Hybrid-NOMA for Wireless Communication System

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The demand for spectral efficiency, security, energy efficiency, power efficiency, high data rate, and throughput increases with the advancement of wireless communication systems. Power domain non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is one the famous algorithms to achieve the essential requirement of a wireless communication setup. This paper proposes a novel algorithm called hybrid NOMA (H-NOMA). The hybrid NOMA can improve power efficiency (PE), spectral efficiency (SE), symbol error rate (SER), and sum secrecy. It is based on Hybrid Constellation Shaping to support a wireless communication system. Security is another primary concern for all communication systems; the proposed H-NOMA also provides better secrecy capacity as compared to NOMA. This paper contains the basic structure of the proposed algorithm. Simulation analysis is done for the symbol error rate, energy efficiency, and secrecy capacity. Machine learning genetic algorithm is also used for the optimization of system parameters.

About the authors

R. Khan

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Email: rabi.khan14@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8169-7177


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