The value and semantic meaning of the Motherland in A. S. Panarin’s book “Orthodox civilization in the global world”: A philosophical analysis





Introduction. The article examines the book by A. S. Panarin “Orthodox civilization in the global world” as a source of understanding the essence of the Motherland, its place in the system of values. The relevance of addressing this issue is obvious in connection with the changes taking place both in Russia and in the world, the need to overcome the crisis and implement a different model of development based on objective values. Theoretical analysis. The appeal to the work of A. S. Panarin makes it possible to critically assess the potential of the value of “Motherland” as a key value of humanity, to determine the prospects for the implementation of this idea into reality. To solve this problem, the thinker’s ideas are compared with the philosophical concept of the Motherland as a spiritual substance, a shrine, perceived and transmitted by a person through a system of images. Conclusion. It is pointed out that the acquisition of a Motherland by a person as the basis for his own identity, personal highest value, is a condition for future progressive equitable development. Attention is drawn to the importance of education as a factor contributing to a real understanding of the essence of the Motherland and its acceptance as the highest personal value, enabling the individual to objectively understand the ideological concepts of various political subjects and resist sending the course of socio-cultural and other transformations in a destructive direction.


Tаtiana Chikaeva

Moscow Institute of Art and Industry

6/1, Davydkovskaya St., Moscow, 121352, Russia


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