Analysis of End-to-End Delay in the Transport Segment of Fronthaul 4G/5G Networks Based on TSN Technology

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One of the characteristic features of 4G/5G mobile networks is the spatial separation of functional blocks.  The corresponding segments of the xHaul transport network are used to connect these blocks. One of them is the Fronthaul front end segment, which connects remote radio equipment with their control equipment. The data streams of standard CPRI/eCPRI radio interfaces in this segment impose strict requirements on the quality of service and, above all, on delays. To meet these requirements, it was proposed to use in the Fronthaul segment Ethernet bridge network based on the technology of time-sensitive networks TSN (Time Sensitive Networking), which provides determinated delays, reliable packet delivery and high accuracy of synchronization of nodes in the network. The IEEE 802.1CM standard describes profiles of TSN networks that defines the functions, options, configurations, default values, protocols and procedures of bridges, stations and local networks required to build the Fronthaul transport segment. The article presents a methodology for determining the maximum end-to-end traffic delays of standard CPRI/eCPRI radio interfaces in the Fronthaul segment of 4G/5G networks, built on the basis of TSN technology, in accordance with the requirements of IEEE 802.1CM standard. Two main components of end-to-end delay are identified ‒ delays in TSN bridges and delays in xEthernet channels. For high-priority traffic flows of CPRI/eCPRI radio interfaces in bridges, characteristic cases of mutual influence of flows arriving simultaneously at different input ports are given. An example of numerical calculation is given, which allowed to determine the permissible physical length of the Fronthaul segment at a given boundary end-to-end delay of transmission of high-priority traffic.

About the authors

A. V. Roslyakov

Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3130-8262
SPIN-code: 3620-3447

V. V. Gerasimov

Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-7791-7981
SPIN-code: 1079-5200


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