


The prevention of medicalization and objectification of strategies of palliative care of patients with chronic diseases are one of important tasks of development of regional model of palliative care. The strategies of palliative care are considered in the context of quality of life of patients with diseases of blood circulation system. The indicator of quality of life determined according the WHO questionnaire "Life Quality-100" is a multifactorial criterion of evaluation of condition of patients in case of diseases of blood circulation system. The results of study proved that disease results in alterations of indices of quality of life in "physical" sphere and "level of independence» sphere determine tendencies in rehabilitation direction of palliative care in case of diseases of blood circulation system at non-terminal stage. The evaluation of indicator of quality of life permits to objectify strategies of palliative care of this category of patients.


I. Krom

The V.I. Rasumovskii Saratovskii state medical university; The center of medical sociological research

doctor of medical sciences, professor of the chair of public health and health care with courses of jurisprudence and history of medicine, director of the center of medical sociological research 410012 Saratov, Russia; 410015 Saratov, Russia

M. Erugina

The V.I. Rasumovskii Saratovskii state medical university

410012 Saratov, Russia

A. Shmerkevitch

The V.I. Rasumovskii Saratovskii state medical university

410012 Saratov, Russia

A. Vodolagin

The V.I. Rasumovskii Saratovskii state medical university

410012 Saratov, Russia

D. Dorogaikin

The V.I. Rasumovskii Saratovskii state medical university

410012 Saratov, Russia


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