Journal of Modern Oncology

Theoretical and practical publication

Journal of Modern Oncology
(Sovremennaya onkologiya) 

The Journal of Modern Oncology (Sovremennaya Onkologiya) is a peer-reviewed, open-access periodical that since 1999 serves the interests of oncologists.

Peer-reviewed theoretical and practical Journal of Modern Oncology is published since 1999 in 5000 copies, volume of about 80 pages of format А4. The journal has been included into the List of periodical scientific and technical publications issued in the Russian Federation where basic scientific results of doctoral thesis should be published. The territory of dissemination of the journal: Russian Federation, countries of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and other foreign countries. 

This periodical publishes papers of scientists and practitioners-oncologists and clinical pharmacologist not only from Russia as well as from the near and far abroad. The journal publishes articles on modern methods of diagnostics and treatment. The journal is issued regularly with periodicity 4 issues a year. At the present time the journal has acquired wide recognition and popularity among specialists.

The journal is disseminated among doctors and researchers working on oncology, modern methods of diagnostics and treatment, officials and specialists of agencies of healthcare of regions of Russian Federation and other foreign countries, Research Institutes; across medical institutions and research centers; into central libraries; by subscription; into all medical libraries.

The "Journal of Modern Oncology" is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to providing the very latest information both in clinical and translational research fields related to a wide range of topics in oncology. 

The journal publishes editorial conference updates, original research, reviews, clinical case reports, commentaries, clinical and laboratory observations by Russian and international authors, pertinent to readers in CIS countries and around the world.

The Journal emphasizes vigorous peer-reviewing and accepts papers in Russian and English with most rapid turnaround time possible from submission to publication. Abstracts for all papers are available in both languages.

Special area focus/ journal sections:

  •  Diagnosis of cancer
  •  Tumors of the respiratory system
  •  Ovarian and cervical tumors
  •  Tumors of the digestive tract
  •  Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy of tumors
  •  Quality of life of patients

Current Issue

Vol 26, No 2 (2024)


Quantitative indicators of TREC and KREC excision circles in malignancies: a prospective cohort study
Sultanbaev A.V., Musin S.I., Menshikov K.V., Sultanbaeva N.I., Tuzankina I.A., Lipatov D.O., Menshikova I.A., Sultanbaev M.V., Kudlay D.A., Prodeus A.P.

Background. In oncology, of particular interest is the study of the T-cell receptor excision circles (TREC) and the κ-deletion B-cell receptor excision circles (KREC), which are extrachromosomal DNA structures. In many malignancies, the effectiveness of immune checkpoint inhibitors depends on the mutational load of the tumor, which correlates with the formation of specific antitumor immunity. Quantitative indicators of recombination excision circles reflect the occurrence of a different repertoire of T-cell receptors, an integral component in the formation of specific immunity. Understanding the change in quantitative values of TREC and KREC in cancer patients can improve the selection of patients for immunotherapy.

Aim. To determine quantitative indicators of TREC and KREC for immunological evaluation of patients with malignancies.

Materials and methods. The study included 55 healthy individuals and 180 patients with malignancies. Among healthy individuals, 49.1% (27/55) were males and 50.9% (28/55) females. Among patients with malignancies, 20.5% (37/180) were males and 79.5% (143/180) females. The median age in healthy individuals was 36 years [Q1–Q3: 26–58]. The median age in the group of patients with malignancies was 57 years [Q1–Q3: 47.5–67].

Results. In the general population of healthy individuals, the median TREC level was 60.1 [Q1-Q3: 31.3-188.9] and the median KREC level was 256 [Q1-Q3: 149.8-353]. In the general population of patients with malignancies, the median TREC rate was 4.6 [Q1-Q3: 0.9-17.3] and the median KREC was 111.9 [Q1-Q3: 29.3-339.28]. According to the results of the study, we noted statistically significant differences in TREC and KREC indices between all patients with malignancies and healthy individuals (p<0.001, p=0.001). Analysis of TREC and KREC indices in patients with malignancies of various localizations (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, skin melanoma, lymphomas) in comparison with healthy individuals statistically significant differences in TREC level were noted (p=0.001, p<0.001). When analyzing the KREC level in the studied groups, statistically significant differences in patients with ovarian malignancies (p<0.001), lymphoma (p<0.001), colorectal cancer (p=0.001) and melanoma (p=0.039) in comparison with healthy individuals were obtained. When comparing groups pairwise, it was found that TREC level in patients with malignancies in the age group of 25–44 years was significantly higher than in the age group of 45–60 years (p=0.03); TREC level in the age group of 25–44 years was significantly higher than in the age group of persons over 60 years (p<0.001); TREC level in the age group of 45–60 years was significantly higher than in the age group over 60 years (p<0.001). Statistically significant differences of KREC level in the studied patients with malignancies depending on the age group were not established (p=0.16), there were no age differences of groups by KREC level.

Conclusion. The results demonstrate a significant decrease in TREC and KREC levels in patients with malignancies compared to healthy individuals. The study of TREC and KREC excision circles in peripheral blood is one of the promising approaches for the immunological evaluation of cancer patients.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):132-138
pages 132-138 views
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma: problem state in Russia
Poddubnaya I.V., Babicheva L.G.

Background. Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) are a heterogeneous group of hematological malignancies, the vast majority of which are B-cell tumors. The most common variant of NHL is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), characterized by an aggressive course, which accounts for 30–40% of all NHL. The second most common is follicular lymphoma (FL), traditionally classified as an indolent variant accounting for up to 25% of all NHL. Current therapies for these lymphoproliferative disorders which includes innovative drugs in the 1st line of therapy (LT) have demonstrated high efficacy. However, some patients develop a relapse or a refractory disease. Despite recent significant progress in the development and implementation of innovative targeted drugs, in most cases, it is not possible to achieve persistent long-term remissions after disease relapse, which leaves patients with an unmet need for effective and well-tolerated treatment options.

Aim. To obtain objective data on the incidence, clinical course, and effectiveness of therapy for the most common variants of NHL in real-world practice in Russia.

Materials and methods. From February to March 2023, 130 hematologists and oncologists from 30 regions of Russia were surveyed to update the data on DLBCL and FL.

Results. Over the past 12 months, 5,689 patients with NHL were observed, of which 56% had DLBCL; 62% of them received the 1st LT, 22% received the 2nd LT, 10% received the 3rd LT, and only a few reached later lines. Analysis of the administered treatment options in the 2nd and 3rd LTs shows that there is no standard of care for this population, and the effectiveness of the regimens used in real-world Russian practice is extremely low. FL accounted for 23% of all 5,689 patients with NHL, of which 56% were newly diagnosed and 44% received treatment for relapse. The majority of patients with FL who received ≥3 LTs had an inferior prognosis and rapid disease progression: the median time from diagnosis to the beginning of the 3rd LT was only 26.4 months. The analysis of treatment options for patients with relapsed FL indicates a lack of standard and effective therapies.

Conclusion. Relapsed and refractory DLBCL and FL represent a complex clinical situation where the main goal of treatment is disease control due to the impossibility of achieving stable remissions with existing treatment options. Clinicians with great hope are looking to the emergence of new classes of drugs that will be able to improve the prognosis for this complex population.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):140-148
pages 140-148 views
Long-term dynamics of epidemiological characteristics of some chronic leukemia and lymphoma in Moscow before, during and after the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Epidemiologic study
Vinogradova O.Y., Chernikov M.V., Neverova A.L., Kosenkova V.P., Kochkareva Y.B., Shikhbabaeva D.I., Pankrashkina M.M., Sharkunov N.N., Ptushkin V.V.

Background. The COVID-19 pandemic, which swept the world in 2020–2021, had a significant impact on the epidemiological picture of hematological malignancies.

Aim. To study the dynamics of epidemiological indicators of five chronic hemoblastoses in Moscow over a 12-year period, and also to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these indicators.

Materials and methods. A population-based study was conducted for five types of oncohematological diseases: multiple myeloma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia. The annual rates of morbidity, mortality, prevalence of these nosologies, overall survival, and expected overall survival were calculated. Gender and age characteristics for each disease were determined.

Results and discussion. The present study showed a uniform increase in the incidence and prevalence of five hematological malignancies between 2012 and 2019. Convincing evidence of an increase in mortality and a decrease in the number of diagnosed cases in comparison with the expected figures for these hematological malignancies in 2020–2021 was presented. A greater reduction was shown for cases diagnosed at early stages compared to later ones. During the pandemic, a significant increase in mortality was recorded among patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma, while in cohorts of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and Hodgkin lymphoma it increased slightly. The return of morbidity, mortality and prevalence rates to the original dynamics in 2022–2023 has been demonstrated.

Conclusion. This study demonstrated the features of the regional pattern of incidence, mortality, prevalence and gender-age characteristics of five hematological malignancies and provided the changes in the indicators dynamics of different hematological malignancies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):149-158
pages 149-158 views
Effectiveness and safety of empegfilgrastim (Extimia®) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy: final results of the DEFENDOR study
Snegovoy A.V., Kononenko I.B., Radiukova I.M., Orlova S.A., Sultanbaev A.V., Dubovichenko D.M., Dergunov A.S., Saidullaeva A.F., Repina N.N., Gronskaia I.A., Rossokha E.I., Starostina T.V., Akimova O.V., Vasil'eva I.A., Godzhieva Z.A., Garanina O.I., Gorchkhanova K.I., Machekhina I.S., Gracheva A.S., Danilova A.E., Dmitrakova T.N., Dmitriev V.N., Dmitrochenko M.V., Dylinova O.V., El'kova V.O., Zhelezniak A.V., Zubova I.V., Ivanov A.N., Kaleikina L.P., Komoza I.V., Korolev D.N., Lebedeva L.N., Lebedinets A.A., Mamedguseinova N.N., Miagkova V.S., Matiushina E.I., Narovenkova K.V., Nikolaeva V.M., Novikov D.V., Polonskaia G.E., Rebrina O.V., Safronova M.A., Semenova A.S., Semenova I.A., Skotnikov R.A., Solov'eva E.P., Tat'ianenko A.N., Teterich A.A., Timin V.N., Tolmacheva I.A., Tiugina I.A., Khodkevich A.V., Tsarakhova F.V., Chapko I.S., Shegurova M.M., Shakurova N.R., Shalina A.I., Shumilkina E.A., Iakuba D.V., Ibragimova T.M., Feoktistova P.S., Sorokina I.V., Berezina A.M., Kiseleva P.V., Mironenko O.N., Prosianikova O.N.

Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Extimia® (empegfilgrastim, JSC "BIOCAD") in reducing the frequency, duration of neutropenia, the incidence of febrile neutropenia (FN) and infections caused by FN in patients with solid tumors receiving myelosuppressive therapy.

Materials and methods. The paper presents the final results of a multicenter prospective observational post-marketing study of the safety and effectiveness of Extimia® (empegfilgrastim) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy. For the primary prevention of FN, all patients received empegfilgrastim at 7.5 mg subcutaneously once per course of chemotherapy (CT) 24 hours after the end of CT administration. The primary endpoint included an assessment of the relative dose-intensity (RDI) of the CT courses administered. The endpoints of interest included the assessment of the RDI of CT courses by nosology and CT regimen, the frequency of dose-limiting neutropenia, and the incidence of all adverse events (AEs) in patients who received at least one dose of the study medication, including serious AEs.

Results. From February 2021 to December 2022, 3218 patients with various malignancies were included in 41 study centers of the Russian Fede- ration. Of these, 3217 (99.97%) patients received at least one dose of the study drug, and 2663 (82.8%) patients were included in the RDI evaluation population according to the study protocol. The mean age in this group was 56.9 (18–84) years. RDI ≥85% was achieved in 2,415 (90.7%) patients. The mean RDI was 96.2%, with a median of 100%. FN risk factors were present in 1216 (45.7%) patients, with age ≥65 years being the most common risk factor at 761/2663 (28.6%). It should be noted that in patients younger than 65 years, the RDI was 91.5%, and in elderly patients (≥65 years) 88.7%. Dose-limiting neutropenia was reported in 19 (0.7%) patients. There were 74 cases of grade 3–4 AEs (according to CTCAE v.5) in 59 (1.8%) patients. The most common were neutropenia, anemia, and diarrhea in 19 (0.7%), 7 (0.2%), and 6 (0.2%) patients, respectively. Serious AEs were reported in 17 patients (0.5%).

Conclusion. Primary prophylaxis of FN with long-acting granulocyte colony-stimulating factor empegfilgrastim effectively maintains RDI in various nosological and therapeutic groups of patients with different CT regimens in real-world clinical practice.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):159-171
pages 159-171 views
Safety of Pembroria® during non-medical switching from Keytruda® in patients with advanced malignant neoplasms of various localizations: the REFLECTION real-world study
Choynzonov E.L., Fedenko A.A., Falaleeva N.A., Andreeva T.V., Afanas'ev S.G., Bakaev Z.A., Valiev D.I., Volkov A.A., Kolomiets L.A., Krashikhina T.V., Miller S.V., Mikhaliuk V.V., Ogloblin A.N., Orlova S.A., Pataliak S.V., Pokataev I.A., Popova N.O., Rebrina O.V., Safin R.N., Stradaeva I.I., Trefilova I.V., Usol'tseva I.S., Usynin E.A., Sharov S.V., Iukal'chuk D.I., Iasieva A.R.

Background. Post-registration observational studies with switching therapy from the original drug to a biosimilar for non-medical indications allow us to assess the safety and effectiveness of this type of switching in real clinical practice.

Aim. Evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of non-medical switching from the original drug Keytruda® to the biosimilar drug Pembroria® in patients with various oncological pathologies in real clinical practice (REFLECTION).

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of data from electronic medical records from 21 medical institutions of the Russian Federation for the period 2020–2023 was carried out. Data were included from patients with cancer of various locations who received at least 2 injections of Keytruda® followed by switching to Pembroria® for non-medical indications (at least 2 injections). Primary criteria: incidence of immune-mediated adverse reactions (ImARs) of any severity. Secondary indicators: incidence of ImARs of various degrees of severity and infusion reactions, frequency of objective response rate (according to RECIST 1.1 criteria).

Results. The analysis included data from 382 patients (male/female 200/182, median age 62 years) with NSCLC (24.1%), RCC (23.3%), melanoma (20.4%) and cancer of other localization. Patients received Keytruda® on 1st and 2nd lines (54.2 and 25.4% of patients, respectively), on 3 or 4 lines (14.1%), or as part of adjuvant therapy (6.3%). 50.5% of patients received pembrolizumab as monotherapy. The median number of administrations was 7.0 and 5.0 for Keytruda® and Pembroria®, respectively. ImARs were registered in 44 (11.5%) patients (60 ImARs), including 40 ImARs in 35 (9.2%) patients while using Keytruda® and 20 ImARs in 17 (2.4%) patients with Pembroria®. The most common ImARs were hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and hepatitis; the frequency of these ImARs was higher with Keytruda® (EAER for hypothyroidism 0.00422 and 0.00144, for hepatitis – 0.00124 and 0.00096, respectively). All 5 reported cases of hyperthyroidism in patients on Keytruda® (EAER 0.00124), were resolved before switching to Pembroria®. No infusion-related reactions or deaths due to ImARs have been reported. The objective response rate was comparable – 104 (32.6%) and 90 (29.2%) patients оn Keytruda® and Pembroria® therapy, respectively. Most patients maintained disease control after switching to Pembroria® [progression was recorded in 29 (9.4%) patients after switching to a biosimilar].

Conclusion. The safety profiles of Keytruda® and Pembroria® were satisfactory and comparable in this study. Switching from therapy with Keytruda® to Pembroria® is not accompanied by an increase in the frequency or severity of ImARs. Switching from Keytruda® to Pembroria® maintains disease control in most patients.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):173-181
pages 173-181 views
Effect of internal subtype on the efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibitor therapy in advanced HR+/HER2breast cancer: A review
Grechukhina K.S., Filonenko D.A., Sukhova M.V., Zhukova L.G.

The classification of breast cancer (BC) by immunohistochemical phenotypes is widely used in routine clinical practice. However, the genetic profile of the tumor does not always correspond to the pathomorphological one, which can significantly affect the prognosis and predict the effectiveness of therapy in BC. This literature review examines the effectiveness of endocrine therapy depending on the internal subtype of BC, and also presents data on the effectiveness of CDK4/6 inhibitors in these subgroups. It has been shown that during metastasis, the tumor acquires a more aggressive subtype (for example, it switches from luminal to HER2-E or basal-like), which can be stopped when using CDK4/6 inhibitors: the change of the internal subtype passes into a more favorable group.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):182-189
pages 182-189 views
Immunohistochemical factors of prognosis of immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma: А prospective and retrospective study
Oganesyan L.V., Zavalishina L.E., Ognerubov N.A., Kostalanova I.V., Orlov A.E., Poddubnaya I.V.

Introduction. Anti-PD-1 immunotherapy (IT) is becoming the standard treatment for patients with metastatic melanoma. However, immune checkpoint inhibitors are only effective in a fraction of patients, and studies examining biological markers and their correlation with clinical efficacy are insufficient to draw unambiguous conclusions.

Aim. To improve the outcomes of the first-line therapy for disseminated melanoma based on identifying clinical and immunohistochemical predictors of IT efficacy.

Materials and methods. Data from 130 patients who were treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (nivolumab or prolgolimab) in the first-line therapy for disseminated melanoma between 2017 and 2024 were analyzed.

Results. Improvement was observed in 24 patients (18.4%): complete response in 18 patients (13.8%), partial response in 6 (4.6%), and stabilization in 71 (54.6%) patients. Progression was reported in 31 (24%) patients. Death occurred in 4 (3%) cases during IT with prolgolimab due to disease progression. The two-year disease-free survival (DFS) during IT was 53% (95% confidence interval [CI] 42–67), p=0.63; the median 2-year overall survival was not reached. In the immunohistochemical study, 47 (63.5%) patients had a predominance of tumor infiltration with CD8 lymphocytes over CD4, regardless of the IT type: 2-year DFS 82% (95% CI 70–96) vs 13% (95% CI 2.7–64) in the absence of CD8 predominance over CD4, p=0.0001; the median DFS was not reached in patients with the predominance of CD8 lymphocytes tumor infiltration over CD4 compared to the other group – 7.6 months in the absence of this feature (95% CI 5.8–0), p=0.001. The peritumoral location of the immune lymphoid infiltrate was observed in all 74 (100%) patients, and the intratumoral location was less common (52 patients, 70%). In the presence of both periand intratumoral location of the immune infiltrate, the 2-year DFS was 83% (95% CI 70–98) compared to the group of patients in whom no intratumoral location was detected – 5.5% (95% CI 0.8–36), p<0.0001. The expression of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) level >10% was observed in 47 (63.5%) patients. With this level of PD-L1 expression, the one-year DFS was 91% (95% CI 83–100) compared to 29% (95% CI 15–57) with a lower level of PD-L1 expression, p<0.0001; the median DFS is reached, and in the group 2, DFS was only 6.6 months. In the case of PD-L1>10%, the 2-year DFS was high at 78% (95% CI 63–100), p<0.0001.

Conclusion. Based on the study's results, it can be assumed that immunohistochemical characteristics such as a PD-L1 expression level >10%, the simultaneous presence of periand intratumoral lymphoid tumor infiltration, and the predominance of CD8 over CD4 can be considered predictors of IT efficacy with nivolumab and prolgolimab.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):190-196
pages 190-196 views
Clinical benefits of parenteral iron carboxymaltose in patients with colorectal cancer: a retrospective observational study
Postolov M.P., Suvorov V.A., Kravets A.V.

Background. The high incidence of anemia in colorectal cancer and its severe consequences for patients determine the need for timely diagnosis and correction of this condition. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose a method for correcting anemia, allowing to achieve maximum efficiency and safety.

Aim. To evaluate perioperative methods for correcting iron deficiency anemia in patients with colorectal cancer based on a comparative analysis of the clinical results of intravenous administration of iron carboxymaltose and transfusion of blood components.

Materials and methods. The results of treatment of 594 patients with colorectal cancer operated on in 2022 at the department of surgical treatment methods No. 3 (abdominal oncology No. 1) of the Volgograd Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary were studied. Stratification of patients into groups was carried out using the method of pseudo-randomization by sex and age to eliminate confounding errors. After pseudo-randomization in a 1:1 ratio, the sample of patients with anemia was divided into 2 groups (main group – 124 patients, in whose treatment blood-saving techniques and parenteral administration of iron carboxymaltose were used, and control group – 124 patients, for treatment of anemia in which transfusions of blood components were used). In 98 (39.5%) cases hemicolectomies were performed, in 88 (35.5%) – anterior resections of the rectum, in 36 (14.5%) – resections of the sigmoid colon, in 18 (7.3%) – extirpations of the rectum, in 8 (3.2%) – resection of the transverse colon, 217 (87.5%) operations were performed through laparotomy access, 31 (12.5%) using minimally invasive technologies.

Results. The frequency of postoperative complications of grade III–V according to Clavien–Dindo score in the main group (4.8%, 6/124) was statistically significantly lower compared to the control group (14.5%, 18/124) [χ2=6.643; p=0.01]. Postoperative mortality in the main group was 0.8% (1/124), in the control group – 5.6% (7/124) [χ2=4.65; p=0.032].

Conclusion. The use of blood-saving technologies with parenteral administration of iron carboxymaltose in patients with colorectal cancer leads to a reduction in the number of postoperative complications and the level of postoperative mortality.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):197-201
pages 197-201 views
Second line chemotherapy for advanced biliary cancer: FOLFOX versus FOLFIRI: Analysis of retrospective and prospective data
Savchenko I.V., Stilidi I.S., Dzhanyan I.A., Antonova E.Y., Polyakov A.N., Egorova A.V., Chulkova S.V., Breder V.V.

Aim. To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of second-line polychemotherapy according to FOLFOX or FOLFIRI regimen in patients with biliary tract tumours after progression during first-line chemotherapy (CT).

Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of retrospective and prospective data on the examination and treatment of 94 patients with biliary cancer of grades T1-4N0-2M0-1 followed-up and treated at the N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology from 2015 to 2023. All patients were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 (FOLFOX, n=47) and Group 2 (FOLFIRI, n=47). In Group 1, patients received the recommended FOLFOX second-line CT regimen. Patients in Group 2 received FOLFIRI regimen. The endpoints were overall survival (OS) and incidence of grade 3-4 adverse events.

Results. The study included 94 patients. In the FOLFOX group, the median OS was 13.0 months (1-year OS was 57.8±7.4%); for the FOLFIRI group, the median OS was 12.3 months (1-year OS was 54.4±7.3%). The toxicity profiles of FOLFOX and FOLFIRI were acceptable and consistent with those reported for the regimens. According to the grade 3–4 toxicity data, diarrhea was significantly more common in the FOLFIRI group (p=0.014), and neurotoxicity was more common in the FOLFOX group (p=0.006). During the second-line CT, the frequency of grade 1–4 toxicities in the groups did not differ: 18 (38.3%) events in the FOLFOX group and 19 (40.0%) events in the FOLFIRI group.

Conclusion. Our results of evaluating the efficacy and toxicity of the second-line polychemotherapy regimens show that the FOLFOX and FOLFIRI CT regimens have equal efficacy in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer with a good performance according to the ECOG scale, who previously received the first-line therapy with a combination of gemcitabine with a platinum agent (cisplatin or oxaliplatin); also, our data demonstrate similar toxicity profiles of these regimens.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):202-209
pages 202-209 views
Acinar cells of the pancreas as an independent predictor of the development of postoperative pancreatic fistula: A review
Podluzhny D.V., Kotelnikov A.G., Sagaydak I.V., Polyakov A.N., Kudashkin N.E., Arkhiri P.P., Sakibov B.I., Tamrazova M.R., Egenov O.A.

Analysis of data published in the modern literature on the role of the number of functioning acinar cells of the pancreas as a prognostic marker of the development of pancreatic fistula. The search for sources was carried out in the systems, PubMed, Medline, NCCN, Scopus, Elibrary. In writing the literature review, 52 sources published from 2004 to 2022 were used. Included are studies reflecting the importance of functioning acinar cells at the edge of pancreatic resection, as well as other factors associated with the development of pancreatic fistula and other post-resection complications. A large number of acinar cells (>40%) and a low collagen content (<15%) in the edge of pancreatic resection significantly correlates with the development of pancreatic fistula. The content of adipose tissue in the edge of pancreatic resection showed no connection with the development of pancreatic fistula and other complications after surgery. Palpatory assessment of the structure of the pancreatic parenchyma is subjective and can lead to erroneous interpretation and adoption of inadequate tactics of preventive measures. Intraoperative counting of acinuses at the edge of pancreatic resection is easy to use, while not yielding to more complex methods for assessing the risk of post-resection complications and can be recommended as a routine method for predicting the occurrence of pancreatic fistula

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):210-217
pages 210-217 views
Immediate and long-term outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with retroperitoneal and abdominal desmoid fibromatosis: A retrospective study
Turupaev K.A., Budurova M.D., Nikulin M.P.

Background. The main method of treatment of desmoid fibromatosis is surgical, especially in patients with symptomatic disease or in cases of progression during the Look and Stay period. Due to the rarity of the disease, different localization, unpredictability of the clinical course, the lack of generally accepted clear criteria for choosing a treatment method and/or a sequence of treatment methods, the determination of prognostic criteria for the course of the disease is of great scientific and practical interest.

Aim. To study the immediate and long-term outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with retroperitoneal and abdominal desmoid fibromatosis.

Materials and methods. The study analyzed the data of 121 patients with histologically verified retroperitoneal and abdominal desmoid fibromatosis who underwent surgical treatment at the Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology from 1999 to 2022.

Results. In 89% of cases, desmoid tumors are resectable; however, resections of adjacent organs are often required to remove the tumor mass completely. The frequency of combined interventions in the abdominal and retroperitoneal groups was 7.0 and 60.4%, respectively. Tumor cells along the edge of the incision are identified in 15.8% of patients, including 10% of patients with macroscopically detectable residual tumors. Surgical treatment of patients with desmoid tumors is associated with an acceptable complication rate and provides high rates of overall and relapse-free survival. Risk factors for disease-free survival of operated patients are retroperitoneal localization, multicentric tumor growth, and R2 category.

Conclusion. The treatment of patients with retroperitoneal and abdominal desmoid tumors should be carried out in specialized clinics with sufficient experience in performing surgical interventions, including combined ones. The treatment approach in patients with desmoid tumors should be selected by a multidisciplinary team based on personalized oncological and functional prognoses in accordance with the prognostic risk groups.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):218-223
pages 218-223 views
Cardiovascular toxicity of chemotherapy and thyroid status of patients with gastric and colon cancer: Current state of the problem. A review
Stanoevich I.V., Ioutsi V.A., Lysovolenko N.L., Alekseev I.E., Kondrashkina A.D., Polianskii M.B., Pis'mennaia E.V.

Cardiovascular and oncological diseases are the main causes of disability and mortality in Russia, sharing common risk factors and exacerbating each other. The specific toxicological effects of fluoropyrimidines, platinum drugs, and taxanes commonly used in the treatment of gastric and colorectal malignancies have been noted to potentially contribute to the onset of cardiovascular pathologies in some cases. However, the manifestation and prevalence of cardiovascular toxicity due to cancer treatment regimens are influenced by various factors beyond just the chemotherapy protocols employed. Gender, age, overall health status (including cardiac and thyroid functions), and other risk factors play significant roles in the development and progression of heart and vascular diseases in these patients. Thyroid dysfunction, even in the absence of severe clinical symptoms, can significantly impact the course of cardiovascular pathologies, complicating the management of toxic effects associated with polychemotherapy on both the cardiac muscle and vascular system. This paper analyzes modern ideas about pathogenetic relationship between cardiovascular diseases and gastric and colon cancer. The profile and mechanism of cardiovascular toxicity of chemotherapy in patients with gastric and colon cancer, pathogenetic relationship of thyroid status and cardiovascular diseases are presented. Organizational management issues of chemotherapy toxicity are briefly highlighted.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):224-229
pages 224-229 views
Benign metastasizing uterine leiomyoma. A case series. Systematic review
Toneev E.A., Shagdaleev R.F., Toneeva S.N., Karabanova Y.A., Martynov A.A., Khabas G.N., Sheshko P.L., Shebzukhova Z.R., Kometova V.V.

Uterine leiomyoma (ULM) is one of the most common gynecological pathologies in women of reproductive age. The prevalence of this pathology varies across different age groups, with approximately 10% in the 20–35 age range, increasing to 40–45% after the age of 35. ULM metastasis is an extremely rare phenomenon, with only 411 cases reported in the literature, including our 3 observations. Several definitions exist, with the most common being benign metastasizing ULM, found in both domestic and foreign literature. Each observation is crucial, as there are currently no clear treatment algorithms for this patient category. The study presents 3 cases of successful treatment of patients with metastatic ULM in two institutions. A systematic review of domestic and foreign literature on this pathology is conducted. Twenty-two clinical observations in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries are analyzed. Analysis of foreign literature revealed records of 386 clinical observations of benign metastasizing ULM. Benign metastasizing ULM of the uterus represents a rare nosological form. Systematization is advisable for determining the optimal treatment and observation tactics.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):230-237
pages 230-237 views
Metronomic chemotherapy in pediatric neurooncology: insight the problem. A review
Dinikina Y.V., Zheludkova O.G., Ryzhova M.V., Olhova L.V., Korneev D.Y., Belogurova M.B.

Metronomic chemotherapy (MCT) is a promising direction of anticancer therapy, as well as in pediatric oncology, and its administration in patients with refractory and recurrent tumors of the central nervous system becomes increasingly relevant. Being a regimen of low doses of antitumor agents with different mechanisms of action in a continuous mode for a long time, it allows to overcome the resistance of tumor cells and to minimize the toxic effects of treatment. Today, the issues of rational choice of MCT regimens, which are dependent on the type of tumor, and the application of biomarkers of its effectiveness, remain controversial. The article discusses in detail the biological effects of MCT with an accent on antiangiogenic one, as well as the possibilities and limitations of MCT application in pediatric practice and the results of studies in tumors of the central nervous system.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):238-246
pages 238-246 views
Is maintenance therapy following previous treatment better than observation or placebo for treating chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in adults? (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)

This publication is the Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review: Lee C-H, Wu Y-Y, Huang T-C, Lin C, Zou Y-F, Cheng J-C, Chen P-H, Jhou H-J, Ho C-L. Maintenance therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD013474. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013474.pub2

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):247-248
pages 247-248 views
Do cancer vaccines help people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer? (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)

This publication is the Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review: Cortés-Jofré M, Rueda-Etxebarria M, Orillard E, Jimenez Tejero E, Rueda J-R. Therapeutic vaccines for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD013377. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013377.pub2

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(2):248-249
pages 248-249 views

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