Classic and generalized solutions of the mixed problem for wave equation with a summable potential. Part I. Classic solution of the mixed problem



Texto integral


The resolvent approach and the using of the idea of A. N. Krylov on the acceleration of convergence of Fourier series, the properties of a formal solution of a mixed problem for a homogeneous wave equation with a summable potential and a zero initial function are studied. This method makes it possible to obtain deep results on the convergence of a formal series with arbitrary boundary conditions and without overestimating the requirements for the smoothness of the initial data. The different-order boundary conditions considered in the article are such that the operator corresponding to the spectral problem may have an infinite set of multiple eigenvalues and their associated functions. A classical solution is obtained without overstating the requirements for the initial velocity $u'_t(x,0) = \psi(x)$. It is shown that for $\psi(x) \in L[0,1]$ the formal solution, being the uniform limit of the classical ones, is a generalized solution, and when $\psi(x) \in L_p[0,1], ~ 1 < p\leqslant 2$, the formal solution has much smoother properties than the case $\psi(x) \in L[0,1]$.

Sobre autores

Vitalii Kurdyumov

Saratov State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8534-7692
Russia, 410026, Saratov, Astrahanskaya str., 83


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