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卷 13, 编号 3 (2019)


Albian–Cenomanian Orogenic Belt and Igneous Province of Pacific Asia

Khanchuk A., Grebennikov A., Ivanov V.


Geological data and about 300 precision geochronological and geochemical determinations are analyzed to identify the Albian–Cenomanian continental-margin orogenic belt and simultaneous igneous province of Pacific Asia. The orogenic belt represents a newly formed region of continental lithosphere that resulted from the deformation of mainly Jurassic–Early Cretaceous epioceanic terranes. The igneous province is made up of volcanic and intrusive complexes of mostly Albian age, which are syn-orogenic within the belt and post-orogenic beyond it. The igneous rocks include A-, I-, and S-type granitoids; adakites; and VAB- and OIB-type basalts and their intrusive analogues. Both the orogenic belt and the igneous province were formed in a tectonic setting of a transform continental margin between 110 and 95 Ma. The interval of 103–97 Ma became the peak of orogenic and magmatic activity caused by upwelling of the hot asthenospheric mantle through destructed stagnant slabs of the pre-Albian subduction. The Albian–Cenomanian age of the large gold, copper, tungsten, tin, and other ore deposits argues in favor of recognition of the corresponding metallogenic province. The first age data (100–97 Ma) are reported for the granite from the Malmyzh deposit within the Sikhote-Alin Ridge.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2019;13(3):187-219
pages 187-219 views

Early Cretaceous Granitic and Monzonitic Rocks of the Southern Part of the Zhuravlevka Terrane (Sikhote-Alin): Geochemical Composition and Melt Sources

Kruk N., Gvozdev V., Orekhov A., Kruk E., Kasatkin S., Golozubov V., Rudnev S., Aoki S., Komiya T., Kovach V., Serov P.


The article presents new geological, geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data on the Early Cretaceous granitic rocks of the southern part of the Zhuravlevka Terrane (Sikhote-Alin). It is shown that four intrusive complexes containing significant amounts of granitic rocks were formed almost simultaneously in this area in the Early Cretaceous (about 100 Ma). These magmatic associations differ in rock set, their mineralogical characteristics, and chemical composition, varying from medium-potassium tonalites and granodiorites depleted in incompatible elements to shoshonitic monzonitic rocks enriched in HFSE and REE. The geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the granitic rocks indicate that the source of their melts was dominated by essentially juvenile metabasite crust with a limited contribution of the upper-crustal metasedimentary rocks. The diversity of geochemical types of the granitic rocks is explained by variable metabasite and metapelite contributions to their source, upper crustal contamination during magma ascent, as well as the variable contribution of the mantle source and different mechanisms of mantle–crust interaction.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2019;13(3):220-238
pages 220-238 views

Comparative Analysis of Aptian–Albian Rocks of the Kema and Kiselevka–Manoma Terranes: Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Paleomagnetism

Arkhipov M., Voinova I., Kudymov A., Peskov A., Otoh S., Nagata M., Golozubov V., Didenko A.


The results of comprehensive (geological, geochemical, geochronological, and petro- and paleomagnetic) study of the Aptian–Albian rocks of the Kema Terrane and the northeastern Udyl segment of the Kiselevka–Manoma Terrane are presented. The obtained results suggest that the studied volcanogenic–terrigenous complexes of rocks formed in a suprasubduction zone at about the same time (early Albian, 110 Ma ago) at close latitudes but in different island arcs unequally distant from the continent: the complexes of the Kema Terrane at a latitude of 36° ± 6° N in the island arc close to the continent as evidenced by the petro–geochemical characteristics of the volcanites and the presence of ancient zircons in the sediments; and the rocks of the Udyl segment of the Kiselevka–Manoma Terrane at a latitude of 33° ± 5° N in an intraoceanic island arc separated from the volcanic arc of the Kema terrane by an interarc basin, which was wide and deep enough to avoid the influence of the continental source areas in the sediment accumulation zone of the Kiselevka–Manoma Terrane. Based on the conclusions, the geodynamic reconstruction is developed for the formation and history of motions of the studied rock complexes during the oceanic plate movement, their displacement along the transform margin, as well as post-accretionary movements at various distances to the current position with the following coordinates: Udyl 52° N, 140° E; Kema 45°–46° N, 136°–137° E.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2019;13(3):239-264
pages 239-264 views

Lateral Zonality of the East Sikhote-Alin Volcanic Belt: Geodynamic Regime in the Late Cretaceous

Martynov A., Golozubov V., Martynov Y., Kasatkin S.


The East Sikhote Alin volcanic belt (~1500 km long) is commonly regarded as a tectonomagmatic structure formed in the Late Cretaceous in a subduction environment, which was followed by the destruction of the oceanic slab and active asthenospheric diapirism in the Cenozoic. However, the nature of the lateral zonality of the Late Cretaceous volcanic complexes, which is distinctly expressed in a number of geological and metallogenic parameters, remains poorly studied. In this paper, this issue is considered on the example of the poorly studied Late Cretaceous Bolbinsk Formation of northern Sikhote Alin. Analysis of the published geological information in combination with geochronological, trace-element, and isotopic data indicates that the structure was developed in a non-subduction geodynamic setting. The predominance of magnesian (Mg# = 26–40) adakites (La/Yb = 19–34) and high-niobium basalts and low lead (Δ8/4Pb = 30–46) and high neodymium (143Nd/144Nd 0.51279–0.51281) isotopic ratios suggest an elevated permeability of the subducted slab and injection of a “hot” oceanic asthenosphere into the mantle wedge. Consequently, the lateral geological, geochemical, and metallogenic zonality of the East Sikhote Alin volcanogenic belt was formed at the early stages of its evolution as a result of the specific configuration of the Late Cretaceous continental margin.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2019;13(3):265-282
pages 265-282 views

The Itmurundy Accretionary Complex, Northern Balkhash Area: Geological Structure, Stratigraphy and Tectonic Origin

Safonova I., Perfilova A., Obut O., Savinsky I., Chyornyi R., Petrenko N., Gurova A., Kotler P., Khromykh S., Krivonogov S., Maruyama S.


The Itmurundy zone of the northern Balkhash area is a Pacific-type orogenic belt. It possesses a complex geological structure and hosts rocks of mantle, accretionary and post-orogenic associations. The volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the accretionary association belong to three suites: Itmurundy (O1-2), Kazyk (O2-3) and Tyuretai (O3-S1). The suites are separated by tectonic unconformities or faults of three orders: 1) large regional faults; 2) medium faults separating mantle and oceanic accreted rocks; 3) small faults separating packages consisting of oceanic sediments. The Itmurundy Fm. (O1-2) is the most lithologically variable consisting of oceanic basalt, pelagic chert, hemipelagic siliceous mudstone and siltstone, and trench greywacke sandstone. The packages, each consisting of chert-siliceous mudstone, are separated from each other by 2nd and 3rd order faults of probably thrust nature, i.e. they are parts of duplex structures. The presence of duplex structures and the high degree of deformation of Itmurundy Fm. rocks are typical of accretionary complexes. The associations of volcanic and sedimentary rocks under study represent a full section of oceanic plate stratigraphy (OPS): basalt (MORB, OIB)—chert (pelagic)—siliceous mudstone, siltstone and shale (hemipelagic)—trench sandstones (greywacke). The structural position and the lithology of Itmurundy rocks accord well with the model of formation of accretionary complexes at Pacific-type convergent margins, in particular, those in the western Pacific.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2019;13(3):283-296
pages 283-296 views

Basaltic Volcanism of Island-Arc–Back-Arc Basin System (Altai Active Margin)

Kuibida M.


The results of prior studies are generalized and the author’s data on the geology, geochemistry, and isotope geochronology of the Early–Middle Devonian volcanic series of Western Gorny Altai and Rudny Altai that are related to two large volcanic systems, the Altai–Minusinsk and Altai–Salair, respectively, are presented. The studied basalts have convergent geochemical characteristics between the rocks in back-arc basins and island arcs or their rear extension zones. It is considered that the back-arc-basin–island-arc system was developed in the Early–Middle Devonian on the Altai margin of the Siberian continent.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2019;13(3):297-309
pages 297-309 views