PIK3CA mutation: changing the paradigm of HR+ HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer therapy. Review of the Novartis Pharma satellite symposium, held as part of a virtual forum dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hormone-dependent HER2-negative advanced breast cancer with a PIK3CA gene mutation. April 23, 2021

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А virtual forum dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hormone-dependent HER2-negative advanced breast cancer (HR+ HER2- aBC) with the PIK3CA mutation using target drug alpelisib was held on April 23, 2021. Oncologists from France and Russia discussed the significance of the PIK3CA mutation, the necessity and methods of its identification. They also shared information and exchanged experience of using alpelisib to treat patients who had previously received a CDK4/6 inhibitor and were resistant to endocrine therapy. Using the example of a clinical case, the experts also discussed the issues of prevention and correction of adverse events.


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