Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the prostate (review of the literature)





Neuroendocrine neoplasia (NEC) of the prostate gland is a rather rare extrapulmonary neuroendocrine carcinoma and makes up only 0.5 to 1% of all malignant neoplasms of this localization. NEC of the prostate gland is a tumor of epithelial origin, histologically and immunohistochemically identical to analogues in the lungs and digestive system. When stained with hemotoxylin-eosin, neuroendocrine cells cannot always be visualized; they are best recognized by the immunohistochemical method of investigation using specific markers. Currently, a number of neuroendocrine markers are used, the expression of which may indicate a neuroendocrine nature. Androgen neuroendocrine cells themselves are independent and do not cause an increase in the concentration of prostate-specific antigen. Prostate NECs are represented by some histological forms according to WHO classification (2015): 1. Adenocarcinoma with focal neuroendocrine differentiation. 2. Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor. 3. Small cell neuroendocrine cancer is a high - grade tumor with high malignant potential. 4. Large cell neuroendocrine cancer is a high - grade tumor. Due to the rarity of NEC of the prostate, a specific algorithm for diagnosis and treatment has not been developed, as a rule, they are similar to methods of other malignant forms of prostate cancer and neuroendocrine tumors.


Daria Abbasova

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Graduate Student, S Moscow, Russia

Svetlana Polikarpova

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. онкологии лечебного фак-та Moscow, Russia

Nikolai Kozlov

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Madina Baranova

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Irina Kovalenko

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia

Elena Ignatova

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Cand. Sci. (Med.) Moscow, Russia


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