Order training as a method of managing the formed suborders of organizational culture (Castalia program)





Introduction. The organizational and cultural approach to the management of modern organizations remains a priority in the context of an increasing variety of management technologies. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical basis for understanding the phenomenon of organizational culture and socio-psychological training as a method of managing it is the order approach to the socio-psychological study and change of organizational culture. In the order approach organizational culture is considered as a complex socio-psychological order of organizational and managerial interactions, constituted and regulated by subsystems of ethical meanings of participants in interaction. Empirical Analysis. The analysis is based on the material of the training case. Conclusion. The socio-psychological mechanism underlying the training method of managing the suborders of organizational culture is a step-by-step recoding of the ethical and semantic code of culture, taking into account at the same time the features of the existing culture of the organization and the actual management task.


Liudmila Aksenovskaya

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410002, Russia


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