The position of therapists concerning issues of interaction with stomatologists under treatment of patients with cardio-vascular diseases




The stomatological and common diseases of organism can burden one another course. There is no stomatological diseases among markers of increased risk of development of cardio-vascular diseases accepted in Russia. The main stomatological diseases (dental caries and diseases of periodontium) are not considered ans socially significant though their prevalence in children and adult population is very high. The pilot study was carried out in the form of questionnaire survey of therapists (internists) of Volgograd, Astrakhan and Moscow. The position of internists (cardiologists and therapists) was analyzed concerning issues of interaction with stomatologists. The study demonstrated that major barriers before interdisciplinary interaction of professionals of different profiles are inadequate awareness of internists about interrelationship of cardio-vascular diseases and stomatological pathology, inadequate activity in case of appointment of patients to stomatologists and control of compliance of patients.


E. Maslak

The Volgograd state medical university

400131 Volgograd, Russia

V. Naumova

The Volgograd state medical university

400131 Volgograd, Russia


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