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Том 12, № 2 (2018)


The Effect of Fotemustine on Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines

Kiseleva L., Kartashev A., Vartanyan N., Pinevich A., Samoilovich M.


Glioblastomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors of neuroectodermal origin. Tumor cell cultures obtained from patients with glioblastomas differ in morphology and phenotype, as well as genetic characteristics. In the current work we used glioblastoma cell lines A172 and T98G (known since the 1970s) and the new glioblastoma lines R1 and T2 (obtained in 2010 from surgical material of patients). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the alkylating antitumor drug fotemustine (FM) after single and repeated exposure on the survival and proliferation of these glioblastoma cells, as well as the effect of FM on gene expression of growth factors, extracellular matrix proteins, mesenchymal cell markers, and transcription factor Zeb1. The effect of FM on A172 and R1 glioblastoma cells differs from its effect on T98G and T2 cells. LD50 was in an amount of 60 μg/mL for A172 cells and 250 μg/mL for T98G cells. Single exposure of A172 and R1 cell lines to 100 μg/mL of FM resulted in the death of all cells in culture. A172 and R1 cell exposure to sublethal doses of FM caused decreased activity of all studied genes. After incubation of T98G and T2 glioblastoma cells with FM in sublethal doses we identified two cell populations: proliferating cells and nonproliferating growth-arrested cells. Cell exposure to FM in doses over 300 μg/mL led to the predominance of growth-arrested cells in populations. These cells remained viable for 1.5 months. The effect of FM on T98G and T2 cell lines was accompanied by increased activity of all the studied genes. In conclusion, a population of growth-arrested, drug-resistant cells has been revealed in T98G and T2 cell cultures after exposure to FM. These cells exhibit high expression of genes encoding factors associated with the epithelial–mesenchymal transition. We discuss the possible impact of nonproliferating cells actively producing growth factors on the tumor microenvironment.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Alpha-Tocopheryl Succinate Selectively Affects the Morphology and Motility of Normal and Tumor Epithelial Cells

Savitskaya M., Onischcenko G.


Alpha-tocopheryl succinate (α-TS) is a vitamin-E derivative with potential antitumor properties. In this study, we have investigated the effect of α-TS on the morphology and motility of the A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cell line and HaCaT immortalized nontumorigenic human keratinocytes. Phase contrast and fluorescent microscopy, in vitro wound healing assay (scratch test), and scanning electron microscopy have been used. In both cell lines, alteration of cell shape, actin-cytoskeleton reorganization, cell-surface smoothing, disappearance of microvillae, and cell-motility inhibition have been shown. These effects are similar in both cell lines, but in the HaCaT cell line they occur after treatment with higher α-TS doses than for A431cells. Thus, we have demonstrated the selectivity of the effect of α-TS on tumor cells derived from human-skin stratified epithelia. The results of this work may be useful for further investigations focused on development of antitumor agents with selective action toward tumor cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):102-111
pages 102-111 views

Behavioral Changes of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Contact with Synthetic Calcium Phosphates in vitro

Litvinova L., Shupletsova V., Khaziakhmatova O., Yurova K., Malashchenko V., Melashchenko E., Todosenko N., Khlusova M., Sharkeev Y., Komarova E., Sedelnikova M., Shunkin E., Khlusov I.


Migration, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived (AD) multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) during in vitro modeling of indirect contact with calcium phosphate (CP) or nanoparticles of synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) have been studied. The results were registered with electrode (real-time cell analysis, RTCA) or visual (Cell-IQ) systems of long-term observation of cell cultures. Bulk specimens were use in a Cell-IQ® v2 MLF device as pure titanium substrates (10 × 10 × 1 mm3) covered by a CP relief (roughness index Ra = 2.4–4.4 μm) bilateral coating that was prepared by the micr-arc method from an aqueous solution of orthophosphoric acid (20 wt %), calcium carbonate (9 wt %), and synthetic HA (6 wt %). HA crystallites (1 mg/mL) were fabricated by mechanochemical synthesis and served as an irritant in RTCA investigation. The Cell-IQ system identified a 3.5- to 10-fold decrease in cell number at the interface with CP coatings with differing roughness during 14-day cell culturing. After 21 days, it was accompanied by a weak reduction of MMSC antigen expression (CD73, CD90, and CD105) as opposed to an increase in MMSC osteogenic differentiation and intercellular-matrix mineralization. In turn, HA nanodispersion reduced the speed of MMSC migration by 1.5 times (P < 0.001) during 25-h RTCA recording, which simulated cell invasion through the microporous membrane (8-μm diameter). Inhibition of migration and cell division with increased osteogenic differentiation of MMSCs has been suggested to be a possible effect of biodegradation products of synthetic CP materials.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):112-119
pages 112-119 views

The Effect of Magnetite Nanoparticles and Bacteria on the Activity of NADPH-Oxidase and Myeloperoxidase in Neutrophils of Human Blood

Gornostaeva E., Pleskova S., Mikheeva E., Razumkova E.


Differences in the oxygen-dependent reactions of neutrophil granulocytes (NGs) depending on the nature of the agent affecting the cells were revealed. In vitro magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) cause suppression of the NADPH–oxidase activity of NGs, which manifests itself in falling rates of reactions (NBT test) both with the effect of MNPs on NGs alone and a combined effect (MNPs and zymosan), as well as in the reduction of the index of activation (IA) and functional reserve of neutrophils (FRN). However, the introduction of MNPs dose-dependently stimulates the activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO). Gram-positive (S. aureus 2879 M) and gram-negative (E. coli 321) bacteria caused a respiratory burst of neutrophils, which manifested itself in a significant increase in the number of NBT-positive cells in single and combined influences (bacteria and zymosan). The lack of differences in the reaction of cells on opsonized and nonopsonized bacteria and the decrease in IA and FRN suggest that NGs are at the maximum level of functionality. Both strains of bacteria caused activation of the MPO.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):120-126
pages 120-126 views

Changes in the Architectonics and Morphometric Characteristics of Erythocytes under the Influence of Magnetite Nanoparticles

Pleskova S., Gornostaeva E., Kryukov R., Boryakov A., Zubkov S.


A new high-precision technique for calculating the ratio of the erythrocyte area/volume using atomic-force microscopy has been developed. The method was tested on erythrocytes of healthy donors. Scanning electron microscopy, atomic-force microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis revealed that magnetite nanoparticles can interact with erythrocyte membranes in vitro. This interaction resulted in the development of a pathology of erythrocytes typical for poikilocytosis and anisocytosis. When the magnetite was incubated with erythrocytes in a serum-free medium, nanoparticles aggregated.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):127-134
pages 127-134 views

Quantum Dots based on Indium Phosphide (InP): the Effect of Chemical Modifications of the Organic Shell on Interaction with Cultured Cells of Various Origins

Litvinov I., Belyaeva T., Salova A., Aksenov N., Leontieva E., Orlova A., Kornilova E.


CdSe and CdTe-based semiconductor fluorescent nanocrystals, also called quantum dots (QDs), attract the attention of biologists due to their wide range of emission in a visible light interval, high fluorescence quantum yield and photostability. However, their application is limited because of possible toxicity of cadmium. Indeed, there is a probability of metal leakage from QDs cores as a result of damage of both inorganic and organic layers of shells covering QDs. An alternative to cadmium QDs could be nanostructures having as a core, for example, non-toxical indium phosphide (InP), also emitting in the visible region of the spectrum. At present, there is few works on the use of these particles in biology. In this study, a comparative analysis of the spectral-luminescent properties of two InP/ZnS-QDs samples coated with PEG carrying- COOH or -NH2 functional groups was performed. The obtained data were compared with the characteristics of CdSe/ZnS-QDs coated with PEG. The photophysical properties of all QDs in aqueous solution corresponded to the information claimed by manufacturers, but the fluorescence quantum yield of InP-based nanoparticles was found to be lower than that of CdSe-QDs. We also show that the photoluminescence of all types of QDs at pH 4.0 was lower than at pH 7.4, while the decrease in fluorescence intensity was minimal in the case of QDs-PEG-COOH. Studying the uptake of all three types of QDs by J774 macrophages, we found that the fluorescence spectra of internalized QDs do not change in comparison with those in solution. All three types of QDs after 24 hours of incubation were accumulated in the cells, but while QDs-NH2 and QDs without reactive groups were detected mainly in vesicular-like discrete structures, the QDs-COOH were diffusely distributed throughout the cytoplasm. This fact indicates different mechanisms of interaction with cell membranes. In nonphagocytic HeLa cells all types of QDs behaved similarly, but the overall level of cells fluorescence was much lower. This may be due to both reduced nonspecific uptake and possible quenching of QDs fluorescence in acidic endolysosomes. Cytofluorimetric analysis of propidium iodide accumulation showed that after 24 hours incubation with all studied types of QDs as well as in control (no QDs), the proportion of dead HeLa cells did not exceed 10%. Thus, it has been demonstrated that non-toxic InP-based QDs can be used as an effective tool for biological research.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):135-145
pages 135-145 views

Establishment of the HeLa Cell Line with Stable Expression of CD63 Exosome Marker Fused with Fluorescent Protein TagRFP and HTBH Tag

Kulichkova V., Selenina A., Tomilin A., Tsimokha A.


Exosomes are small microvesicles released into the cellular environment by different types of cells. These vesicles have been found in the blood serum and in other extracellular fluids of body. There are a number of different proteins, mRNA and microRNA, in these exosomes. Exosomes take part in cellular communication, excretion of proteins, immune response, and are also involved in development of some neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. The mechanism through which they get in and out of cells is not clear. To address this issue, we have generated a stable HeLa cell line expressing exosomal marker CD63 fused with a tagRFP and HTBH tag. These and other cells harboring the CD63-tagRFP-HTBH structure constitute a valuable tool that should allow real-time observations of exosomal transport

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):146-152
pages 146-152 views

Expression of Recombinant LDLR–EGFP Fusion Protein in HEK-293 Cells as a Promising Tool to Assess the Effect of LDLR Gene Mutations

Polyakov D., Grudinina N., Bogoslovskaya T., Sokolov A., Mandelshtam M., Vasilyev V.


Mutations in the low density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR) frequently impair folding and intracellular traffic of the receptor protein, resulting in the development of a monogenic disorder, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Identification of novel LDLR mutations requires confirmation of their functional importance in distinguishing pathogenic mutations from neutral changes in the aminoacid sequence. To elaborate a system for evaluation of the effect of mutation on the folding and intracellular transport of the LDLR, as well as its ability to bind low density lipoprotein (LDL), we constructed a plasmid containing LDLR cDNA and the gene of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Confocal microscopy has shown that, upon transient transfection of HEK293 cells with the plasmid, the recombinant fusion protein LDLR–EGFP is transported onto the cellular membrane and binds labeled LDL. This construct will be further modified by site-directed mutagenesis to reproduce the LDLR missense mutations most common in the population of northwest Russia so as to study the subcellular localization and function of the modified chimeric protein.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):153-159
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The Effectiveness of Preimplantation Recellularization of Acellular Rat-Esophagus Matrices Using GFP-Positive Cells

Kuevda E., Gubareva E., Nakokhov R., Gumenyuk I., Sotnichenko A., Puzanov D.


The use of recellularized matrices allows obtaining tissue-engineered structures that largely reproduce the morphofunctional features of native organs and tissues. Doubts as to the advisability of preimplantation recellularization of the scaffold, which are associated with the death of prepopulation cells on the scaffold in vivo, require studying the behavior of cells on plastic and biological implants after recellularization. Rat esophagus that had undergone detergent-enzymatic decellularization was repopulated with GFP-positive cells intensely fluorescing in the green spectrum, which allowed us to trace the status of the initial cell population during cultivation on plastic and after transplantation, determine the viability and metabolic activity of cells, and conduct fluorescent detection of the cells on the scaffold before and after implantation. There were no data on the apparent cell proliferation on the matrix; however, there were indirect indications of metabolic activity and GFP synthesis by the cells that populated the scaffold before implantation.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):160-166
pages 160-166 views

Nucleolin and Nucleoli in Ependymocytes and Tanycytes of the Third Ventricle of the Rat Brain

Sufieva D., Kirik O., Korzhevskii D.


The aim of the present study was to compare structure of the nucleoli of ependymocytes, tanycytes, and secretory cells of the subcommissural organ using immunohistochemical staining for nucleolin and confocal laser microscopy. The study was performed in samples from the diencephalon of adult male Wistar rats (n = 6). The samples were fixed in zinc–ethanol–formaldehyde, a fixative providing a high level of preservation of antigen determinants. In the present study, we estimated diameters of nucleoli and their number in various types of cells lining the third ventricle. We compared for the first time the nucleoli of different subpopulations of tanycytes and report data on the distribution of nucleolin protein in the cells lining the ventricles. The content and location of nucleolin reflect the functional state of the cell. Our data will promote understanding of the interrelationships between the indices of the nucleolar apparatus and the functional state of the cell under various conditions, including stress, neoplastic transformation, and other pathological conditions.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(2):167-173
pages 167-173 views

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