Fulvestrant in endocrine therapy of recurrent and metastatic breast cancer

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Hormone therapy of recurrent and metastatic breast cancer has a wide range of drugs possessing different medical effects. However, the main problem is the sequence of endocrine therapy of hormone receptor-positive metastatic BC in the absence of visceral crisis, nowadays. The recommendations of the different professional communities do not contain visible preference in favor of the choice of any specific endocrine therapy or specific treatment sequence. According to the information we have received, at present the optimal treatment path, in the absence of resistance to endocrine therapy and visceral crisis, will be the following: line 1 - fulvestrant 500 mg; line 2 - AIs (for example anastrozole); line 3 - tamoxifen. The choice of the therapy must be based on the characteristics of not only the tumor, but also the patient. One should take into account the age of the patient, the duration of the interval without disease symptoms after adjuvant chemotherapy, the type of the damage and the involvement of internal organs in the process, the presence of concomitant diseases, toxic manifestations of chemotherapy regimens, the price and availability of the drugs.

About the authors

L Yu Vladimirova

Rostov Research Institute of Oncology

Email: lubovurievna@gmail.com
д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. отд-нием противоопухолевой лекарственной терапии №1 ФГБУ РНИОИ 344037, Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, ul. 14-ia Liniia, d. 63


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