Breast cancer: from guidelines to personalized oncology

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The review considers the present-day problems and possibilities of targeted therapy for breast cancer (BC) in relation to the biological subtype of a tumor. The emergence of new clinical data on the targeted drugs and their combinations already used in routine practice and new medications from an arsenal of personalized medicine leads to changes in therapeutic approaches. The review gives great attention to the HER2-positive subtype of BC.There is evidence from clinical trials of pertuzumab and T-DM1, which may alter the standard treatment for HER2-positive BC. The review also considers the predictive value of the recurrence index in the luminal subtype and biological characteristics of triple negative BC.

About the authors

Conte PierFranco

Университетская клиника г. Падуя, Италия

Guarneri Valentina

Университетская клиника г. Падуя, Италия


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