The characteristics of perception, awareness and formation of inner picture of disease in girls and boys




The article presents data of study of perception and awareness of disease in girls and boys. The children0specific characteristics of development of inner picture of disease are identified. The model of components of inner picture of disease of child is presented as system of factors of positive and negative impact. The structure of attitude to health is presented including cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. In ill children sexual and gender differences reaction to disease are established. These differences are manifested in that girls in a more adequate way perceive hospitalization, adapt faster to new life conditions and new life stereotype though they more often experience apprehension for future. The attributes of image of health and disease are described. In girls they are characterized by emotional attributes and in boys by instrumental activity and object-concrete attributes that condition their behavioral repertoire. In girls, the social aspect in damage of health is more significant than physiological one. In boys both aspects are of equal worth. The ideas of disease and their intellectual and emotional processing are more objective in girls. The particular issue of study became identification of intra0family relationships and relationship healthy/unhealthy children with parents and parents with children determined by specific of nosology of children. It is established that parental evaluation of attitudes to child depend on gender of parents and is related with sex of child that is related with social gender roles of males and females and not with their individual psychological characteristics. The reaction of parents to prognosis of disease passes several stages and at that behavior of mother and father differ. The mothers of ill children faster than fathers alter their attitude to developed situation and they play major role in maintaining hope for convalescence of children and assist them to adapt to new life conditions.


I. Groshev

The research institute of education and sciences

doctor of psychological sciences, doctor of economical sciences, professor, deputy director on scientific activities 129340 Moscow, Russia


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