Dual immunological blockade in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: reality and perspectives

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Nowadays immunotherapy is a crucial option in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. There are a lot of actual options of the first-line therapy for the patients with metastatic lung cancer, including dual immunological blockade of PD-1/PD-L1 and CTLA-4 pathways. This review is an attempt to clarify the place of dual immunological blockade now and in the future. The scientific rationale for dual immunotherapy is a possible synergy and overcome resistance to single-drug therapy. The review collected information from open sources, both current studies with dual immunological blockade, and already obtained results of the trials for nivolumab and ipilimumab, tremelimumab and durvalumab, and other combinations for the treatment of patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. This approach is promising for the possible overcoming of resistance to monoimmunotherapy with anti-PD1/PD-L1 antibodies, especially in the population with low and negative PD-L1 status.

About the authors

Denis I. Yudin

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Author for correspondence.
Email: yudinden@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0620-2696

Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Konstantin K. Laktionov

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Email: lkoskos@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4469-502X

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof.

Russian Federation, Moscow

Liudmila V. Laktionova

Medical Center on Kolomenskaya

Email: laktionova@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5749-9864

D. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Valeriy V. Breder

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

Email: vbreder@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6244-4294

D. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow


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