Mathematical modeling of the electric field in anisotropic semiconductors during Hall measurements

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Background and Objectives: Modern discrete functional semiconductor devices and structural elements of micro- and nanoelectronics use materials with anisotropy of electrical properties. In particular, such materials are crystalline thermoelectrics, layered graphite structures, strained silicon. In the practical application of these semiconductors, it becomes necessary to measure their kinetic coefficients, however, the electrodynamics of these media differs from isotropic ones, which requires the correction of existing methods for measuring the specific conductivity and concentration of the main charge carriers. The paper presents a technique for solving the Neumann problem with inhomogeneous boundary conditions for the electric field potential in a rectangular region in a relatively weak magnetic field in a linear approximation. Materials and Methods: The boundary value problem considered in the paper occurs in the analysis of measurements of the Hall effect by probe methods. Using the perturbation theory and the Fourier method, an expression for the Hall field potential is obtained, presented in rectangular coordinates as a series of harmonic functions, convenient for further practical use. Results: Practically important expressions for the analysis of Hall measurements by probe methods have been obtained for anisotropic samples with flat boundaries. An analysis of the obtained solution and computer simulation of the electric potential in anisotropic semiconductor wafers with flat boundaries have been performed. Conclusion: An experimental verification of the obtained distributions of potentials and practical recommendations on the application of the obtained theoretical expressions are presented.

About the authors

Vladimir Vladimirovich Filippov

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4323-351X
Scopus Author ID: 7202667204
ResearcherId: O-4288-2015
Липецк, ул. Ленина, 42

Anatoliy A. Zavorotniy

Lipetsk State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-6316-667X
398055, Россия, г. Липецк, ул. Московская, д. 30


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