The issues of management of public purchases of medical production




The article deals with analysis of research publications concerning the issues of resource support of curative preventive institutions of the basis of public order. The genuine sociologic survey of this issue was also carried out. The specifics of management of purchases in actual social economic conditions are demonstrated.


A. Ostrovskiy

The V.I. Razumovsky Saratov state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. Saratov

I. Novokreschenov

The V.I. Razumovsky Saratov state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. Saratov

I. Novokreschenova

The V.I. Razumovsky Saratov state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

д-р мед. наук, доц., зав. каф. Saratov


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