Diagram of differential diagnostics of stages of ovarian cancer

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The diagram of differential diagnostics of stages of ovarian cancer is developed. Survey of 404 patients included ultrasonic research of genitals, an internal, radiological research of lungs for the purpose of detection of the remote metastasises, cytologic, histologic and immunohistochemical research of tumor, and also biochemical indexes of peripheral blood and level of an onkomarker of CA125. It is shown that indexes of level malondialdehyde, activities of a catalase, a glutation-reductase of plasma can be used for the differential diagnosis of III and IV stages. The assessment of cationic proteins level, phagocytic number, activity of myeloperoxidase of neutrophils of peripheral blood will allow to calculate coefficient for differentiation of II and III stages of ovarian cancer. The diagram of additional laboratory researches is developed for differentiation of stages of ovarian cancer on FIGO, and also calculation formula of differentiation coefficient.

About the authors

I I Antoneeva

Ульяновский государственный университет

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. онкологии и лучевой диагностики

T V Abakumova

Ульяновский государственный университет

Email: Naum-53@yandex.ru
канд. биол. наук, ст. науч. сотр. Научно-исследовательского технологического института УлГУ

T P Gening

Ульяновский государственный университет

д-р биол. наук, проф., акад. РАЕН, зав. каф. физиологии и патофизиологии УлГУ

S O Gening

Ульяновский государственный университет

студентка медицинского факультета УлГУ


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