On the role of the Czechoslovak Corps in the Expansion of the Civil War in Russia





The book by M. A. Vasilchenko reveals the degree of participation of soldiers and officers of the Czechoslovak Corps at the initial stage of the Civil War in the Volga region. The monograph traces the process of transformation of Czech units from an integral part of the Russian army into a national military formation pursuing narrow national interests in the conditions of Civil War. The author introduces the concept of “autonomization” into scientific circulation, which is successful enough to describe this process. Vasilchenko attracts a wide range of sources that have not been introduced into scientific circulation, explores the interaction of the corps command with anti-Bolshevik forces. The monograph significantly complements not only the history of the Czechoslovak Corps, but also reveals little-known aspects of the Civil War in the Volga region. The review comments on the need to more clearly outline the author’s attitude to the object and subject of research, as well as the need for a more extended generalization, as well as wishes for further development of the scientific direction.


Vyacheslav Baklanov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: larisachernova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4982-1523
49 Leningradsky Prospekt, 125993, Moscow, Russia


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