Effects of stigma and stress on mental health and quality of life




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Sociological interest in stigma gained attention following the publication of the article Stigma: Notes on Managing Spoiled Identity (Goffman, 1963). Social stigmatization is, to a large extent, a spontaneous process, but its development is carried out within the framework of certain well-established laws of a sociocultural nature. Knowledge of these laws makes it possible to predict possible consequences of this phenomenon, to prevent their onset, and to neutralize the negative effect of the phenomenon on social actors. However, experimental data are insufficient to support explanations for this social phenomenon and the effect of stigma on the quality of life.


Tatyana Lipai

Minsk City Institute of Education Development

Email: lipai@tut.by
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9186-9806

PhD, associated professor, professor of the Department of Management and Economics of Education

白俄罗斯, Minsk


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