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Том 10, № 4 (2016)


Assay of LGI1 gene epigenetic alterations by posttranslational modifications of H3 histone in malignant gliomas

Semenova E., Volnitsky A., Filatov M.


Although progress has been made in understanding the causes and consequences of genetic and epigenetic changes in glioma malignant transformation, many details remain obscure and need further investigation. It is known that glioma malignant transformation is accompanied by gradual loss of LGI1 gene expression. However, genetic defects underlying LGI1 inactivation are not recognized. In this work, we analyzed LGI1 gene expression in primary cultures of malignant gliomas and compared these data with posttranslational modifications of H3 histone, an epigenetic indicator of transcriptional activity. We showed the presence of an epigenetic marker of gene repression H3K9me3 near LGL1 transcription initiation site in most malignant gliomas (five out of six). No expression of LGI1 gene was registered in these gliomas. LGI1 expression was documented only in one glioma, and this tumor did not exhibit an association of LGI1 gene with H3K9me3 modification. Thus, we demonstrated for the first time a correlation between an LGI1 gene expression and epigenetic indicator H3K9met3 in malignant gliomas. An Н3К4ас marker of actively transcribed chromatin near LGI1 transcription initiation site was not found. These data suggest the inactivation of LGI1 gene through an epigenetic mechanism: a modified “histone code.”

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):259-263
pages 259-263 views

The effect of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae red pigment on the expression of cloned human α-synuclein

Nevzglyadova O., Artemov A., Mikhailova E., Lyublinskaya O., Ozerova Y., Ivanova P., Kostyleva E., Soidla T.


Two transgenic yeast strains expressing human α-synuclein were used to study the impact of yeast red pigment exhibiting antiamyloid properties. It has been demonstrated that the endogenous red pigment produced under special conditions in strains carrying an ade1 mutation inhibits the expression of the hybrid protein α-synuclein-GFP. This was evident from the reduced mean value of GFP fluorescence and diminished number of cells accumulating cytoplasmic inclusions of α-synuclein-GFP. Exogenous forms of the purified red pigment (natural, synthetic and hydrolyzed derivatives) differ from the endogenous red pigment by their effect on α-synuclein. Exogenous red pigments increased the number of both cells expressing GFP fluorescence and those containing cytoplasmic inclusions. However, both endogenous and exogenous red pigments reduced the cloned α-synuclein toxicity and resulted in redistribution of the α-synuclein in cells. α-Synuclein content decreased in cell lysate pellets and increased in supernatants.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):264-276
pages 264-276 views

SNCA alleles rs356219 and rs356165 are associated with Parkinson’s disease and increased α-synuclein gene expression in CD45+ blood cells

Emelyanov A., Andoskin P., Miliukhina I., Timofeeva A., Yakimovskii A., Senkevich K., Nikolaev M., Pchelina S.


Impaired metabolism of α-synuclein (SNCA) and its aggregation are key molecular events underlying Parkinson’s disease (PD). Emerging data show that there is a connection between PD and the gene locus containing the SNCA gene. Meta-analyses have demonstrated a highly significant PD connection with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs356165 (A/G) and rs356219 (A/G) in the SNCA gene. We conducted SNP genotyping in 260 PD patients (n = 260) and 262 healthy people (n = 262) from northwestern regions of Russia. Linkage disequilibrium was registered between rs356219 and rs356165 alleles (D' = 0.926). It was confirmed that G alleles (rs356165 and rs356219) are associated with increased risk of PD development. For the first time, we have evaluated the relationship between rs356165 and rs356219 and levels of SNCA mRNA and α-synuclein protein in CD45+ peripheral blood cells in drug-naïve PD patients (n = 43) and controls (n = 39). Both the level of mRNA SNCA gene and that of α-synuclein protein were increased in carriers of rs356219 and rs356165 compared to carriers with AA genotype in control group (in the group of healthy people) (p = 0.046 and p = 0.039, respectively). Linkage disequilibrium was shown between associated marker alleles. Our data suggest that rs356165 and rs356219 allele variants may affect the PD development by up-regulation of SNCA expression.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):277-283
pages 277-283 views

Target cells for lithium in different forms within a heterogeneous hepatocarcinoma-29 population

Gavrilova Y., Bgatova N., Solov’eva A., Trifonova K., Lykov A., Borodin Y., Konenkov V.


Liver cancer is an aggressive and heterogeneous human tumor. Lithium compounds block proliferation and induce apoptosis of hepatocarcinoma cells, but cannot cause the death of an entire population of tumor cells. The aim of this study was to reveal morphological types of target cells for different lithium preparations on the basis of their action on hepatocarcinoma-29 cells. The viability of hepatocarcinoma-29 cells was assessed by the MTT test. A dose-dependent decrease in viability was revealed upon addition of native and nanosized lithium carbonate and citrate. Target cells for lithium salts were revealed based on the morphological criteria for five differentiation stages of hepatocarcinoma-29 cells. It was shown that hepatocarcinoma- 29 proliferating cells of differentiation stages I and II are the target cells for native and nanosized lithium citrate, while differentiated cells of differentiation stages III and IV are the target cells for nanosized lithium carbonate. It was revealed that hepatocarcinoma-29 cells are more sensitive to nanosized lithium salts rather than to their native forms. This makes it possible to affect tumor growth more effectively.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):284-289
pages 284-289 views

Depletion of Wip1 phosphatase sensitizes murine skin cells to UV-B irradiation

Kochetkova E., Pospelova T., Demidov O.


UV irradiation is a major natural and artificial stress factor that may cause severe skin injury. UV irradiation induces DNA damage, which, eventually, may lead to cell death, senescence or oncogenic mutations and tumor growth. Wip1 is a phosphatase involved in the regulation of DNA damage response and oncogenic stress. Here, we studied response to UV-B irradiation in wild-type and Wip1-depleted murine cells of epidermal and mesenchymal lineages. We found that both cell types, skin keratinocytes and fibroblasts, responded to UV-B in a similar manner with increased cytotoxicity in Wip1–/–cells. The number of nuclear foci of histone γH2A-X, a DNA damage marker and aWip1 target protein, was higher in Wip1–/–cells before and after UV-B. We observed a twofold increase in cell number with active caspase-3 in Wip1-deficient keratinocytes. Thus, Wip1 deficiency sensitizes cells to UV-B irradiation by promoting cell death, possibly by caspase-3 dependent apoptosis.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):290-296
pages 290-296 views

EEA1-carrying vesicles are not autophagosomes in serum-deprived HeLa cells

Kosheverova V., Kamentseva R., Kharchenko M., Kornilova E.


According to the current model, stimulation of EGF-receptor endocytosis results in recruitment of the cytosolic tether protein EEA1 onto early endosomes necessary for their further fusion. However, EEA1-positive vesicles are found in cells not treated with growth factor and incubated under serum-free conditions. Prolonged serum deprivation, which is known to induce the formation of autophagosomes, may involve endocytic compartments. To check whether EEA1-positive vesicles seen in serum-deprived HeLa cells are autophagosomes, we have evaluated colocalization of EEA1 and autophagosome marker LC3, as well as changes in the number and size of EEA1 and LC3 vesicles in the course of 12- to 36-h cell cultivation in serum-free medium. It was found that the number of autophagosomes per cell is significantly less than the number of EEA1 vesicles. We showed that serum starvation resulted in an increase of average size of autophagosomes, while the number and size of EEA1 vesicles remained unchanged. Colocalization of EEA1 and LC3 in serum-free medium was very low during the first 12–18 h of starvation and increased only slightly by 36 h. Biosynthetic pathway inhibition by the disruption of Golgi apparatus with Brefeldin A resulted in a decrease in the number and increased the size of EEA1 vesicles. LC3 vesicles also exhibited an increase of average size and colocalization with EEA1. Thus, we conclude that the majority of EEA1 vesicles in serum-starved cells are not autophagosomes. The prominent effect of Brefeldin A indicates that blockage of the biosynthetic pathway is a stronger stress factor than is serum deprivation for HeLa cells. This also suggests that this pathway is involved in EEA1 vesicle biogenesis.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):297-304
pages 297-304 views

Human lung carcinoma (A-549) continuing cell line and human endothelial (ECV-304) continuing cell line responses to the influenza virus at different multiplicities of infection

Danilenko D., Smirnova S., Smirnova T., Pisareva M., Plotnikova M., Drobintseva (Durnova) A., Eropkin M.


The course of infection upon virus entry into the cell depends not only on the biological characteristics of the cells and of the virus itself, but also on the intensity of the cell infection by the virus, i.e., on the multiplicity of infection. The purpose of our work was to perform a comparative study of the responses of two human cell lines, the lung carcinoma cell line A-549 and the endothelium cell line ECV-304, to the infection with the influenza virus A at different multiplicities of infection. At the first passage, both cell lines responded by enhancement of proliferation and apoptosis induction only to the low doses of influenza virus (ID 1–10). In A-49 cells, the stimulatory effect of the low virus doses was observed 1–2 days earlier than in ECV-304 cells. Enhanced proliferation was observed in both cell lines from the second to the fourth passages, when cells were infected with higher virus doses (ID 100 and 1000). In addition, the response of the A-549 cells to low doses of the H3N2 strain of the influenza virus A depended on the virus propagation conditions—namely, no enhancement of cell proliferation was observed in response to the infection with the virus propagating in chicken embryonated eggs, in contrast to infection with the virus that propagated in cell culture. Immunocytochemistry of A-549 cells has demonstrated that, on the third day after infection, there could be observed a change (in the dose-dependent manner) in the intracellular localization of p53 and cyclin A, proteins involved in the cell cycle progression. At the low virus dose, cyclin A was predominantly detected in the nuclei (63%), while at the high virus dose it was p53 (54%), which was predominantly detected in this cellular compartment, this observation confirming that stimulation of cell proliferation in the case of very low multiplicity of infection and cell division arrest takes place in the case of high multiplicity of influenza virus infection. The study of the influenza virus A reproduction in A-549 and ECV-304 cells using a whole number of virology techniques showed low sensitivity of these cells to the influenza virus, which manifested in the gradual decrease in the viral RNA expression and the impairment of mature viral particles assembly during several passages. Therefore, the decrease in the multiplicity of infection is associated in the A-549 and ECV-304 cells with impairment of production of mature virus particles or certain virus protein synthesis, which is accompanied by cell proliferation enhancement and apoptosis induction. As a result of the comparative study of the two cell lines (A-549 and ECV-304) upon infection with different doses of influenza virus A, we have revealed common principles and specific features indicating the effects of the biological properties of the viruses and cells, as well as of the multiplicity of infection on the course of virus infection.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):305-313
pages 305-313 views

The effect of prolonged intranasal administration of serotonin on the activity of hypothalamic signaling systems in male rats with neonatal diabetes

Sukhov I., Derkach K., Chistyakova O., Bondareva V., Shpakov A.


The functioning of the serotonergic system of the brain is impaired in type II diabetes (T2D), and this leads to metabolic and hormonal dysfunction. The elevation of serotonin level in the CNS is one of the approaches for correcting of the serotonergic system of the brain. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of intranasal serotonin (InS) administration for 5 weeks at a daily dose of 20 μg on the metabolic parameters and functional activity of adenylate cyclase signaling system (ACSS) sensitive to peptide hormones and biogenic amines in the hypothalamus of male rats with neonatal T2D. Neonatal model of T2D was induced by injecting streptozotocin (70 mg/kg) into 5-day-old rat pups. Four-month-old animals with apparent T2D manifestations were divided into two groups: an untreated group (D0, n = 6) and a group that received InS treatment (DIS, n = 6). InS administration to diabetic rats restored ACSS regulation by the agonists of type 2 dopamine receptors (DA2R) and type 4 melanocortin receptors (MC4R) and enhanced the inhibitory effect of serotonin on adenylate cyclase activity. Elevated expression of genes encoding DA2R, MC4R, and serotonin receptor of the 1B subtype (5-HT1BR) was among the main causes of this change. The relative activity of signaling cascades involving various types of serotonin (Gs-coupled 5-HT4,6,7R/Gi-coupled 5-HT1R), dopamine (DA1R/ DA2R), and melanocortin (MC3R/MC4R) receptors involved in ACSS regulation was also altered in the animals of the DIS group. InS administration restored hormonal regulation in the hypothalamus, improved glucose tolerance, and increased the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. The data obtained show that the elevation of serotonin level in the CNS is a promising approach for the recovery of hypothalamic signaling pathways in T2D and correction of the metabolic disturbances dependent on these pathways.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):314-323
pages 314-323 views

An increase in model lipid membrane fluidity as a result of local anesthetic action

Efimova S., Medvedev R., Schagina L., Ostroumova O.


The effect of local anesthetics on the permeability of phospholipid liposomes of different composition for calcein has been investigated. The local anesthetics tested included amides (lidocaine, prilocaine, mepivacaine, and bupivacaine) and esters (benzocaine, procaine, and tetracaine). The permeability of large monolamellar liposomes was assessed by monitoring the fluorescence of calcein leaking from the phospholipid vesicles. All tested amide anesthetics exerted negligible effects on the permeability of dioleylphosphocholine (DOPC) liposomes for the fluorescent marker. The most efficient in this group was did bupivacaine. Amides had a more pronounced effect on membranes in which 20 mol % of DOPC was replaced by tetraoleoylcardiolipin (TOCL). Benzocaine and procaine at concentration up to 100 mM did not affect the permeability of DOPC liposomes. Membrane permeability of DOPC liposomes was not affected by the addition of tetracaine to the final concentration of 2 mM, while the increase of anesthetic concentration up to 50 mM was accompanied by an increase in the intensity of fluorescence of calcein released from the vesicles, and addition of the anesthetic to the concentration of 100 mM caused by complete release of the marker incorporated by the liposomes. The threshold concentration of tetracaine initiating calcein leakage from vesicles that contained 20 mol % TOCL was 7 mM, and the concentration corresponding to 100% calcein leakage was 20 mM. Confocal fluorescence microscopy of giant monolamellar liposomes formed from an equimolar mixture of DOPC and tetramiristoylcardiolipin demonstrated the destruction of solid ordered domains at the presence of anesthetics, and its destructive capacity increasing in the following order: procaine ≈ mepivacaine < bupivacaine ≪ tetracaine. Variability of the depth of anesthetic incorporation into the membrane may account for the dissimilar effects of local anesthetics on liposomes.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):324-331
pages 324-331 views

The influence of titanium coating of mesh polypropylene endoprostheses on their biocompatibility

Alekhin A., Babichenko I., Kazantsev A., Titarov D., Shemyatovskii K., Gevondyan N., Melchenko D.


A comparative analysis of the proliferative activity of inflammatory infiltrate cells and the distribution of collagen type I and III in granulomas formed in the area of contact of mesh materials made of polypropylene (PP Std Light) and titanium-coated polypropylene (TiMesh) was performed via polarized microscopy and immunohistochemical detection of Ki-67 protein. Mesh materials were implanted in the soft tissues of the lumbar region of rats. The number of proliferative cells around implants made of the standard polypropylene (PP Std Light) 7 days after the operation was detected with the use of antibodies to Ki-67 protein to be less than the number of those around titanium-coated polypropylene (TiMesh) (29.1 ± 5.7 and 33.6 ± 3.1%, respectively, p < 0.001). The similar differences were revealed 1 month after the beginning of the experiment (15.9 ± 4.3 and 26.9 ± 3.6%, respectively, p < 0.001). Various types of collagen fibers in granulomas around the implanted mesh materials were detected in polarized light with the use of sections stained with Sirius Red. The ratios between collagen fibers type I and III in granulomas around PP Std Light and TiMesh materials determined 7 days after the operation were 1.085 ± 0.022 and above 1.107 ± 0.013, respectively (p = 0.017). The ratio increased to 1.174 ± 0.036 and 1.246 ± 0.102, respectively (p = 0.045) 1 month after the operation. The obtained results suggest that the titanium coating of polypropylene stimulates the formation of collagen type I and more mature connective tissue around mesh endoprostheses.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(4):332-339
pages 332-339 views

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