Broadband single- and double-layer composite nanoporous coatings based on SiO2@CuO(ZnO) to increase glass transparency

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Background and Objectives: Using sol-geltechnology, silicate mesoporous single layer coatings based on SiO2@CuO(ZnO) compositions were obtained to increase glass transparency. The phase composition and properties of powders obtained from dried sols were studied. The optical properties of the obtained silicon oxide sols were explored by the turbidimetric method. To identify the characteristics of gelation and coagulation, a spectrophotometric study of the silicon oxide sol was carried out. The resulting sols were applied to glass by adsorption from solution (dip-coating) at room temperature (23 ± 10°C). The rate of extraction from the solution varied from 105 to 160 mm/min. Glasses with coatings applied to both sides were dried at room temperature until a film formed and subjected to heat treatment in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 500°C. At the moment of annealing, the decomposition of copper and zinc salts and the formation of a composite composition of SiO2@CuO and SiO2@ZnO films occurred. Spectral measurements of the transmittance and reflection of glasses with single layer mesoporous coatings were carried out in the range of 400–800 nm. Materials and Methods: To obtain sols with copper and zinc, metal salts Zn(CH3CO2)2 ·2H2O and (CH3COO)2Cu·H2O (6% or 10% by weight SiO2) were added to the SiO2 sol. Using a magnetic stirrer, the resulting mixtures were stirred at room temperature for 15 ± 0.5 min. To study the optical properties of the sols, a base SiO2 sol and SiO2 sols with the addition of zinc acetate and copper acetate (6% and 10% by weight of silicon dioxide) were prepared. After heat treatment, the thickness of the applied coatings was determined by contact method using a Dektac-150 profilometer. It was determined that the thickness of the coatings on glass varied from(95 ± 20) to (137 ± 7) nm at drawing speeds of 105 and 160 mm/min, respectively. Results: The developed methods for producing mesoporous silicate coatings on glass have ensured the creation of homogeneous coatings with good adhesion, uniform thickness and roughness. The results of measuring the transparency spectra of glass with a single layer coating of sols with different compositions and drawing rates have been presented. It has been shown that double-sided single-layer mesoporous SiO2@CuO(ZnO) composite coatings with different compositions demonstrate an increase in glass transparency by 2-3% in a wide optical range of 400–1000 nm. Conclusion: The proposed composition of compositions in single layer film structures makes it possible to solve the problem of broadband antireflection of glasses in a wide range of optical wavelengths (400–1000 nm). 

About the authors

Natalya A. Malofeeva

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-2094-7856
77, Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, 410054, Russia

Ilya Nicolaevich Mikhailov

Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4231-0130
38, Zelenaya Str., Saratov 410019, Russia

Sergei Sergeevich Volchkov

Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3928-8836
Scopus Author ID: 57202159944
ResearcherId: B-7770-2018
38, Zelenaya Str., Saratov 410019, Russia

Mikhail Yu. Vasilkov

Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1579-1194
Scopus Author ID: 56451042200
ResearcherId: M-6825-2016
38, Zelenaya Str., Saratov 410019, Russia

Igor D. Kosobudsky

Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences

Scopus Author ID: 6603237479
38, Zelenaya Str., Saratov 410019, Russia

Nickolai Mikhailovich Ushakov

Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1647-2726
Scopus Author ID: 55406725200
ResearcherId: A-6080-2014
38, Zelenaya Str., Saratov 410019, Russia


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