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Manuscripts Review Procedure

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1. General Information 

1.1. The Journal «Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations» is issued 4 times a year.

1.2. The journal’s sections correspond to the Catalogue of scientific areas of academic degrees:

5.6 – History:

5.6.1 – National History

5.6.2. – World History

5.6.5 – Historiography, source study and Historical research methods

5.6.7 – History of international relations and foreign policy


1.3. Langueages of publication are Russian and English.

1.4. The journal accepts for publication theoretical, methodological and argumentative articles, critical reviews and research results in Ancient history, history of Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary history, National history, Regional and Local history, history of post-Soviet countries, historiography, source studies and historical research methods, history of international relations and foreign policy. It also publishes reviews and reports.

Scientific reviews, articles about leading scientists and reports on scientific events are accepted only if approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Scientific articles written by researches, lecturers - specialists in history and history of international relations and foreign policy, doctors and candidates of sciences, postgraduates, applicants are accepted for publication.

The Editorial Board does not consider the articles that:

  • of an exclusively general nature;
  • published or submitted for publication elsewhere;
  • do not comply with the rules of the Journal.

1.5. The Editorial Board complies with the Publishing Ethics of the journals Izvestiya of Saratov University. Authors, submitting a manuscript for publication, and reviewers, agreeing to review the manuscript, also undertake to comply with the specified ethical standards. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of all data presented and are obliged to promptly report the presence of a conflict of interest.

1.6. A manuscript should not exceed 20,000 – 40,000 characters including spaces or contain more than 5 figures and 4 tables. The reviews cannot exceed 10,000 – 20,000 characters including spaces and up to 2 figures. Larger articles are accepted only if approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

1.7. The article must be carefully edited and done strictly in accordance with the rules of the Journal. The surname of the author in English should be reflected in the name of the file (e.g., Ivanov, Ivanov-Petrov, Ivanov_et_al).

1.8. All articles before being sent for a peer review are checked by the Editorial Board for incorrect citation using the anti-plagiarism system “Antiplagiat. VUZ”.

1.9. All articles received by the Editorial Board, checked for plagiarism and provided that they pertain to the subject matter of the Journal, are peer-reviewed (see “Manuscript Review Procedure”), and the Editorial Board decides whether or not to publish them in the Journal.

1.10. An article sent to the author for revision should be improved and returned to the Editorial Board as soon as possible. An article that has been delayed for more than three months is considered a new submission. The revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing answers to all comments of the reviewer and an explanation of all changes made to the article. Returning an article for revision does not mean that the article will be published. The revised article is sent by the Editorial Board for re-review.

1.11. The author of the manuscript accepted for publication will receive the written decision of the Editorial Board and the License Agreement. The author should sign two copies of the agreement and send them to the address:

L. N. Chernova, Saratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, 410012, Russia.

Upon being signed at the university one copy of the agreement is returned to the author.

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1.15. The copyright holder is the author of the article, which owns the following rights (without restrictions), guaranteed by the License Agreement:

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d) the right to the inviolability of the Paper;

e) the right to publish the Paper.

1.16. The publication of manuscripts is free of charge.

1.17. Contacts for addressing the Editorial Board of the series: 

Saratov State University, Institute of History and International Relations, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, 410012, Russia.


Users registered on the website of the Journal can send a letter from their personal account.


2. Manuscript Requirements

2.1. Structure of the manuscript:

metadata in Russian: article type (article, short communication, short communication, review), UDC index, article title, initials and surnames of authors, information about authors (place of work (organization, postal address of the organization), last name, first name, patronymic or middle name (if any), academic degree, position indicating the department, e-mail, ORCID, Aurhor ID e-library), abstract, keywords, gratitude and sources of funding for the work (if any);

metadata in English: article type (article, short communication, review), article title, initials and surnames of authors, information about authors (place of work (organization, postal address of the organization), name, initial of patronymic or middle name (if any), surname, e-mail, ORCID, Aurhor ID e-library), abstract, keywords, acknowledgments and sources of funding for the work (if any);

Abstract requirements:

300–500 characters;

the abstract should not contain complicated formulas, references to bibliography, its content should not repeat the manuscript title; the abstract should not be in broad terms that do not convey the essence of the study;

the abstract should reflect the content of the manuscript maintaining its structure: Introduction, Aims and Objectives, Research Methods, Results, Conclusion(s);

the content and size of abstracts in Russian and English should not differ significantly.

Keywords serve as a guide for the reader and are used to search for articles in electronic databases. The recommended number of keywords is 7–10, they need to be separated by commas, without a period at the end. In Russian and English, the keywords must be identical in quantity and content.


The text of the article. ... [1, p. 25], ... [2, l. 135], ... [3, p. 147] ... [2, l. 137]…


Notes (if available). The available notes and comments are placed before the List of references. Each note is indicated by an endnote and numbered with an Arabic numeral.It must be issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic citation. General requirements and rules of preparation" and GOST R 7.0.7-2021 "Articles in journals and collections. Publishing style" with an indication of the mandatory information of the bibliographic description (see below).


Reference list. The Reference list, entitled as a REFERENCE LIST, is compiled in numbered order from [1] to [last] link.

Bibliographic references to the Reference list should be drawn up in the order of mention in the text, indicating in the line of the text in square brackets the digital serial number and comma-separated numbers of the corresponding pages (sheets of archival file). For example: [1, p. 25], [2, l. 135], [3, p. 147].

Each archive file of one fund is considered a separate source in the numbering of the list of references.



УДК 94(410)“1”


Женщины в социальной жизни средневекового города

(на материале Лондона XIV–XV веков)


Л. Н. Чернова


Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского, Россия, 410012, г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, д. 83


Чернова Лариса Николаевна, доктор исторических наук, заведующий кафедрой всеобщей истории, larisachernova@mail.ru, Author ID: 472830


Аннотация. На материале оригинальных источников в статье рассматриваются место и роль женщины в социальной жизни Лондона XIV–XV вв. Показано, что, несмотря на зафиксированные обычаем и законами ограничения на социальную активность женщин, диапазон занятий горожанок – жен и вдов – был необычайно широк. Это ремесло и торговля, включая право обучать учеников, операции с недвижимостью и финансовые сделки. Женщины не просто помогали мужчинам в ремесленном цехе или торговой лавке, но и трудились самостоятельно. Статус женщин, особенно замужних, избравших участие в торговле или в городском производстве в качестве основного занятия, никогда не был полноценным. Существенное ухудшение положения женщин в публичной сфере Лондона произошло в XVI в. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что, несмотря на все трудности, постепенно в условиях города вырабатывался новый тип женщины – энергичной, предприимчивой, образованной, которая выступала в обществе как самостоятельная глава семьи и бизнеса.

Ключевые слова: средневековый город, Лондон, XIV–XV вв., горожанка, жена, вдова, торговля, ремесло, сделки с недвижимостью, финансы и кредит


Women in the social life of a medieval town (based on the material of London in the 14th–15th centuries)


L. N. Chernova


Saratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012, Russia


Larisa N. Chernova, larisachernova@mail.ru, Author ID: 472830


Abstract. The article examines the place and role of women in the social life of London in the 14th–15th centuries based on the material of the original sources. It is shown that, despite the restrictions fixed by custom and laws on the social activity of women, the range of occupations of the townsmen –wives and widows – was unusually wide. It is craft and trade, including the right to take apprentices, real estate transactions, and financial deals. Women did not just help men in the craft or trade shops, but also worked independently. The status of women, especially married women, who chose to participate in trade or in town production as their main occupation, was never fully developed. A significant degradation in the position of women in the public sphere in London occurred in the 16th century. The author concludes that, despite all the difficulties, a new type of woman was gradually developed in the city – energetic, enterprising, educated, who acts in society as an independent head of the family and business.

Keywords: medieval town, London, 14th–15th centuries, townswoman, wife, widow, trade, craft, real estate transactions, finance and credit


* * *

2.2. Requirements for tables and figures

Tables should be placed in the text of the article and presented each in separate files. Multipage tables should be avoided (data is preferably to be distributed among several tables). Each table should be numbered with Arabic numerals and have a thematic heading that briefly reveals its contents. The subheadings of graphs should be as brief and informative as possible. The data in the table should correspond to the figures in the text, but should not duplicate the information presented in it. References to tables in the text are mandatory. If the tables contain additional symbols, they should be deciphered in the Note.

Figures should each be presented in a separate file. Figures should clearly display all their parts and details. The format of the figures should ensure clarity of transmission of all details. Each figures should be accompanied by a numbered caption. References to figures in the text are mandatory. Figures should be provided in the following formats: LineArt (raster) – TIFF 600 – 1200 dpi (LZW compression), Grey (photo) – JPEG 300 – 600 dpi (compression level 8 – 10). Vector figures should be provided in EPS, AI and CDR formats. However, specialized fillings and fonts should not be used. Figures created in any text editor are not accepted. File names of figures should be in the Latin alphabet, contain the name of the first author and corresponding number of the figure in the manuscript (e.g. 01ivanov.tif, 02ivanov.jpeg).

Tables and figures must not take up more than 20% of the total volume of the article.

2.3. Technical requirements for the manuscript

A manuscript should not exceed 20,000 – 40,000 characters including spaces or contain more than 5 figures and 4 tables. The reviews cannot exceed 10,000 – 20,000 characters including spaces and up to 2 figures. The text of the article, review and report should be printed in Times New Roman font at 1.5 intervals with margins of at least 2.0 cm, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm, font size of the main text – 14, secondary text (footnotes, tables, captions and inscriptions to figures, notes) – 12.

2.4. Other

Poorly formatted manuscripts are not registered in the editorial office and are returned to the authors without consideration.

Materials rejected by the Editorial Board are not returned.


3. How to apply for publication

3.1. Submission of an application for publication is made through the Journal's website (click on "Submit article").

3.2. Before submitting an application, you must check if all authors are registered on the site. To do this, in the left menu Authors, you should search by last name and look at the corresponding card. Here you can also see a list of the author's articles published in our Journal.

3.3. If you lose your username and / or password, click on "Forgot your password?". Information will be sent to the e-mail adress that the author indicated in his articles (see 3.2).

3.4. After authorization, access to the Author menu appears (horizontal menu). It contains the following elements:

  • Profile
  • Upload new article
  • List of articles in work
  • Send a letter to the Managing Editor
  • Exit

3.5. An article file in MS Word for Windows / RTF format and picture files are uploaded in one archive (zip, rar, 7z) without ticking the box "Available to the reviewer".

3.6. Technical support:




Мосолкина Т. В. Город Бристоль в XIV–XV веках : экономика, общественные отношения, социальная психология. Саратов : Издательство Саратовского университета, 1997. 212 с.

Никитенко А. В. Дневник : в 3 т. Т. 1 : 1826–1857 / подгот. текста и вступ. ст. И. Я. Айзенштока. М. : Гос. изд-во художественной литературы, 1955. С. 391–392.

Город в средневековой цивилизации Западной Европы / отв. ред. А. А. Сванидзе : в 4 т. М. : Наука, 1999. Т. 2. 142 с.

Демонология эпохи Возрождения (XVI–XVII вв.) / пер. с англ., лат., нем., фр. ; общ. ред. М. А. Тимофеева. М. : РОССПЭН, 1995. 318 с.

Barron C. M. London in the Later Middle Ages. Government and People 1200–1500. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004. 128 p.

Harlan L. R. Booker T. Washington: The Wizard of Tuskegee, 1901–1915 : in 2 vols. N. Y. : Oxford University Press, 1983. Vol. 2. 170 p.


Articles in a Collection of works:

Бакалдина Е. В. Департаменты, службы и должности в хаусхолде Эдуарда IV // Королевский двор в Англии XV–XVII веков / под ред. С. Е. Федорова. СПб. : Алетейя, 2015. С. 105–109.

Заварзин Г. А. Сергей Николаевич Виноградский в эмиграции // Российская научная эмиграция : Двадцать портретов / под ред. акад. Г. М. Бонгард-Левина, В. Е. Захарова. М. : Эдиториал УРСС, 2001. С. 205–221.

Мезин С. А. География и города в «Истории Российской империи при Петре Великом» Вольтера // Город и городская жизнь в России XVI–XXI веков : материалы всероссийской научной конференции, посвященной 430-летию Саратова (Саратов, 26 сентября 2020 г.) / под ред. М. В. Зайцева. Саратов : Саратовский источник, 2020. С. 13–25.

Шашков А. Т. Дело 1705 г. «о противности и о преслушании его царского величества указу томских жителей о немецком платье и о бритии бород» // Проблемы истории России : в 7 вып. Вып. 2 : Опыт государственного строительства XV–XX вв. Екатеринбург : НПМП «Волот», 1998. № 2. С. 301.

Седов П. В. «В соборе и у владыки был в венгерском платье» (перемены в одежде новгородцев в конце XVII – начале XVIII в.) // Новгородика-2012. У истоков российской государственности : материалы IV Международной научной конференции : в 3 ч. Ч. 1. Великий Новгород, 2013. С. 236.

Garrison to Booker T. Washington. 1900. March 2 // Booker T. Washington Papers : in 13 vols. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1976. Vol. 5 : 1899–1900. P. 456–460.

Horrox R. E. The Urban Gentry in the Fifteenth Century // Towns and townspeople in the Fifteenth Century / ed. by J. A. Thomson. Gloucester : Sutton Pub Ltd, 1988. P. 22–44.


Articles in a Journal e or Periodical:

Царева Ю. И. Финансовая политика Тюдоров (1485–1603 годы) // Новая и новейшая история. 2018. № 2. С. 3–14.

Анисимова А. А. Инкорпорация Фавершема : к истории создания городской общины // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: История. Международные отношения. 2018. Т. 18, вып. 4. С. 467.

Gottfried R. S. English Towns in the Later Middle Ages // Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 1988. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 87.

Дети в голодных местах (От нашего саратовского корр-та) // Правда. 1924. 17 февр.

Ivry S. Did an Expose Help Sink Harvard’s President? // The New York Times. 2006. Feb. 27.


Archive document:

Государственный архив Российской Федерации (ГАРФ). Ф. 644. Оп. 1. Д. 43.

Государственный архив новейшей истории Саратовской области (ГАНИСО). Ф. 594. Оп. 1. Д. 2345.


Electronic Sources (Web Publications):

Декларация о формирование ЕЭП. URL: (дата обращения: 15.11.2016).

Rogers  V. Alabama, 192 U.S. 226 (1904) // Justia US Supreme Court. URL: (дата обращения: 02.02.2017).

Seven E. Sarkozy gittiği her yerde bizi görecek // Yeni Şafak. 2009. Nov. 24. URL: (дата обращения: 21.05.2017).

Will of Thwaytes (Thomas) // Calendar of Wills. Part 2: 1358–1688. Wills : 1–10 Henry VIII (1509–1519). URL: (дата обращения: 08.11.2018).


Dissertation Abstracts or Dissertations:

Устинова А. А. IV Латеранский собор 1215 года и программа реформирования римско-католической церкви : автореф. дис. … канд. ист. наук. Саратов, 2013. 25 с.

Мелихова П. В. Общественные отношения в Англии второй половины XVI века в восприятии современников-антиквариев : дис. … канд. ист. наук. Саратов, 2018. С. 132.

Чернова Л. Н. Правящая элита Лондона XIV–XVI веков (олдермены в политической, экономической и социальной жизни города) : автореф. дис. … д-ра ист. наукСаратов, 2006. С. 72.

Паламарчук А. А. Цивильное право в раннестюартовской Англии: институты и идеи : дис. … д-ра ист. наукСПб., 2016. 452 с.


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