The evaluation of degree of accessibility of health centers at municipal level




In the Zabaikalskii kraii function 5 health centers providing free services to population and 4 out of them are in the municipal okrug “Gorod Chita”. The main purpose of their functioning is development of complex of activities targeted to health promotion through propaganda of healthy life-style, motivating citizen to personal responsibility for one's health and health of one's children, struggle with risk factors of development of diseases, education and information of population about harm of tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse. The assessment was made concerning accessibility of health center in municipal okrug “Gorod Chita”. The questionnaire survey and interviewing were applied. The reliability of results was achieved due to representative sampling. The respondents are presented by residents of Chita and aged 18-72 years. It is established that population of municipal okrug evaluates project positively, in spite of occurring problems. The most of the respondents evaluate quality of rendering of medical services in health centers as high. The deficiency of information is considered as one of main problems on the way of achieving purposes of Health centers. Second place goes uncomfortable schedule of work. And third place goes to feeble motivation of population. To overcome occurring difficulties more active advertising was proposed and development of succession with other medical and health promotion organizations.


E. Tomskikh

The Chitinskaia state medical academy

assistant of the chair of hygiene 672000 Chita, Russia


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