The occupational therapy as rehabilitation technology for patients after stroke




The article presents theoretical empirical study concerning medical care support of patients after ischemic stroke using means of occupational therapy. The occupational therapy as mode of rehabilitation, is characterized by high degree of effectiveness because of client-centered focus of care. The client-centered technology is intended to satisfy primary needs of patients occurring after old disease. Among aftermaths of this condition is a formation of liable motivation of patient for treatment because priority expectations of resolving of developed problems are established. The means of occupational therapy help to alleviate re-socialization of patient. The study covered 5 female patients after ischemic stroke of light degree without signs of brain edema and disorder of consciousness and with dominance of focal neurological symptomatic. The patients underwent number of social medical diagnostic procedures targeted to detection of psychosomatic alterations in sphere of self-service, productive activity, leisure and law support. The analysis of study date the need of patients in desire to lead independent style of life was established. As a result, special means of occupational therapy were selected to be applied in examined spheres of activities. For example, rubberized handles for settings; soap dishes on sucker; hair combs with long handle; free and light clothes with Velcro fastener, etc. Therefore, the results of study reflect need to apply axillary means increasing effectiveness of rehabilitation activities at the expense of active inclusion of patients into process of recovery.


O. Kardash

The Volgograd state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

400131 Volgograd, Russia


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