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Volume 11, Nº 3 (2017)


A study of extracellular vesicles isolated from blood plasma conducted by low-voltage scanning electron microscopy

Kondratov K., Petrova T., Mikhailovskii V., Ivanova A., Kostareva A., Fedorov A.


Extracellular vesicles secreted by cells represent an almost spherical membrane structures enriched with biological molecules of different types. The number and molecular composition of these structures depend on both the physiological state of an organism and underlying diseases. Despite extracellular vesicles playing an important role in intercellular communication and being potential biomarkers of pathological processes, the mechanisms of their formation, their functions, and their morphological characteristics are poorly studied. Low-voltage scanning electron microscopy is a promising method for studying extracellular vesicles, since it does not need a layer of conductive covering and, consequently, permits morphological details of studied objects to be vizualized at a high resolution in a nanometer range. The results of investigation of the morphology and sizes of objects in blood-plasma fractions by low-voltage scanning electron microscopy are presented in this study.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):181-190
pages 181-190 views

A truncated form of α-tubulin detected in purified proteasome complexes

Ivanova E., Artamonova T., Zaikova Y., Khodorkovskii M., Tsimokha A.


The 26S proteasome is a multisubunit protein complex responsible for selective protein degradation in the cell. A number of proteins with known and unknown functions were shown to be permanently or temporarily associated with 26S proteasomes. Identification of proteins that interact with proteasomes is an important step in the understanding of the proteasome functions in the cell and the mechanisms of their regulation. Using MALDI–ICR mass spectrometry, we have shown that some proteins of the cytoskeleton, such as actin, α-actinin 4, and α- and β-tubulins are associated with proteasomes obtained by affinity purification from the human myelogenous leukemia cell line K562. Western blot analysis showed that a truncated form of α-tubulin was associated with the purified proteasomes. The presence of the α-tubulin isoform in complex with affinity purified proteasomes was also observed in the human embryonic kidney cell line 293.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):191-196
pages 191-196 views

The effect of lysophosphatidic acid on the composition of cytoplasmic protein complexes that contain myosin-9 and tropomyosin

Bobkov D., Kropacheva I.


The present article reports immunofluorescence-based analysis of the distribution of the actin-binding protein myosin-9 in the cytoplasm of human embryonic lung fibroblasts. Electrophoresis and Western blotting were used to demonstrate that myosin-9, actin, and high molecular weight tropomyosin isoforms are incorporated into cytoplasmic protein complexes not bound to cytoskeletal structures. Cross-immunoprecipitation was used to show that these complexes were rapidly disassembled when the cells were exposed to lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Moreover, LPA induced proteolytic degradation of myosin-9 associated with the structures of the actin cytoskeleton. The results obtained point at the participation of multimolecular cytoplasmic protein complexes that contain myosin-9 and tropomyosin in the regulation of the cellular response to stimulation with LPA.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):197-204
pages 197-204 views

Markers of the basal cell layer of prostate are effective indicators of its malignant transformation

Petrov N., Voskresenskiy M., Grozov R., Korshak O., Zaritskey A., Vereschagina N., Komyakov B., Popov B.


Development of local or generalized forms of prostate cancer (PC) depends on metastasis formation which biological nature is based on the epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT). ЕМТ presents a highly conservative reversible program maintained by specific transcription factors suppressing E-cadherin expression and supporting production of mesenchymal polarity factors. The goal of this work was to study functionally distinct markers in malignant prostate tissue of patients with prostate cancer using histological evaluation, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting. Our results showed that most evident alterations in the prostate tissue of patients with prostate cancer were related to the basal-cell layer. Expression of Е-cadherin and СК5 markers decreased, while AMACR expression increased. These results support the idea that the primary targets of tumor transformation are basal cells. During cancer progression, these cells acquire a luminal phenotype. Functional analysis of these changes may be performed in the future using isolated prostate cancer stem cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):205-212
pages 205-212 views

The role of LMNA mutations in myogenic differentiation of C2C12 and primary satellite cells

Perepelina K., Smolina N., Zabirnik A., Dmitrieva R., Malashicheva A., Kostareva A.


Nuclear lamins form nuclear lamina located under the inner nuclear membrane. It was believed that the nuclear lamina plays predominantly a structural role. Recently, its involvement in regulatory processes have been described, e.g., chromatin organization and gene transcription. It is known that mutations in the LMNA gene lead to development of laminopathies, primarily affecting tissues of mesenchymal origin. Today, the mechanisms of the lamina regulation of cell differentiation are largely unknown. In the present work, we studied the effect of LMNA gene mutations on the process of muscle differentiation of primary satellite cells and in С2С12 cell line. The genome of satellite and С2С12 cells was modified by cell transduction via lentiviral constructs encoding LMNA G232E associated with the development of Emery–Dreyfus muscular dystrophy and LMNA R571S associated with the development of dilated cardiomyopathy. Cell morphology was assessed with immunofluorescence, and expression of myogenic genes was analyzed by qPCR. We showed that the analyzed mutations reduced the cell ability to differentiate (to fuse and to form myotubes). We proposed that these mutations enhanced expression of early and reduced expression of late markers of myogenesis. Thus, mutations in nuclear lamins can modify the process of muscle differentiation.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):213-219
pages 213-219 views

Proliferation of cultured glioma cells mediated by coenzyme Q10 under conditions of serum deprivation

Krylova N., Kulahava T., Koran S., Semenkova G.


The effect of coenzyme Q10 on glioma-cell proliferation under serum-deprived conditions has been studied. Our results have shown that the addition of coenzyme Q10 into a serum-free culture medium enhances cell viability, stimulates cell growth, restores mitochondrial potential, and increases the quantity of energized mitochondria. It is found that coenzyme Q10-induced glioma-cell proliferation in conditions of serum deficiency is a result of an intracellular reduced glutathione concentration with subsequent activation of protein kinase C, ERK1/2, and phosphoinositol-3-kinase.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):220-226
pages 220-226 views

The relationship between micelle formation and biological activity of peptide 562–572 of luteinizing hormone receptor modified with decanoyl radicals

Shpakova E., Sorokoumov V., Akent’ev A., Derkach K., Tennikova T., Shpakov A.


Lipophilic derivatives of peptides corresponding to cytoplasmic regions of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) can act as intracellular agonists. Our previous work showed that peptides corresponding to residues 562–572 of luteinizing hormone receptor and modified with palmitate or decanoate at the C-terminus activate adenylate cyclase in rat testes. The stimulating effect of peptide 562–572 modified with decanoates at both the N- and the C-termini (peptide IV) reached its maximum at the peptide concentration of 10–5 M and diminished with further increase in its concentration. It was supposed that this effect was due to peptide IV ability to form micelles. To verify this hypothesis, the relationship between biological activity, hydrophobicity, and ability to form micelles was investigated for peptide IV and other acylated derivatives of peptide 562–572, including those carrying C-terminal decanoate (peptide III) and palmitate (peptide VI) moieties. It was found that the stimulating effect of peptide IV taken in the concentration of 10–5 M on adenylate cyclase activity in plasma membranes of rat testes and ovaries was only slightly lower than that of peptide VI and higher than the effect of peptide III. At the concentration of 10–3 M, the effect of peptide IV was 20–27% lower and amounted to only 50–51 and 87–88% of the effects of peptides VI and III, respectively. In spite of its high hydrophobicity, peptide IV was characterized with an abnormally low retention time when eluted from a Nucleosil C8 column during reverse-phase HPLC: it was even lower than the retention time of nonmodified peptide 562–572. However, the retention time of peptide IV, but not of other peptides, increased significantly when the eluent contained a higher proportion of trifluoroacetic acid, which disrupts micellelike structures (0.5 instead of 0.1%). The surface tension of peptide IV solution in water slightly decreased with increasing peptide concentration, but rapidly dropped and reached a plateau at the concentration of 7 × 10–6 M, which indicates the beginning of micelle formation. Thus, peptide IV in the concentrations above 10–5 M forms micelles, which prevents it from interacting with the receptor. The ability of GPCR peptides to aggregate and form micelles should be taken into account in the development of their new membrane-active analogs.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):227-233
pages 227-233 views

Restoration of hypothalamic signaling systems as a cause of improved metabolic parameters in rats with neonatal diabetes model during treatment with bromocriptine mesylate

Derkach K., Ivantsov A., Sukhov I., Shpakov A.


One approach to correction of diabetes mellitus 2 type (DM2) and its complications is the use of bromocriptine mesylate (BCM), a selective agonist of the dopamine receptor type 2 (DA2R). However, the effectiveness and mechanisms of the action of BCM in the treatment of severe forms of DM2 forms currently not understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of 4-week treatment of male rats with neonatal DM2 model using BCM (300 mg/kg daily) on their metabolic parameters and on the activity of the adenylyl cyclase signaling system (ACSS) in the hypothalamus. Exposure to BCM restored glucose tolerance and glucose utilization by exogenous insulin, normalized lipid metabolism, and lowered triglycerides and atherogenic cholesterol levels, which are elevated in DM2. In the hypothalamus of diabetic rats treated with BCM, the regulation of ACSS by agonists of melanocortin receptors type 4 (MC4R), DA2R, and serotonin 1B-subtype receptors and expression of the Mc4r gene encoding MC4R were restored. Furthermore, BCM treatment did not influence the insulin levels in the blood and its production by pancreatic β-cells. The data indicate that the use of BCM to correct severe forms of experimental DM2 holds promise and show that the therapeutic potential of this drug is based on its ability to restore signaling systems of the hypothalamus that are sensitive to monoamines and peptides of the melanocortin family, which are responsible for the control of energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):234-241
pages 234-241 views

A comparison of the effect of fucoidan from alga Fucus vesiculosus and its fractions obtained by anion-exchange chromatography on HeLa G-63, Hep G2, and Chang liver cells

Zhurishkina E., Stepanov S., Shvetsova S., Kulminskaya A., Lapina I.


The aim of this study was to compare the effects of sulfated fucopolysaccharides isolated from Fucus vesiculosus on HeLa G-63, Hep G2, and Chang liver cells. Native fucoidan F3 and two fractions (F3-0.5 and F3-1) obtained by anion-exchange chromatography were analyzed using chemical methods and IR spectroscopy. It was demonstrated that F3 and F3-1 are characterized by a higher content of sulfates, location of sulfo groups mostly at the C4 atom of fucose residue, and low content of uronic acids inhibited cell proliferation. Human liver carcinoma Hep G2 appeared to be the most sensitive to fucoidan, whereas nonmalignant human Chang liver cells were the least sensitive.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):242-249
pages 242-249 views

Testing the purity of cell cultures using clinical diagnostic PCR kits

Morozova A., Borchsenius S., Vishnyakov I., Malinin A.


Cell cultures of higher organisms, especially human cells, are increasingly used in medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific research. The main difficulty for cell cultures is hidden nonlethal contamination by mycoplasmas, viruses, and cross contamination with other cells. We suggest using PCR kits designed and officially employed in clinical diagnostics as an accessible and reliable method for monitoring the purity of cell cultures. We tested 50 human cell lines using commercial diagnostic systems for detection of papillomaviruses, herpes viruses, adenoviruses, Mycoplasma hominis, and total bacterial mass. No contamination was revealed in the cell lines tested. For the cell lines that contained integrated parts of viral genomes, the presence of the corresponding DNA sequences was confirmed. These diagnostic systems can be effectively used to test the purity of cell lines and for qualitative detection of possible contamination, as well as for quantitative evaluations using calculation of viral load, just as is practiced in clinical diagnostics.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(3):250-259
pages 250-259 views

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