Том 23, № 3 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым


A man and his time: The sovereign stolnik Mikhail Fedorovich Oznobishin

Romanov M.


The article is devoted to the biography of one of the ordinary serving people of the XVII century Mikhail Fedorovich Oznobishin. The life path of the courtier is considered through the prism of his personal perception of such a moral concept as generic “honor”, which is reflected in the family pedigree compiled by Oznobishin in 1686. For the first time, information is given about some stages of his official career, as well as about the previously unknown voivode of Saratov, who became Oznobishin’s successor at the voivodeship.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):284-294
pages 284-294 views

“Life is full of hard work alone…”: Alexei Ivanovich Mikhailovsky in the history of Kazan University

Ezhova S., Shishkin V.


The article for the first time presents a biography and considers the circumstances of the tragic death of Alexei Ivanovich Mikhailovsky, a lecturer in English and a compiler of the fundamental three-volume reference book “Teachers who studied and served at the Imperial Kazan University (1804–1904)”. Attention is paid to the conditions of Mikhailovsky’s work on a reference book in connection with the preparations for the 100th anniversary of Kazan University. The features of the material published by him as a unique source on the history of the university are revealed.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):295-303
pages 295-303 views

Tank Battle near Prokhorovka: Key assessments and judgments in Modern Russian Historiography

Voyeikov E.


The article examines the stereotypes of the course of the Battle of Kursk that have developed at different times, distorting the real historical picture. Various approaches to assessing the significance of the counterattack of the 5th Guards Tank Army near Prokhorovka have been investigated. Some contradictions and gaps of modern historical works are revealed. The article focuses on the exaggeration by the authors of historical works of the role of the new German Tiger tanks in the battles near Prokhorovka on July 12, 1943. An attempt is also made to investigate the stereotype that has developed in historical works about the complete uselessness of T-70 light tanks in the battle of Prokhorovka on July 12 and the low combat qualities of the British Churchill heavy tanks.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):304-312
pages 304-312 views

Organization of propaganda, cultural and educational work among Soviet repatriates (1944–1946)

Bichekhvost A.


In the Russian historical science there are almost no studies devoted to propaganda, mass cultural and educational activities of the Department of Plenipotentiary of Soviet Union on repatriation of Soviet citizens amongthe Soviet displaced persons duringthe Great Patriotic War and after it. The article analyzes the propaganda, mass cultural and educational work of the Administration of the Plenipotentiary of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars, political organs, the administration of collecting-transfer points and collection camps in 1944–1946. Special attention is paid to the identification and analysis of the forms and methods of political and educational work with repatriates, its difficulties and shortcomings.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):313-321
pages 313-321 views

The work of student clubs of universities of the Ukrainian SSR as a means of organizing leisure during the “Khrushchev thaw”

Vlasova N.


The article deals with the leisure of students of the Ukrainian SSR in 1953–1964 on the example Kyiv State University, Kharkov State University, Odessa State University, Lviv State University and Stalin State Pedagogical Institute. Attention is paid to the cultural recreation of students,the activities of student clubs in higher educational institutions andthework of various amateur art circles, which provide an opportunity for the comprehensive development of personality.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):322-326
pages 322-326 views

London and the towns of Continental Europe in the first period of the Hundred Years’ War

Chernova L.


The article examines the relations between London and the cities of Continental Europe in the first period of the Hundred Years’ War. It is shown that the beginning of the conflict for the citizens of London was associated with the need to strengthen the security of the city, supply armed detachments, subsidize the crown. London maintained contacts with the cities of Continental Europe, primarily Flanders, “English Gascony” and Normandy. The most important area of communication remained trade, which was implemented in various organizational forms, with extensive use of credit. Also, the fields for interaction were the return of runaway apprentices, the solution of property and inheritance disputes, issues of compensation in case of robbery and murder of merchants. It is concluded that the Hundred Years’ War created additional opportunities for enrichment, but also increased the risks that the citizens had to take into account.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):327-337
pages 327-337 views

Giovanni Aguto – condottiere in the service of the Italian states

Semikov M.


The article discussesthemilitary career ofthe Englishman Giovanni Aguto, amercenary captain who servedthe Italian city-states of Italy and the Papal States for a long time. Based on the material of the Florentine chronicles the brothers Giovanni and Matteo Vilanni, Marchione Stefani, information reported by anonymous authors, the path from an ordinary mercenary to a famous condottiere and honorary citizen of Florence is shown. The conclusion is made about the inconsistency of the image of Giovanni Aguto in the assessment both by contemporaries and in the subsequent historical tradition. Giovanni Aguto combined the cruelty and greed of a mercenary captain, on the one hand, and chivalrous gestures and attitudes, on the other. 
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):338-342
pages 338-342 views

Hannah More on the significance of charity for the rich and the poor

Starokozheva N.


The article examines one of the facets of the industrial revolution process associated with shifts in the social structure of society and changes in behavioral practices. The main attention is focused on the analysis of the views of the writer, philanthropist and teacher H. Morе. In her writings, H. More tried to contribute to strengthening social stability in society by educating “true ladies”, on the one hand, and educating obedient poor, on the other hand. 
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):343-349
pages 343-349 views

Architects of New Masonry in England (1646–1723)

Kiyasov S.


The article is devoted to topical issues of the Masonic movement in England at the turn of the 17th–18th centuries. Particular attention is paid to the development of the New Masonry in England. The author analyzes the most pressing issues of the transformation of the national Masonic organization. The activities and views of the organizers of the New Masonry are considered.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):350-356
pages 350-356 views

Spain and the Spaniards through the eyes of the Extraordinary British Ambassador Samuel Hoare (1940–1944)

Krylov V.


Based on the materials of the memoirs of the participants of the events and the business correspondence of the embassy with the British government, the image of the Spanish people in the representations of the British ambassador to Spain – Samuel Hoare, who held the post from 1940 to 1944, is considered. The Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 led to a crisis in many spheres of society. The author comes to the conclusion that the conflict within the state has led to a deep cultural split in Spanish society.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):357-363
pages 357-363 views

Voivode of Saratov Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov (1660–1662)

Rabinovich Y.


The article presents for the first time the biography of the Saratov voivode Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov, the father of the famous General Grigory Kosagov. I. I. Kosagov began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in 1620 at the age of 17, and before that he served with the patriarch for several years, like many of his ancestors. Becoming a Moscow nobleman in 1631, he received his first appointmenttothe voivodeship in Yuriev-Polsky,thenmainly served onthe southern borders. It is said about his regimental service in Mtsensk, Lomov, Tula. In 1647–1650 he was a voivode in Orel, then on regimental service in Bryansk, and in 1660 he was sent to Saratov. The article pays special attention to the Saratov service of I. I. Kosagov. The characteristics of the inner life of Saratov, the occupations of residents are given, the names of Russian and foreign ambassadors who visited the city during this voivodeship are given. 
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):364-377
pages 364-377 views

The problem of the excess of revolutionary violence in the peasant movement of 1905–1907 (based on the materials of the Saratov Province)

Varfolomeev Y.


The article examines the phenomenon of revolutionary violence, cultivated and entrenched in the mass peasant consciousness at the beginning of the XX century. The author, relying on archival sources, explores the evolution and features of the excesses of revolutionary violence manifested inthe peasantmovement in 1905–1906 usingthe example ofthe Saratov province. The article concludesthatthe syndrome of violence in the agrarian movement has formed as an archetype of the mass revolutionized consciousness of the peasant masses, manifested in their illegal actions. The excess of revolutionary violence inevitably led to the marginalization of the peasantry, destroying its class values and traditions
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):378-382
pages 378-382 views

Ideology and practice of the anti-Bolshevik “Peasant War” of 1921 in the Saratov Volga region

German A.


The article is devoted to the mass resistance of the peasants of the Saratov Volga region in 1921 to the policy of “war communism” of the Bolshevik government. It acquired an armed character and was accompanied both by the fighting of spontaneously formed detachments moving across the territory of the region and occupying certain localities and settlements, and by the general resistance of the peasants of virtually every village to the prodrazverstka measures. The war was brutal, accompanied by mass violence and the destruction of representatives of the opposing side. The author examines specific program documents of the peasant resistance, revealing their ideological roots in the SocialistRevolutionary theoretical principles.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):383-390
pages 383-390 views

Kalmyk National District and the problem of choosing its administrative center

Akopyan Z.


This article is devoted to the formation of the Kalmyk National District on the Don and the problem of determining its administrative center at the turn of the 1920–1930s. The author, noting the positive phenomena that occurred in the life of the Don Kalmyks as part of the national district (education, preservation of national identity), draws attention to the artificial nature of the creation of this national district in the absence of compact residence of the Don Kalmyks. When organizing it, the interests of the Russian population included in the district, as well as many Kalmyks, who preferred to move to the Kalmyk Autonomous Republic even before the liquidation of the national district in 1944, were not taken into account. Even the administrative center of the Kalmyk district has not acquired a national appearance.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):391-399
pages 391-399 views

Развитие промышленности Нижнего Поволжья в предвоенные годы (1937–1941)

Cholakhyan V.


The article deals with the features of the industrial development of the Lower Volga Region in the pre-war years. The completion of some facilities, the implementation of rapid structural changes, the development of many types of new products, and the provision of sufficiently high rates of development contributed to the transformation of the region into a major industrial center. A comparative analysis of the industrial development of the region in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods proves the effectiveness of the socialist model of industrial development. 
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):400-407
pages 400-407 views

A new French source about Russia in the eighteenth century in the genre of historical anecdote

Snirnov Y.


A review of the book by S. A. Mezin and the publication of an interesting historical source written in 1757 by Chevalier d’Eon, a diplomat and adventurer is presented. The manuscript “Secret Anecdotes about the Court of the All-Russian Empress” is published for the first time both in French and in Russian. In the peer-reviewed book the source characteristic and the analysis of the manuscript, scientific comments, the detailed essay on French studies of Russia in 1725–1762 were qualitatively made.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):408-412
pages 408-412 views

Window to the workshop of the Medieval historian (To the 110th Anniversary of the birth of S. M. Stam)

Galyamichev A.


The article examines the features of the creative method of the prominent Russian and Soviet historian-medievalist, Honored Professor of Saratov State University S. M. Stam(1913–2010). The most important source is the memoirs of the scientist, in which great attention is paid to the issues of scientific search. The author shows that the main secret of the high quality of S. M. Stam’s scientific heritage consists in a combination of bold methodological searches and a carefully verified and repeatedly rethought analysis of sources.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2023;23(3):413-418
pages 413-418 views

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