Autologous stem cells transplantation in the first remission of follicular lymphoma as "rescue therapy" in patients with unfavorable prognosis factors. The first prospective study results

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The purpose of the study was to evaluate high-dose chemotherapy efficacy with the next autologous stem cells transplantation (ASCT) in first-line treatment of follicular lymphoma (FL) patients with unfavorable prognosis factors. 43 FL patients with unfavorable prognosis factors were observed in Hematological scientific center from 2000 to 2016. The patients received R-CHOP regime as induction therapy. ASCT in first-line treatment after inductional R-CHOP regimes was administrated in 23 patients. The results of the first prospective study of high-dose therapy in FL patients in Russia demonstrate that HDCT with followed ASCT in first line therapy allows to achieve complete remission in patients with unfavorable prognosis factors as well as to increase progression-free survival and overall surviva.

About the authors

E S Nesterova

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, науч. сотр., врач-гематолог науч.-клин. отд-ния химиотерапии гемобластозов ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

S K Kravchenko

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, доц., зав. науч.-клин. отд-нием химиотерапии гемобластозов ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

E A Baryakh

City Clinical Hospital №52 of the Department of Health of Moscow; N.I.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, врач-гематолог отд-ния гематологии и химиотерапии ГБУЗ ГКБ №52, доц. каф. общей терапии ФДПО ФГБОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И.Пирогова 123182, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Pekhotnaia, d. 3; 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Ostrovitianova, d. 1

A E Misyurina

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, науч. сотр. науч.-клин. отд-ния химиотерапии гемобластозов ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

Ya K Mangasarova

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, врач-гематолог науч.-клин. отд-ния химиотерапии гемобластозов ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

V I Vorobev

City Clinical Hospital №52 of the Department of Health of Moscow

канд. мед. наук, зав. отд-нием гематологии и химиотерапии ГБУЗ ГКБ №52 123182, Russian Federation, Moscow, ul. Pekhotnaia, d. 3

N G Chernova

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, врач-гематолог отд-ния высокодозной химиотерапии лимфом ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

E G Gemdzhian

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ст. науч. сотр. лаб. биостатистики ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

V G Savchenko

Hematology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

акад. РАН, д-р мед. наук, проф., ген. дир. ФГБУ ГНЦ 125167, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novyi Zykovskii pr., d. 4

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