


The article presents the analysis of results of complex medical sociological survey of effectiveness and efficiency of medical care as main criteria of its quality and accessibility. The survey comprised 1,737 patients of various social groups of population of Moscow and 203 physicians of polyclinics. At self-rating of health, 13.2% of respondents determined it as unsatisfactory, 45.1% as satisfactory and 31.3% as good. In all population groups, the most called-for proved to be polyclinic institutions. The high level of satisfaction of patients with quality of emergency medical care was established in all groups. The quality of medical care in polyclinics and hospitals was assessed significantly lower. The most negatively assessed criteria turned out transition to fee-for-service forms of medical support and time limits of waiting for all modes of medical care, except emergency medical care and district therapist. The evaluation by physicians of their own activity and present problems is characterized by their unanimity in need of increasing of salary (100%) and increasing of typical sectoral standards of time of reception of a patient (96.5%), decreasing of intensity of work of medical personal (92.3%) and reduction of some forms of record cards with the purpose of releasing of time and attention of physician for a patient (88.4%). The disrespectful attitude of patients to medical personnel was mentioned by 77.3% of physicians which is a new phenomenon testifying loss of confidence in patient-physician relationship. The quality of implemented work was assessed equally and rather high by both young and experienced physicians. The positive and negative aspects of reorganization of health care were analyzed. Two alternatives of problems were established to focus plans of development of system of Moscow health care to support accessible and qualitative medical care of population.


I. Tadjiev

The state budget institution «The research institute of health care and medical management» of the Moscow health care department

doctor of medical sciences, professor, leading researcher of of the state budget institution «The research institute of health care and medical management» al management» of the Moscow health care department

A. Belostotsky

The state official institution «The directorate on coordination of activities of medical organizations» of the Moscow health care department

115280, Moscow, Russia

S. Budarin

The state budget institution «The research institute of health care and medical management» of the Moscow health care department

al management» of the Moscow health care department


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