卷 24, 编号 1 (2024)

Radiophysics, Electronics, Acoustics

Impact of anharmonicity on multistability in a self-sustained oscillatory system with two degrees of freedom

Astakhov S., Astakhov O., Elizarov E., Strelkova G., Astakhov V.


Background and Objectives: The van der Pole oscillator with an additional oscillatory circuit represents one of the simplest self-sustained oscillator system with two degrees of freedom. It is characterized by the phenomenon of frequency pulling, caused by the appearance of bistability and hysteresis. The bifurcation mechanism of pulling and bistability was previously identified, and the bifurcation analysis was carried out for the case of weak excitation when the system exhibits quasi-harmonic self-sustained oscillations. However, the question remains open about the influence of anharmonicity, which develops in the system with increasing excitation parameter, on the phenomenon of multistability and on the bifurcation mechanism of its formation. Is the effect of frequency pulling and the corresponding bistable states preserved over a wide range of values of the control parameters? Are new multistable states being formed? What does the bifurcation structure of the control parameter plane look like? In this paper, the above issues are studied using as an example a self-sustained oscillatory system consisting of the Rayleigh oscillator with an additional linear oscillator. Materials and Methods: Numerical simulation and bifurcation analysis of equilibrium states and limit cycles were performed using the XPPAUTO software package. Results: The results of a two-parameter analysis in a wide range of excitation and frequency detuning parameters have been presented, typical modes of self-sustained oscillations and their bifurcations have been described. Conclusion: It has been shown that the classical phenomenon of frequency pulling is observed only at small values of the excitation parameter of the system. The bistability region, where two limit cycles coexist, corresponding to in-phase and anti-phase oscillation modes in coupled oscillators, is bounded by both the detuning parameter and the excitation parameter.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):4-18
pages 4-18 views

Biophysics and Medical Physics

Hardware-software complex for diagnostics of a human psychophysiological state during the solving of cognitive tasks

Kurbako A., Hramkov A., Borovkova E., Dubinkina E., Ishbulatov Y., Ponomarenko V., Karavaev A., Prokhorov M.


Background and Objectives: Psychological state of a person can change under conditions of cognitive load. Excessive cognitive load can lead to distress, which reduces performance. Diagnosis of changes in the psychophysical state in the process of performing cognitive tasks is important for human health and increasing the efficiency of his work. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to develop a hardware and software complex for diagnosing the psychophysiological state of a person in the process of solving cognitive problems. Materials and Methods: Electroencephalogram signals were recorded using a developed device and a certified standard recorder during a biological experiment. A comparison was made of the diagnostic capabilities of the developed hardware-software complex and a serial device. Results: A hardware-software complex has been developed for diagnosing the psychophysiological state of a person in the process of solving cognitive problems using an electroencephalogram signal. The developed system has shown sensitivity and specificity values close to those of the serial recorder. Using the developed complex, the electroencephalogram channels suitable for diagnosing the psychophysical state have been selected. Conclusion: The developed hardware-software complex can be used to diagnose the psychophysiological state of a person in the process of performing cognitive tasks.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):19-29
pages 19-29 views

Optical labeling of individual melanoma cells using photoconvertible microparticles

Demina P., Kozhevnikov I., Abramova A., Goryacheva I.


Background and Objectives: Photoconvertible markers are a useful approach for conducting complex fundamental and applied research in medicine and biology. Usually, photoconvertible proteins or dyes are used for this, but have some disadvantages (low stability, requirement for genetic modification, etc.). The goal of this research was to develop safe and stable photoconvertible markers for cell application. Materials and Methods: The polymer markers were obtained from polyelectrolyte microcapsules under hydrothermal synthesis with fluorescent dye rhodamine B. The spectral properties were studied using confocal microscopy and spectrometry. Results: Photoconversion of microparticles under the influence of laser irradiation was carried out due to the ability of rhodamine B molecules to hypsochromic shift the emission band, catalyzed by carbon structures formed in the shells of microparticles during hydrothermal synthesis. Hydrothermal synthesis also significantly changed the size and shape of microparticles. The thermally treated polyelectrolyte microparticles had high stability and a bright fluorescent signal. The microparticles were actively internalized by the B16F10 mouse melanoma cell line, providing labeling for 70% of all cells in the population at a ratio of 10 microparticles per cell. At the same time, metabolic activity did not decrease below 85%, and the morphology and ability of B16F10 cells to synthesize melanin remained within normal limits. It has been shown that microparticles can be safely photoconverted inside B16F10 cells under laser irradiation. Conclusion: The proposed strategy is useful for complex studies on the behavior of individual melanoma cancer cells in genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous populations, and also for studying a metastatic process.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):30-40
pages 30-40 views

Nanotechnologies, Nanomaterials and Metamaterials

Degradation of conductivity of low-dimensional nanostructured semiconductor layers under long-term dc current flow

Kochkurov L., Volchkov S., Vasilkov M., Plugin I., Klimova A., Zimnyakov D.


Background and Objectives: Electrically conductive layers of densely packed semiconductor nanoparticles are a promising material platform for creating, in particular, multisensor chemoresistive systems. A significant disadvantage of multielement chemoresistive sensors of this type is the long-term instability of the parameters of individual elements and large values of response and relaxation times to the initial state. Such a process can be considered as a transition “semiconductor – insulator” in dispersed disordered systems, and the dynamics of the transition can be described in the framework of the percolation theory. The aim of this work was experimental studies and statistical modeling of the effect of degradation of ohmic conductivity of low-dimensional layers of densely packed indium oxide (In2O3) nanoparticles under long-term DC current flow. Dispersed nanostructured layers of indium oxide were chosen as an object of study due to the specific electrophysical properties of this indirect-gap n-type semiconductor. Materials and Methods: Experimental studies of the effect of degradation of ohmic conductivity of dispersed semiconductor structures under long-term exposure to direct current were carried out using specially prepared samples consisting of densely packed indium oxide nanoparticles (In2O3). The effect of structure thickness on the percolation threshold as well as the critical index of the conductivity function was numerically investigated. A cubic resistor network was considered for numerical analysis of the conductivity of a two-phase percolation structure. The network was uniformly and randomly filled with conducting and insulating nodes. Results: One of the main observed features of electron transfer in bridge disordered ensembles of nanoparticles of the studied systems is the achievement of percolation threshold at long-term exposure to direct current and extremely low rate of recovery of deteriorated conductivity after removal of exposure. The established value of the critical conductivity index for the studied structures has an intermediate value between theoretical estimates for three-dimensional and two-dimensional percolation systems, which allows us to consider the studied structures as transitional between two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems. Conclusion: The obtained results can be used as a physical basis for the development of new approaches to the creation of thin structures with limited conductivity.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):41-51
pages 41-51 views

Evaluation of the wettability of the filler binder during the manufacture of prepreg with ultrasound exposure for three-dimensional printing filaments reinforced with continuous carbon fiber

Zlobina I., Bekrenev N., Churikov D.


Background and Objectives: The aim of the research is to study the effect of ultrasound on the wettability of carbon fibers with a thermosetting binder and to determine the work of adhesion in the binder-fiber contact as part of the filament prepreg for additive technologies. Materials and Methods: Carbon fibers and carbon fiber roving with a width of 2 mm GG-200P were used in the research. Impregnation was carried out with ED-20 epoxy resin with a PEP hardener by pulling a harness at a speed of 10 mm/s through a gap of 2-3 mm between the end of the ultrasonic concentrator and the lower surface of the container with a binder. In total, 5 control and 5 experimental samples with a length of 300 mm were impregnated. Ultrasonic processing of samples was carried out on an experimental ultrasonic installation with an experimental ultrasonic generator controlled from a laptop and providing a discreteness of 10 Hz adjustment. The impregnation was carried out at a resonant frequency of 21650 Hz and an oscillation amplitude of the output end of the concentrator – 15 microns. The diameter of the output part of the concentrator was 14 mm, respectively, the length of the fiber bundle section was the same size at each time. After curing of the binder, the surface of the fibers was studied using a digital microscope Bresser LCD 50x–2000x at magnification x40 and x300. When impregnating control samples, the ultrasonic transducer of the installation was not included. Microphotographs were used to evaluate the wettability of the fibers with a binder under the influence of ultrasound and without ultrasound, and also to determine the edge angle of wetting and then – according to the Young – Dupree equation – the adhesion of the binder to the fiber surface. Results: The control bundle of carbon fibers is characterized by incomplete consolidation of fibers into a bundle, there are separate disoriented fibers, as well as separately existing conglomerates of fibers. Experimental bundles impregnated under the influence of ultrasound are monolithic structures with a continuous filling with a binder. At the same time, areas with inflows of the cured binder that violate the geometric shape of the prepreg are noted. Both control and experimental samples of harness are generally fully impregnated consolidated prepregs, there are no individual fibers or groups of fibers, which may be due to the initially regular structure of harness compared to randomly organized individual fibers into a thread. At the same time, in the control samples, the binder is unevenly distributed over the surface, individual inflows are noted, which indicates an insufficiently uniform impregnation of the harness. which is not observed on the prototypes. By calculating the adhesion performance for control and experimental samples using the experimentally obtained values of the wetting angle, it was found that its value is 44.71–48.98 mJ/m2 and 64.46–66.4 mJ/m2 , respectively, for control and experimental samples. Conclusion: A significant improvement in the wettability of the fibers with a binder has been found, manifested in a decrease in the wetting edge angle from 70–77° to 35–40°. Using the Young – Dupree equation, the adhesion of the binder to the fiber has been calculated and it has been shown that the effect of ultrasound during the impregnation of fibers increases the adhesion by an average of 39.7%
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):52-61
pages 52-61 views

Solid-State Electronics, Micro- and Nanoelectronics

SAW devices on frequency harmonics. Features of calculation of SAW parameters by the finite element method

Koigerov A.


Background and Objectives: Acoustoelectronic devices (filters, delay lines, resonators, etc.) are used in a wide range of applications in various industries. Surface acoustic waves (SAW) filters are key elements of wireless communication systems, such as base stations, satellite communication and mobile systems. The aim of this work was to investigate the issue of designing SAW devices on frequency harmonics, which potentially allows you to work at higher frequencies. To design devices using a model of coupling of modes (COM), a set of SAW parameters is required. Materials and Methods: A technique for extracting SAW parameters of the main and multiple frequency harmonics under the electrodes using the finite element method in COMSOL are presented. The methodology and the main features of the analysis of SAW by the numerical method are considered. Then, based on the extracted parameters, a quartz SAW filter and a lithium niobate SAW delay line were calculated using transducers operating at the 3rd harmonic. The results of calculating the frequency response were compared with the results of the experiment. Results and Conclusions: The proposed algorithm allows to extract the SAW parameters of each of the harmonics and take them into account in quick calculations on base COM. The results of numerical analysis of the SAW parameters, a COM model and a matrix approach to formalizing calculations provide the developer with an effective and easily adaptable tool for calculating the frequency responses of SAW devices.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):62-75
pages 62-75 views

Channeling of magnetostatic surface waves by decoration of ferrite films with metals

Sakharov V., Khivintsev Y., Dzhumaliev A., Nikulin Y., Kozhevnikov A., Filimonov Y.


Background and Objectives: One of the main tasks for developing magnonic devices is to form and control spin wave beams. For this purpose, the decoration of ferrite films with magnetic or non-magnetic metal areas can be used. The aim of this work is to study the peculiarities of magnetostatic surface wave (MSSW) propagation in the channels formed in yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) films by deposition of 1.5 μm thick metal decorations from chromium (Cr) and permalloy (Py). Materials and Methods: Studied samples were fabricated on the base of 6.5 μm-thick epitaxial YIG film by the DC magnetron sputtering, photolithography, and ion etching techniques. Frequency dependencies of magnitude and phase of the transmitted MSSW signal at different applied magnetic field were measured with the help of a vector network analyzer and a microwave probe station. Calculation of the dispersions and insertion losses for MSSW propagating in the metallized YIG film was performed on the basis of Maxwell’s equations in the magnetostatic approximation, the Landau-Lifshitz equation, and standard electrodynamic boundary conditions. Results and Conclusion: The optimal channel width w relative to the antenna aperture providing channeling of the MSSW signal with the possibility of “antireflective effect” for the transmitted signal has been found to be w = 200 μm. It has been shown that for the formation of channeling effect, one needs to use a non-magnetic metal with the thickness leading to a transition to the “metallic” branch of the MSSW dispersion or a magnetic metal with the thickness resulting in bending of a short-wavelength part of MSSW dispersion. For the studied samples, it is d(Cr) = 1.5 μm and d(Py) = 30 nm, respectively. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of using the channels in metallic decorations for the formation of directed spin wave beams.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):76-87
pages 76-87 views


Valery Viktorovich Tuchin (On the 80th anniversary)

Genina E., Sinichkin Y.


Background and Objectives: A brief biography of Valery Tuchin, head of Optics and Biophotonics Department of Saratov State University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences is presented; his contribution to laser physics and biophotonics is discussed. Summary: Scientific activity of Valery Tuchin in the 60s was associated with laser physics. His interests included fluctuations in laser radiation, dynamic processes in gas-discharge lasers, and modulation characteristics of lasers. In the mid-80s, Professor Valery Tuchin began to create his own scientific school in the field of tissue optics, which eventually developed into the interdisciplinary science of biomedical photonics, and pioneered “tissue optical clearing” as a new direction. Over the years, the results achieved have received international recognition. Tuchin’s students continue to move along a given vector, developing his ideas and achieving great success and recognition not only in Russia but also abroad. He generously shares ideas with colleagues, connecting Saratov State University with scientific groups around the world. His authority and charisma, as well as his tremendous energy and efficiency, make it possible to implement great international projects, conferences and symposiums. Valery Tuchin is the organizer and inspirer of the Saratov Fall Meeting, which is widely known in the scientific world. Thanks to Valery Tuchin, students and young scientists from Saratov State University were among the first in Russia to have the opportunity to listen to lectures of heads of leading scientific groups, present and discuss their results, establish scientific and friendly connections with peers from other cities of the world. From 1989 to the present, Valery Tuchin has been the permanent head of the Optics and Biophotonics Department at Saratov State University. Conclusion: Professor Valery Tuchin is a unique example of both an outstanding scientist and a talented teacher and organizer of the scientific process. He have created a scientific school known all over the world. His fruitful scientific and educational activities have marked by the awarding of medals, orders, honorary titles and prizes from the State and various scientific communities, as SPIE, OCA, Laser Association of the Russian Federation and others.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2024;24(1):88-97
pages 88-97 views