The ecological and coenotic features of plant communities containing Colchicum bulbocodium subsp. versicolor (Colchicaceae) in the Lower Volga region


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


The article presents a phytocoenotic description of 23 plant communities with Colchicum bulbocodium subsp. versicolor studied during the period of mass fl owering in 2014–2018. It was found that, across the Lower Volga region, the studied communities with C. bulbocodium subsp. versicolor are mostly confi ned to the slopes of south- and east-facing arroyos and more seldom to the southern and northern hill slopes, plains, arroyo and liman bases, and fl oodmeadows. During the period of mass fl owering, 207 vascular plants were detected in the studied communities. Every community description included 9 to 36 species. Biological diversity was assessed with the Shannon index and polydominance index; the degree of dominance was measured with the Simpson index. The species similarity of the communities was evaluated through pairwise comparison with the Jaccard coeffi cient. It was revealed that C. bulbocodium subsp. versicolor occurs in communities varying in diversity and species composition. The subspecies is not confi ned to specifi c phytocoenoses. It usually grows on rich and, more seldom, fairly rich and slightly saline soils. Their alluviality is more often weak rather than moderate. Watering usually corresponds to the dry steppe or semi-desert climate type, rarely to the middle steppe type, being moderately variable and in some cases highly variable. The impact of grazing is usually weak, but it is either moderate or strong in some communities. The communities with C. bulbocodium subsp. versicolor are dominated by hemicryptophytes: mostly tap-root, short-rhizome and long-rhizome herbaceous perennials. In phytocoenotic terms, most species belong to the zonal type of vegetation, namely steppe vegetation. The participation of meadow species is prominent. The share of weed species is rather high, which indicates a signifi cant anthropogenic load on the studied communities.

Авторлар туралы

Irina Shilova

УНЦ «Ботанический сад» Саратовского государственного университета имени Н. Г. Чернышевского

410012, г. Саратов, ул. им. Академика Навашина, 1

Alexandr Kashin

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia

Alena Parhomenko

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia

Artem Bogoslov

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia

Tatiana Kritskaya

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia

Michail Kasatkin

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410012, Russia

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