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Author Guidelines

Rules for Authors

Copyright Transter Agreement 

Manuscript Review Procedure


1. General Information

1.1. The journal is included in the VAK List (specialties 02.00.02, 02.00.03, 02.00.04, 03.01.02, 03.02.01, 03.02.04, 03.02.05, 03.02.08).

1.2. Scientific articles (up to 16 pages) containing new original results in the main sections of analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biophysics, botany, zoology, entomology, ecology, as well as review articles on topical areas (up to 40 pages) are accepted for publication.

1.3. The editorial board does not consider:

• articles of exclusively applied nature;

• already published articles;

• articles submitted for publication in other journals.

1.4. The editorial board of the journal follows the Publishing Ethics of the journals Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series". Authors, when sending the manuscript for publication, and reviewers, agreeing to review the manuscript, also undertake to comply with the specified ethical standards. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of all submitted data and are obliged to promptly report the presence of a conflict of interest.

1.5. The article should be carefully edited and formatted in MS Word for Windows. The file name must contain the surname of the first author in English (for example, Ivanov; Ivanov, Petrov; Ivanov_et_al).

1.6. The application for publication is submitted via “Submit article” (see Section 3. How to apply for publication). Along with the manuscript of the article, the authors must upload an expert opinion on the possibility of open publication.

1.7. Before being sent for reviewing, all articles are checked by the editorial board for incorrect citations using the anti-plagiarism system "Antiplagiat. VUZ".

1.8. All manuscripts received by the Editorial Board, checked for plagiarism and corresponding to the profile of the journal, are peer-reviewed (see Peer-review Procedure), then the Editorial Board decides on the possibility of their publication in the journal.

1.9. An article sent to the author for revision should be improved and returned to the Editorial Board as soon as possible. An article that has been delayed for more than three months is considered a new submission. The revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing answers to all the comments of the reviewer and explaining all the changes made in the article. Returning an article for revision does not mean that the article will be published. The revised article is sent by the editorial board for re-review.

1.10. The author of the article accepted for publication, simultaneously with the decision of the Editorial Board, receives the License Agreement. The author should sign 2 copies of the Agreement and send them to the address: 410012, Saratov, st. Astrakhanskaya, 83, SSU, Faculty of Biology, E. V. Glinskaya. After being signed at the University, 1 copy is returned to the author.

1.11. Copyright. The rightholder is the author of the article, which owns the following rights (without restrictions), confirmed by License agreement:

  • the exclusive right to the Paper;
  • the right of authorship;
  • the author's right to name;
  •  the right to the inviolability of the Paper;
  • the right to publish the Paper.

1.12. In compliance with Part 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law FZ-152 “On personal data” of July 27, 2006, authors grant their consent to their personal data processing by any legally permitted method to Saratov State University (SSU), located at: 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012. Each author shall send a filled-in and signed Consent to Personal Data Processing form to the editorial board.

1.13. The work of the author (personal data subject) is included in the archive after the publication of the next issue of the periodical. The storage, arrangement, registration and use of archival issues, containing personal data is carried out in accordance with Part 2, paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the Federal Law FZ-152 “On personal data”of July 27, 2006 in conformity with the legislation on archiving.

1.14. The Journal takes no fee for the publication of manuscripts.

1.15. Addresses for correspondence with the editorial board of the series:

410012, Saratov, st. Astrakhanskaya, 83, SSU, Faculty of Biology


The executive secretary of the series is Elena Vladimirovna Glinskaya.


2. Manuscript style requirements

2.1. The text of the article should be typed at one spacing, with margins of 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman, font size for the main text - 14.

2.2. Manuscript structure:
• metadata in Russian and English: article type (scientific article, review article), specialtie (The List of refereed scientific journals), article title, initials and surnames of authors, information about authors (affiliation (organization, postal address of the organization), last name, first name, patronymic or middle name (if any), academic degree, position indicating the department, E-mail, ORCID), abstract, keywords, gratitude and sources of funding for the work (if any);
• the text of the article, divided into sections (mandatory sections are Introduction and Conclusion); References. 

2.3. Abstract requirements

• the optimal length is 200-250 words;

• the abstract should not contain complex formulas, references to the bibliography, its content should not repeat the title of the article and/or part of the article text; the abstract must not consist of general words that do not set out the essence of the study;

• the abstract should reflect the content of the article, preserving its structure - introduction, goals and objectives, research methods, results, conclusion (conclusions);

• the content and size of annotations in Russian and English should not differ significantly.

High-quality translation of the annotation into English allows:

• a foreign scientist to get acquainted with the content of the article and determine the interest in it, regardless of the language of the article and the availability of the opportunity to read its full text;

• to overcome the language barrier for a foreign scientist;

• increase the likelihood of citing the article by foreign colleagues.

2.4. Keywords serve as a guide for the reader and are used to search for articles in electronic databases. The recommended number of keywords is 5–8, they must be separated by commas, without a period at the end. In Russian and English, keywords must be identical in quantity and content.

2.5. References.

• The References should reflect the quality of the authors' elaboration of relevant publications on the subject of the article, including foreign sources.

• Self-citation should not exceed 20% of the list.

• The References should contain only works cited in the article. The numbering of sources should correspond to the order of references to them in the text. Links to unpublished works are not allowed.

References to Russian sources:

• if there is a translated version of the article (book), then it should be submitted; the translated version can also be described as additional information (in brackets);

• if a translated version does not exist, transliteration can be used (, type LC), the English translation of the paper (book) title should be given in square brackets; after that state the language of the original work (in Russian);

• if the described publication has a DOI, it must be indicated.

2.6. Figures and tables

• Figures should be presented as separate files, while the image file should provide clarity of all details.

• The font of the inscriptions on the figure and the caption to it is 10-11 TimesNewRoman (\ small)).

• Each figure must have a caption in Russian and English. The caption must be self-contained without appealing to the text. If an illustration contains additional symbols, they should be explained and duplicated in English.

• If the figure consists of parts (a, b, etc.), then the caption to the figure should contain a description of each part (for example, different parameters).

• Each table should be numbered with Arabic numerals and have a thematic heading in Russian and English, briefly revealing its content. All columns should have the shortest and most informative subheadings. Measurement units are indicated after the decimal point. The content of the tables should be presented in Russian and English.

• There must be a link to every figure and every table in the text of the article.

3. How to apply for publication

3.1. Submission of an application for publication is made through the journal's website (click on “Submit article”).

3.2. Before submitting an application, you must check if all authors are registered on the site. To do this, in the left menu Authors, you should search by last name and look at the corresponding card. Here you can also see a list of the author's articles published in journal.

3.3. If you lose your username and / or password, click on “Forgot your password?”. Information will be sent to the e-mail address that the author indicated in his articles (see 3.2).

3.4. After authorization, access to the Author menu appears (horizontal menu). It contains the following elements:


Upload new article

List of articles in work

Send a letter to the Managing Editor



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • Эта статья не была раньше опубликована, а также не представлена для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (иначе объясните это в Примечаниях для Редактора).

  • Отправляемый файл рукописи имеет формат Microsoft Word или RTF - *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf.

  • Интернет-ссылки представлены в виде полных URL.

  • Текст набран с одинарым межстрочным интервалом, шрифт Times New Roman, 12 pt; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (кроме интернет-ссылок); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в тексте там, где требуется по смыслу (а не в конце документа).

  • Текст соответствует стилистическим и библиографческим требованиями Руководства для Авторов, расположенном в разделе "О нас".

  • Были удалены имена авторов из заголовка статьи и выполнены другие требования документа Обеспечение Анонимности при Рецензировании.


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