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Том 10, № 5 (2016)


Closure of the Solonker basin: Paleomagnetism of the Linxi and Xingfuzhilu formations (Inner Mongolia, China)

Didenko A., Li Y., Peskov A., Sun S., Karetnikov A., Zhou Y.


The results of petro- and paleomagnetic studies of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Linxi and Xingfuzhilu formations (Solonker Zone, Inner Mongolia, China) are reported. The direction of an ancient prefold magnetization component is determined (Dec = 157.8°, Inc =–43.5°, K = 10.0, α95 = 5.8°) and the coordinates of the corresponding paleomagnetic pole at ~250 Ma are calculated (Plat = 64.2°, Plong = 350.6°, dp = 4.5°, dm = 7.2°). The obtained and published paleomagnetic, geochronological, and geochemical data permit palinspatic reconstructions, according to which (1) a paleobasin ~500 km wide existed between the Late Permian and beginning of the Early Triassic (250 Ma); and (2) its closure occurred not in the Permian as previously thought, but at the beginning of the Early Triassic.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(5):317-336
pages 317-336 views

Tectonics and metallogeny of the Khakandzha ore district in the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanic belt

Yushmanov Y., Petrishchevsky A.


The data on the structure, geodynamics, and metallogeny of the Khakandzha ore district in northwestern Okhotsk region are analyzed and the two main factors responsible for the localization of ore deposits are defined. The magmatic factor controls the confinement of the ore district to the tectono-magmatic structure of the central type (source of ore matter), which determines the concentric zoning patterns in the distribution of ore mineralization. The tectonic factor determines the confinement of the ore districts, deposits, and ore occurrences of the region to the meridional left-lateral shear structure, which controls the magma and fluid distribution. Local extension (transtension) in this structure against the background of general lateral compression (transpression) provided tectonic environments most favorable for ore accumulation.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(5):337-350
pages 337-350 views

Petrophysical features of the tectonic structures of the Okhotsk continent–ocean transition zone

Ivolga E., Gurovich V., Romanovsky N., Manilov Y.


Petrophysical characteristics are determined for the rock complexes of the Okhotsk margin within the continent–ocean transition zone. Petrophysical maps showing the major inhomogeneities of the main tectonic elements of the studied area are constructed. Petrophysical inhomogeneities and the corresponding geophysical field anomalies are compared. A relationship between the magnetic field anomalies and subsurface rock complexes is revealed. The gravity field anomalies are related to deep inhomogeneities and are almost independent of the subsurface rock complexes of relatively low thickness.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(5):351-364
pages 351-364 views

Yakchi chert–volcanogenic Formation—fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism in the Central Sikhote-Аlin, Russian Far East

Zyabrev S., Voinova I., Martynyuk M., Shevelev E.


The Yakchi chert–volcanogenic formation is differentiated at the base of the stratigraphic succession in the Khor-Tormasu subzone of the Central Sikhote-clin structural–formational zone or the Samarka terrane of the Jurassic accretionary prism. The paper considers the results of biostratigraphic study of its deposits and petrogeochemical studies of its basalts. A tectonically disrupted sequence of the Yakchi Formation is restored on the basis of fossil conodonts and radiolarians, and its Late cermian–Middle Jurassic age is determined. The authors interpret the resulting stratigraphic succession in terms of changing depositional settings on the moving oceanic plate and recognize events of the ocean history recorded in it. Chert accumulated on the oceanic plate in pelagic canthalassa/caleopacifica from the Late cermian through to the Middle Jurassic. Deposition of siliceous claystone in the Late cermian–Early Triassic reflects the decline in productivity of radiolarians and a long anoxic event in Panthalassa. Chert accumulation resumed in the Triassic and persisted in the Jurassic, and it was interrupted by the eruption of basalts of different nature. Formation of the Middle–Late Triassic oceanic intraplate basalts likely occurred on the thick and old oceanic lithosphere and that of the Jurassic basalts on the thin and newly created lithosphere. In the Middle Jurassic, chert accumulation was replaced by accumulation of tuffaceous siltstone at a subduction zone along the csian continental margin. The middle Bathonian–early Callovian age of this siltstone closely predates accretion of the Yakchi Formation. The materials of the upper layer of the oceanic plate that formed over 100 million years in different parts of the ocean and on the lithospheric fragments of different ages were accreted to the continental margin. The bulk of the accreted material consists of oceanic intraplate basalts, i.e., fragments of volcanic edifices on the oceanic floor. accretion of this western part of the Khor-Tormasu subzone occurred concurrently with accretion of the southeastern part of the Samarka subzone in Primorye, which clarifies the paleotectonic zonation of the Central Sikhote-Alin accretionary prism. The cataclastic gabbroids and granitoids, as well as the clastic rocks with shallow-marine fossils in the Khor-Tormasu subzone, are considered as possible analogues of the Okrainka-Sergeevka allochthonous complex.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(5):365-385
pages 365-385 views

New data on ore geochemistry of the Rodionovskoe gold–quartz deposit, Northeast Russia

Volkov A., Sidorov A., Murashov K., Sidorova N.


The enrichment of gold–quartz ores from the Rodionovskoe deposit in chalcophile elements (Au, Ag, As, Sb) is established. The ores are characterized by small negative Eu anomalies and low REE contents, which are typical of magmatic fluids. Slight enrichment of ores in Bi is evidence of the possible involvement of magmatic fluid in ore formation, which may have been superimposed on early metamorphic quartz veins and veinlets. The variously oriented REE patterns also indicate the presence of another magmatic fluid source, which could be related to the post-ore granitic intrusion. These results generally confirm the metamorphic–magmatic model of the formation of the gold–quartz deposits of the Yana–Kolyma belt. Our data are of practical interest for regional metallogenic forecasts, search, and evaluation of gold deposits.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(5):386-394
pages 386-394 views

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