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Vol 12, No 1 (2018)


Characterization of New Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines

Kiseleva L.N., Kartashev A.V., Vartanyan N.L., Pinevich A.A., Filatov M.V., Samoilovich M.P.


Glioblastomas are tumors of neuroectodermal origin with a high degree of diversity. Tumor cells isolated from the surgical material of patients with glioblastomas are heterogeneous populations varying in morphology, phenotype, and genetic characteristics. This paper presents a description of two new glioblastoma cell lines, R1 and T2, isolated from tumor tissue of patients in 2010. We investigated their morphological and cytochemical cell characteristics and the expression of neuronal, mesenchymal, and endothelial markers, as well as the activity of genes encoding a number of growth factors, extracellular matrix proteins, and intracellular proteins typical for cells of mesenchymal origin. R1 and T2 cell lines are morphologically different. T2 cell line was characterized by the presence of multinuclear cells. In terms of the expression of β-tubulin III, MGMT, and p53 protein, R1 cell line was more heterogeneous than T2. R1 and T2 glioblastoma cell lines also differed in the presence and ratio of cell populations with mesenchymal, neuronal, and endothelial markers. Thus, neuronal markers CD133/2 and CD56 were detected only on R1 cells. Both lines were characterized by high activity of growth factor genes TGFβ1, VEGF, and FGF2(b), lower activity of EGF, and high expression of THBS1 and αSMA genes. However, the activity of most of the genes under study in R1 cells was higher than in T2 cells. The greatest difference lay in the expression of HGF, FAP, and TNC. Comparison of two new glioblastoma cell lines, R1 and T2, with the continuously cultivated lines А172 and T98G showed that R1 line had remarkable similarity with A172, while T2 glioblastoma resembled T98G cells. Apparently, the differences between R1 and T2 cell lines are determined by the properties of the initial tumors rather than the time of the cell cultivation.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):1-6
pages 1-6 views

The Dynamics of Cell Properties during Long-Term Cultivation of Two Lines of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Wharton’s Jelly of Human Umbilical Cord

Koltsova A.M., Krylova T.A., Musorina A.S., Zenin V.V., Turilova V.I., Yakovleva T.K., Poljanskaya G.G.


The cell properties of two MSC lines (MSCWJ-1 and MSCWJ-2) established from Wharton’s jelly of human umbilical cord were analyzed at the 6th, 13th, and 28th passages. The following were discovered. (1) The cell morphology during long-term cultivation was changed in both lines, with the cells being larger and having more debris in the MSCWJ-2 line than in the MSCWJ-1 line. (2) As shown by analysis of growth characteristics, long-term cultivation was accompanied with a significant increase of the average population-doubling time in both cell lines. This was correlated with morphological changes and a gradual increase in β-galactosidase activity, indicating the occurrence of replicative senescence. The interline changes concerned the level of proliferative activity, the index of proliferation, the time of the entry into the phase of replicative senescence (30 population doublings in the MSCWJ-2 line and 60 population doublings in the MSCWJ-1 line), and the percentage of senescent cells (80% in MSCWJ-2 line compared to 58% in the MSCWJ-1 line). (3) Numerical karyotypic analysis showed that both cell lines at early and late passages had normal karyotype 46, XX (MSCWJ-1 cells), and 46, XY (MSCWJ-2 cells). Structural karyotypic analysis showed a cytogenetic heterogeneity in both lines: low frequency of random clonal and nonclonal chromosomal rearrangements disappeared during long-term cultivation. Unlike in the case of the MSCWJ-1 line, the clonal chromosomal rearrangement of the short arm of chromosome 7 with a frequency of 39% was detected at the sixth passage in the MSCWJ-2 line but disappeared at the 13th passage. (4) Surface marker analysis of these cell lines at the 6th, 13th, and 28th passages revealed that these cells expressed surface antigens characteristic of human MSC (CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105, HLA-ABC), as well as vimentin, and did not express CD34 and HLA-DR. (5) Analysis of nondifferentiated hESC markers in both lines showed a decrease in the level of expression of the surface marker SSEA-4 and a lack of expression of the transcription factor SOX-2 at the 13th passage in the MSCWJ-2 and at the 28th passage in MSCWJ-1 cells. (6) Cell adhesion in both lines was lower in late passages compared to the cells at the sixth passage. The cells retained an osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation potential at late passages. A lack of chondrogenic differentiation in MSCWJ-2 cells, but not in MSCWJ-1 cells, was registered at late passages. The MSCWJ-2 cell line exhibited a frequently occurring clonal chromosomal rearrangement at an early passage, early replicative senescence with a large proportion of senescent cells, a significantly decreased index of proliferation during long-term cultivation, a decrease or disappearance of the expression of nondifferentiated ESCs of markers, and decreased differentiation potential. Given the metabolic cooperation between the cells, we can cautiously suppose that the clonal chromosomal rearrangement of the short arm of chromosome 7 detected at an early passage with high frequency is coupled with activation of cellular processes that proceed in the absence of this chromosomal aberration.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):7-19
pages 7-19 views

Exosomes Transfer p53 between Cells and Can Suppress Growth and Proliferation of p53-Negative Cells

Burdakov V.S., Kovalev R.A., Pantina R.A., Varfolomeeva E.Y., Makarov E.M., Filatov M.V.


Exosomes are nanosized vesicles that are secreted by many types of cells. We have found that exosomes secreted by HEK293 and HT-1080 can suppress growth and proliferation of p53-deficient cells. Upon overexpression of exogenous p53-GFP in HEK293 cells, we observed p53 protein in exosomes that were secreted by these cells. We also found endogenous p53 in exosomes that were secreted by HT-1080 cells with a higher level of p53 expression. We were able to detect endogenous p53 protein in exosomes that originated from human plasma and were transferred to p53-deficient cells. Our findings indicate that p53 protein can be transferred between cells and may play an important physiological role.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):20-26
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Lack of Mutagenic Activity of Sulfur Nanoparticles in Micronucleus Test on L5178Y Cell Culture

Islamov R.A., Bishimova I., Sabitov A.N., Ilin A.I., Burkitbaev M.M.


The nature and physicochemical characteristics of nanomaterials affect their biological activity. Sulfur microparticles and sulphur nanoparticles have different levels of activity against bacterial, fungal, and animal cells. The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of sulfur nanoparticles (SNPs) of about 70 nm in size were examined on the L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell culture. The concentration of SNPs causing 50% cell death is 0.078–0.312 mg/mL. The micronucleus assay revealed no mutagenic properties of SNPs. Metabolic activation of SNPs by the rat liver microsomal fraction does not affect the toxicity. It is assumed that the mechanism of cytotoxic action is associated with the interaction of elemental sulfur with sulfhydryl groups of molecules inside the cell.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):27-32
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Difference in Susceptibility of 3T3 and 3T3-SV40 Cells to Invasion by Opportunistic Pathogens Serratia grimesii

Ivlev A.P., Efremova T.N., Khaitlina S.Y., Bozhokina E.S.


Cells isolated from a body are resistant to bacterial invasion but lose the resistance upon immortalization and transformation. In this work, interaction of immortalized 3T3 fibroblasts and their in vitro transformed analog 3T3-SV40 cells with opportunistic bacteria Serratia grimesii was studied in a conventional medium and after incubating the cells with an antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). The 3T3 cells were shown to be approximately twice less sensitive to S. grimesii infection than similar but virus-transformed 3T3- SV40 cells. Incubation of 3T3 cells with 10 and 20 mM NAC enhanced the invasion 1.6 and 2.5-fold, respectively. Under the same conditions, the invasion of 3T3-SV40 cells by the bacteria was enhanced 2.1 and 2.4- fold. These results show that 3T3 cells are more resistant to invasion by S. grimesii than 3T3-SV40 cells, and the difference is preserved after the cells are exposed to 10 and 20 mM NAC. Among the genes which expression is known to be increased by NAC, a special role plays E-cadherin shown to interact with surface proteins (invasins) of pathogenic bacteria. Incubation of 3T3 and 3T3-SV40 cells with NAC resulted in an increased expression of E-cadherin, which correlates with the increased sensitivity of these cells to invasion. Confocal fluorescence microscopy revealed, for the first time, colocalization of S. grimesii with E-cadherin of 3T3 and 3T3-SV40 cells indicating that E-cadherin can be involved in the penetration of S. grimesii into eukaryotic cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):33-40
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Extracellular pH Regulates the Entry of Calcium into Jurkat T-cells

Cherezova A.L., Negulyaev J.A., Zenin V.V., Semenova S.B.


The entry of calcium into blood cells is a key event in the launching of multiple transcription programs and in the development of immune response, proliferation, growth and cell differentiation. The TRPchannel superfamily serves as the main conductor of calcium ions in blood cells, most of the regulatory elements of which remain unknown. In the current work carried out on Jurkat cells using the patch-clamp method, we showed that the activity of TRPV5 and TRPV6 calcium channels (transient receptor potential vanilloid) of the TRP superfamily depends on the pH of the environment. Results of measurements of the intracellular Ca2+ level using a fluorescent Ca2+-specific Fluo-4 probe demonstrated that the entry of Ca2+ into Jurkat cells is also regulated by extracellular pH. The obtained data indicate that changes in the pH of the environment affecting the activity of the TRPV5 and TRPV6 calcium channels can regulate the entry and level of intracellular Ca2+ in Jurkat cells. It is suggested that such a mechanism for responding to changes in the acid–base balance is necessary for the cells of the immune system to trigger protective reactions, including the areas of development of various inflammations.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):41-47
pages 41-47 views

Enhanced Glucose Uptake in Phenylbutyric Acid-Treated 3T3-L1 Adipocytes

Fakhoury H., Osman S., Ghazale N., Dahdah N., El-Sibai M., Kanaan A.


Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease marked by altered glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance. The phosphatase PTEN antagonizes the insulin-induced-PI3K-driven cascade that normally leads to GLUT4 membrane translocation. This study investigates the effect of Phenylbutyric Acid (PBA), a chemical chaperone and a potential mediator of PTEN activity, on glucose uptake in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Adipocyte differentiation status was quantified by Oil Red O staining and the expression of AP2. Baseline and insulin-induced adipocyte glucose uptake were assayed with and without PBA treatment. Expression of GLUT1, GLUT4, PIP3, pAkt, pPTEN, and PARK-7 was examined by western blot. Plasma membrane expression of GLUT4 was determined using immunofluorescence. Leptin and adiponectin secretion was measure by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. PBA treatment, alone or with insulin induction, significantly increased glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. PBA significantly increased GLUT1 but not GLUT4 total protein expression. However, a significant increase in membrane GLUT4 protein translocation was observed. The expression of PIP3 and pAkt increased indicating enhanced PI3k pathway activity. There was a significant decrease in PTEN activity as evident by a rise in the phosphorylated form of this protein. PARK7 protein expression increased with PBA. Treating differentiated adipocytes with PBA did not alter their differentiation status, but decreased the leptin to adiponectin ratio. Conclusion: this study showed that PBA enhances adipocyte glucose uptake potentially through its effect on glucose transporter expression and/or trafficking via the PI3K signaling pathway; suggesting PBA as a possible candidate for the ancillary management of diabetes.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):48-56
pages 48-56 views

A Search for a New Cellular Model to Study the Pharmacological Activity of Progesterone Analogues

Petrosyan M.A., Melezhnikova N.O., Domnina A.P., Andryushina V.A., Goryachaya T.S., Petrova L.I., Malysheva O.V., Razygraev A.V., Polyakova V.O., Sapronov N.S.


The possibility of using the endometrial cell line as a model for studying the pharmacological activity of progesterone analogues is considered. Conditions for obtaining and culturing of endometrial cell lines are described, the morphological characteristic is given, and the immunophenotypic profile, karyotype, and expression of progesterone and estrogen receptors are presented. Not all studied endometrial lines showed the ability to decidualize cells under the action of hormonal inducers (combinations of estradiol with progesterone and its analogues). It appeared that lines sensitive to hormones are able to increase the secretion of specific markers of decidualization under the action of highly active gestagenes (progesterone analogues) to a greater extent than under action of progesterone. These data are a basis for further development of the cellular model for studying the pharmacological activity of gestagenic compounds.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):57-65
pages 57-65 views

pH Change in Culture Medium Induces Reorganization of Intranuclear Actin in Two-Cell Mouse Embryos

Bogolyubova N.A., Mironenko E.O.


Actin is a permanent component of the cell nucleus involved in many nuclear processes. However, some nuclear functions of actin remain insufficiently explored. The role played by various extracellular stimuli in regulation of nuclear actin still remains enigmatic. Deviation of basic parameters of culture medium from optimal values is a member of the group of extracellular stimuli that are very important for mammalian embryos cultured in vitro. Change in culture medium pH from the level optimal for embryo homeostasis is one such signals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the intranuclear actin distribution in nuclei of two-cell mouse embryos under stress conditions induced by changes in extracellular pH. The pattern of actin localization has been tracked after short-term culturing of the embryos at optimal (pH 7.2), increased (pH 7.8), or decreased (pH 6.5) pH conditions. Analysis was carried out with confocal microscopy using methods of direct fluorescent and indirect immunofluorescent identification of actin. It has been shown that the change of culture medium pH from the optimum value is the signal that alters intranuclear actin distribution in nuclei of the embryonic cells. Culture of two-cell mouse embryos in suboptimal pH conditions (pH 6.5 and pH 7.8) induced alterations in the intranuclear actin localization, which, in particular, were expressed in accumulation of monomeric actin and the appearance of phalloidin-stainable actin in the nuclei. These changes, in our opinion, show some signs of similarity with stress-induced changes in nuclear-actin distribution, which, as has been reported earlier by a number of researchers, have been observed in the nuclei of somatic cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):66-73
pages 66-73 views

Neuronal Gap Junctions in Cortical Columns and Nuclei of the Ventral Thalamus of Rats

Kirichenko E.Y., Logvinov A.K., Filippova S.Y.


Functional cortical columns and nuclei of the ventral thalamus play a key role in processing of sensory information; therefore, detailed studies on formation of neuron-to-neuron gap junctions in these areas are of great theoretical and practical importance. In the present study, we applied electron-microscopy methods to examine the structure and specific distribution of interneuronal gap junctions in the cortical layer IV and thalamic nuclei, including VPM, RTN, Pom, and VPL. In the cortex, we found more interneuronal gap junctions than in thalamic nuclei. In all structures studied we revealed and described axo-dendritic, dendrodendritic, and “mixed” synapses. We report on the axo-dendritic gap junctions for the first time. It is suggested that this type of contacts plays some functional role in local synchronization of neuronal activity within one ensemble on the presynaptic level.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):74-79
pages 74-79 views

Trichrome Staining for Detection of Amyloid

Kozlov V.A., Sapozhnikov S.P., Karyshev P.B.


It has been proposed to use trichrome staining of histological sections for the detection of connective tissue fiber and sites for amyloid localization, as well as for increasing color contrast. After incubation in acidin–pepsin solution, sections are dewaxed and successively stained with picrofuchsin according to van Gieson, together with nuclei counterstain with hematoxylin, Congo red, and picroindigocarmine. As a result, the amyloid bound with collagen fibers was stained brick-red, collagen and reticular fibers not bound with amyloid was stained blue-green, and cytoplasm of cells not containing amyloid was stained yellow. Trichrome staining of organs affected by amyloidosis is more informative for the analysis of organs than Congo red stain.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):80-84
pages 80-84 views

The Karyotype of Amoeba borokensis from a “proteus-like” Amoeba Group (Amoebozoa: Euamoebida)

Demin S.Y., Podlipaeva Y.I., Berdieva M.A., Goodkov A.V.


The karyotype of Amoeba borokensis was studied for the first time. At the metaphase of mitosis, this species has a haploid set of chromosomes (n = 27). This is exactly half of the diploid karyotype in Amoeba proteus (strain B). At first glance, it confirms the idea that has recently appeared that one species arises from another via multiple changes in chromosome number. However, comparative cytogenetic analysis revealed that four orthologous chromosomes from haploid sets of these two species were not distinguished by the pattern of DAPI-stained bands. It shows that the genetic distance between A. proteus and A. borokensis is higher than was believed earlier and these two species have diverged from each other. Analysis of data on the life cycles of A. proteus and A. borokensis shows that a kind of so-called “cyclic polyploidy” takes place in “proteus-like” amoebae. “Cyclic polyploidy” has recently been considered as an alternative to the sexual process for genetic recombination in agamic protists from different macrotaxons.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(1):85-91
pages 85-91 views

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