Management of patients with hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer: data of randomized trials and real-world evidence

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The Satellite Symposium of Novartis Pharma was held on January 28th,2022, within the framework of the RUSSCO Big Conference "Breast Cancer". It was dedicated to the diagnostics and treatment of patients with hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative advanced breast cancer (HR+/HER2- aBC). The information concerning two new observational studies was showed during the symposium: the retrospective analysis of the sequence of BC patients’ treatment in Moscow and the PROSPERITY study. The preliminary results of the data analysis concerning Moscow patients with breast cancer indicated the widespread practice of using endocrine therapy as an early-line treatment for HR+/HER2- aBC. Special attention was paid to new data concerning the use of Piqray (alpelisib) for the treatment of HR+/HER2- aBC with a PIK3CA mutation. The review of new results obtained in clinical trials and in clinical practice of the Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center (Moscow) was made. The obtained data results indicate that alpelisib in combination with fulvestrant is effective after disease progression on CDK4/6 inhibitors, regardless of the duration of prior CDK4/6i therapy, as well as in patients who previously received fulvestrant. The duration of alpelisib treatment can be prolonged due to the competent approach to prevent and to control the adverse events.


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