electrical resting potential after the ABA treatment testifies in favor of this possibility.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):237-247
pages 237-247 views

Short Communication

The mechanism of neuroprotection by positive modulation of Ca2+-activated K+ channels of cerebellar neurons in primary culture

Stepanenko Y., Karelina T., Sibarov D., Abushik P., Antonov S.


Here we show that positive modulators (CyPPA and NS309) of Ca2+-activated K+ channels of small (SK) and intermediate (IK) conductances in cerebellar neurons decrease glutamate-evoked Ca2+ entry into neurons independently on the presence of Mg2+ in extracellular media. An analysis of neuronal viability after long-term (240 min) glutamate treatments demonstrated neuroprotective action of CyPPA and NS309. Extracellular Mg2+ did not protect neurons from apoptosis during prolonged treatment with glutamate. Activation of SK and IK channels results in local membrane hyperpolarization, which enhances Mg2+ block of NMDA receptors and reduces activation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels, which can explain neuroprotection caused by CyPPA or NS309. The obtained results reveal an important role Ca2+-activated K+ channels of small and intermediate conductance in the regulation of Ca2+ entry into cerebellar neurons via NMDA receptors and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.

Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;11(3):248-251
pages 248-251 views

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